Hello mate.

That sounds like a frightening situation you've been in.. I'm pleased you have pulled through it. Really glad you are in the mend..

The reveg will be a monster once that takes off. Looking forward to seeing it thrive.. keep us updated mate..
And again
I'm glad you are on the mend.
Take care
Hey Squiggle! It was intense man, I had no idea what was happening at first and then when the fever hit and continued to get worse and worse and wasn't breaking it was off to the hospital. After about the 4th day and tons of IV fluids and medications i started getting better.

I really wish I had the space to set up a 4x4 and just use the current space for vegging, I have so many different strains I want to grow but I can only really manage a couple at a time, that's why I'm just going to focus on the one plant and try and veg her to the max before flipping. I will definitely keep everyone updated on the grows.

Thanks for stopping by and wishing me well mate. Cheers!!
I was cleaning and getting rid of some old grow stuff and happen to dismantle and toss this rootball away. It's a massive one that's forsure. All the soil was dry but man was it heavy lol and trying to break it all up was even more of a pain in the ass! Believe it or not the whole damn thing from top to bottom was pure roots lol

I was cleaning and getting rid of some old grow stuff and happen to dismantle and toss this rootball away. It's a massive one that's forsure. All the soil was dry but man was it heavy lol and trying to break it all up was even more of a pain in the ass! Believe it or not the whole damn thing from top to bottom was pure roots lol

Now that's a big clump you have there mate. It must have been a happy plant
Ditto on Squiggle - that chick was living large!
Hey 013!! I hope you're having a good Friday.
Yeah this is the one I just harvested that had all kinds of issues in the beginning and somehow I was able to keep her alive and get a harvest aswell! I was actually kinda shocked that she had a fairly developed root system, I honestly was expecting it to be more concentrated near the top layers, but she was solid all the way through and other than the fact the roots are all dried out from sitting for a few weeks in dry dirt they really didn't look bad at all.
Now that's a big clump you have there mate. It must have been a happy plant
This is that girl. I was not really happy with the way things went during that grow but im just happy I was able to salvage her and get some pot to smoke.

Here is an update on my stunted PK auto. She has actually started growing a considerable amount over the last few weeks and in a way I'm kind of optimistic about the buds I will get off her. So far there are 5 main buds and they are getting rather large especially the main bud. I have a feeling this one is going to fox tail when she is nearing the end of her life though.

She is only 39 days from seed and 24 days since showing the first pre flowers, hell I might even consider doing a bunch more if I can get them to flower early like this one and quickly develop I am all game for that, yes sir! Here's a bud shot below of the main cola. I also dropped a few more beans which have germinated and are just planted into pots so it should be a busy summer for these guys!


Here is an update on my stunted PK auto. She has actually started growing a considerable amount over the last few weeks and in a way I'm kind of optimistic about the buds I will get off her. So far there are 5 main buds and they are getting rather large especially the main bud. I have a feeling this one is going to fox tail when she is nearing the end of her life though.

She is only 39 days from seed and 24 days since showing the first pre flowers, hell I might even consider doing a bunch more if I can get them to flower early like this one and quickly develop I am all game for that, yes sir! Here's a bud shot below of the main cola. I also dropped a few more beans which have germinated and are just planted into pots so it should be a busy summer for these guys!


Here's a better one. I can just start to see a hint of purple coming in, another 3 weeks or so and she'll be finished.

Here's an update on my 3rd generation reveg of the killer kush plant, and she is starting to throw out all kinds of new retarded vegetation that will eventually become the main branching. I am thinking that I will let her develop as many new branches as possible and then cut back everything that is small and spindly looking aswell as all the dead dried out vegetation and work on training about 8 main branches because this thing will put out tons of small branches everywhere so I will have lots to choose from to train on being the main ones and then from there I will take a clone to become a small to medium mother plant.

The monster cropped blueberry clone is also coming along pretty good. I just upcanned to a bigger pot a few days ago and cut back the main stem to work on the side branching and already I am noticing rapid growth. The vegetation looks retarded and twisted right now because that's just the way she goes when taking clones from a flowering plant and reveging them, but it will eventually start putting out normal looking leaves the more she grows. I am also trying my technique when watering to get a massive root system quickly during this stage. I only water the edges of the pot!! When I veg a plant I usually start in a 500ml container and then move to a half gallon, then to a 3 gallon and then to 6 to finish. During stages when she is in the 500ml and half gallon I only water around the edges of the pots and I do it very carefully with one of those clear plastic condiment bottles I use a certain amount each watering or feeding depending on which size pot they are in and it allows to water more frequently without completing saturating the pots. I found since doing this method during these two stages of veg the roots grow alot quicker thoroughly throughout the pots and overall vegetation being put out is growing much quicker than if I water the pots thoroughly through the entire container and wait for it to dry out again. Doing it this way I am getting double the amount of wet/ dry cycles. Once I uppot to the 3 gallon I then start watering more thoroughly throughout the pot and eventually you end up with a more even and solid rootball all all way through, but the goal is to get those roots to spread out as quickly as possible during rhe first few weeks or so of veg and this seems to be the best way to do it for me of course. I challenge anyone to try this and see for yourself.:hugs:



This pk auto is getting closer and has really amazed me at how big it has grown for being stunted. The majority of bud has grown into one massive bud the size of my forearm almost and keeps putting on weight and swelling. She has started to foxtail alot more which is classic of the purple kush strain.


Wow that’s a chunky gal right there, that looks fantastic!!!
Hey 013 yeah she sure surprised me when I kept remembering what you were saying about the ak purps autos you were growing which only yielded half a bowl and I was sort of expecting something similar because for like 2 weeks she wasn't really growing at all, just a few hairs here and there and then all of a sudden she just started pumping out calyx's everywhere and swelling up like crazy. It's kind funny looking because the side branches are all tucked in making it appear to be one big bud growing in the pot.
There’s nothing wrong with an early Christmas tree!!! So glad you pulled it off, that’s a respectable chick right there!

Nope I’m the king of killing & stunting autos, mine was so pitiful but I was determined to torch it for all the trouble she caused.

yours looks awesome - yep I’d hit that

…. repeatedly!!!
Yes sir! @013 No complaints about the shape haha :laugh: although I do wonder what would have happened if I kept her tied down half horizontal. When I noticed she wasn't doing anything I just said screw it and undid the ties from the stem and let her spring back up and about two weeks later is when she started growing again.

Well I know you have definitely had some bad luck with pests and I really can't wait to see you make a comeback and grow some beautiful plants again! As much as I want to get all technical with my grows and try new things like LOS or try my hand at various hydro or hempy buckets, I am probably going to stick to normal soil growing for now because it requires very minimal input. Did I mention I am growing some other goodies for shits and giggles? I have watermelon growing in the closet under the 245 watt and a bucket of strawberries and some habaneros all of which I germinated from seed. I even took a cutting of the habanero and grafted it to one of my bell peppers and so far it hasn't died off. I really didn't think this through though because I am really limited for space and now I only have half the space I used to use for growing cannabis but I will be moving into a bigger place soon and I am going to purchase a tent solely for growing cannabis in and make another space for all my other plants.



PK Auto Day 58 from soaking to chop.

Well it's time to chop this pk auto and hang her up to dry, only thing is she is one massive bud in 3 sections so I might have to chop her up a bit to dry so she doesn't mold anywhere.

Wow!!!!!!!! That bud is dense and sticky. Congratulations on getting to the finishing line.. she looks awesome :thumb:
Yes, personally I would do the same, break her up a bit..
Have you checked the trichomes on her?. Just it looks like she could still have a bit more life in her. Just it looks like there's still some white hairs growing, so that means the bud is still growing..
What are you planting next anyway?
Wow!!!!!!!! That bud is dense and sticky. Congratulations on getting to the finishing line.. she looks awesome :thumb:
Yes, personally I would do the same, break her up a bit..
Have you checked the trichomes on her?. Just it looks like she could still have a bit more life in her. Just it looks like there's still some white hairs growing, so that means the bud is still growing..
What are you planting next anyway?
Hey Squiggle! Great to see you stopping by mate, yeah she turned out not too bad!

I have been checking trichomes daily for the last week and I'm feeling comfortable enough to chop as I am seeing about 30% amber and mostly milky on the actual buds. They have also started to foxtail quite a bit too but I know what you mean, the hairs are still popping out so maybe I will give it a another day or two before I chop.

I have my two clones that have bushed out quite a bit since my last photo which I will post either today or tomorrow but those are likely going to be the only ones I grow and then I have to stop and take a little break to get ready for my move to the new place.

I'll stop by and check your journal out a little later on also. Cheers!
Hey Squiggle thanks for stopping by mate!! not too much happening, but I finally chopped the purple kush auto and have her hanging to dry.

I made a huge mistake when I added the habanero and strawberry plants to my garden and did not treat them with insecticidal soap before introducing them. I now have a thrip and spidermite problem which is affecting all my plants and so far nothing seems to be working to get it under control.

I am thinking of scrapping everything but I really want to try and keep the two blueberry clones i have right now as healthy as I can and treat them as needed since they are the least affected. This is a huge bummer but I will decide in a few days or so if I should scrap everything and just start fresh from scratch, I will definitely keep you updated on the these gals and also post some pics and a smoke report of the pk auto once it's all dried and ready to jar up.


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