BrixNewb's First Grow & Beyond

Well Shigg, Budzilla did not like all the attention that Chocolope Kush was getting for her nice resin formation. Budzilla decided to put on a show of her own! And Budzilla hasn't seen Cat Drench yet, I may be a tad late.






As a new grower I am excited to see such beautiful plants this soon into growing. I feel like I am really doing well for my situation. The kit really does the trick once you get the rhythm down. I am still learning and getting better every day!
When are you going to Cat her? Soon, I hope.
Well Shigg, Budzilla did not like all the attention that Chocolope Kush was getting for her nice resin formation. Budzilla decided to put on a show of her own! And Budzilla hasn't seen Cat Drench yet, I may be a tad late.






As a new grower I am excited to see such beautiful plants this soon into growing. I feel like I am really doing well for my situation. The kit really does the trick once you get the rhythm down. I am still learning and getting better every day!

yearning to learning! :high-five:
yearning to learning! :high-five:

Absolutely. The kit is pretty simple, right now I am focusing on being more patient and observant with my kit.

Looking fanflippingtastic BN. I don't worry excessively about the fans in flower so far. Its what I am used to from all the years pre Brix. SO I will just learn to fix them over time. A little fade or rust is not sucha bother, but if this early yeah I would think about a rescue or half rescue. And some destress.

And Amen on the cat, its not too late for sure!

Yeah Chocolope Kush actually got a full Rescue Drench the other day, so I don't think she will skip a beat honestly. Can't De-Stress right now because she is getting Brix tonight. I went to Cat Drench Budzilla last night, but she just wasn't thirsty enough yet, hopefully tonight!

There really isnt a too late time to run the CD.. you can even finish a grow on it instead of the recommended GE.. it wont be the same.
You can skip it; not recommended for those that want more of that frosty stink, but you will end up with great produce. :thumb:

Theyre ready, IMO..

I was sitting and staring at them last night, like I do at times, and I think Budzilla is right in the window for Cat Drench. She looks a bit different in pictures versus real life, it's the weirdest thing. But either way they are some frosty bushes even without the Cat Drench! I am VERY surprised at Budzilla and Chocolope Kush and their frost to say the least. My personal opinion is that these two have some great genetics.

As far as deviating from the plan, I have read about it, but I want to hone my skills and get my growing to a proper level before I start experimenting. Maybe once I have a crazy Mason jar collection like you guys I will feel confident enough to experiment.
Decided to do a veg tent update today with pictures. Tonight I will get a bloom tent update with pictures as well. I did a Brix foliar and added Epsom salt, so there is some white residue on some of the plants, it's not PM, no worries.

Blue Dream is the trucking along in her Solo cup.


Jack Herer has super tight nodes, I topped it a while back and the top two nodes are slowly coming in, one is about twice as long as the other.


Blueberry Headband was planted at the exact same time as Jack Herer and they are treated the same, but Blueberry Headband is really taking off! I would say that she is twice as tall as Jack Herer with big fat indica leaves.


The Budzilla clones are still alive and well.

Budzilla Clone #1


Budzilla Clone #2


The Chocolope Kush clones are quite a bit bigger than the Budzilla clones and look like they will be ready for the flower tent within the next week or two. I will attempt to stagger putting them into flower by at least a week, two weeks would be ideal but I am not sure I will make it unless I put one in early.

Chocolope Kush Clone #1


Chocolope Kush Clone #2

Looking great! :thumb:

Thanks Major!

Chocolope Kush is very limey. She has gotten a Rescue Drench, but I think it was a bit too late and trichome production suffered because of it.



Budzilla is looking good, but I think next time she is thirsty I am going to do a thorough inspection to make sure she doesn't need a Rescue as well. Everyone in the bloom tent got a De-Stress today due to a light stress issue.



Alright guys, back with a quick update on the girls.

Chocolope Kush continues to be very yellow with the fans. Last night she got another Rescue Drench to be on the safe side, want to make sure those buds have the soil energy they need to pack it on.

Both Chocolope Kush clones are doing well, they both should be ready for the bloom tent within 2-3 weeks.

Budzilla is really making a great first impression! Just got second Cat Drench last night and I am very happy with her overall health and trichome production. This was a freebie seed and I am really impressed.

The Budzilla clones are both healthy, just got their first Growth Energy Drench last night. They are probably at least a month away from being ready for the bloom tent, but overall are healthy and happy.

Jack Herer is a squat little plant in her one gallon pot. She was topped, interested to see how she comes out. I definitely got the tight node, compact pheno.

Blueberry Headband had to get some LST. Her lower nodes were not spreading out to get light, so I had to tie them down in hopes that she would stay wide. We will see how that works. If that doesn't do it I may supercrop her main stem and hope for the best.

Last but not least is the little Blue Dream girl. She is in a Solo cup still, looking lovely and growing nicely.
Blue Dream got a drink yesterday.


Jack Herer


Blueberry Headband


Budzilla Clone #1


Budzilla Clone #2


Chocolope Kush Clones got transplanted into 5 gallon soft pots today in preparation for flowering. I also took two clones from the larger of the two clone plants.

Chocolope Kush Clone #1


Chocolope Kush Clone #2







Chocolope Kush


I was in the grow room looking into the grow tent and decided to snap a picture. This gives you an idea of my grow inside of the bloom tent, which I think is quite the sight right now. Attempted to color balance it.

Got a little update today. First things first, we put our Chocolope Kush Clone #1 into the bloom tent. I am running a two week schedule with new plants planted and one plant moved to the bloom tent every two weeks. Let's see how that goes.

Next up we have the Chocolope Kush from which I took the clones. I believe that I fed her lighter than she wanted early on in bloom, and thus, we have some heavy fade. For the experienced growers: Do you think this fade will impact my yield significantly? I have given her two Rescue Drenches since her Cat Drench, but I am afraid that it was too late to help that much. On to the pictures:




On to greener pastures we have my favorite girl in bloom right now, Budzilla! She is super frosty and looks even frostier on camera.





I don't think that fade will significantly impact your yield. The flowers still look good. I've had a couple do this and the produce was very good in both yield and potency.

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