Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis

GT thank you so much. Ok so for these ladies since they have been getting synthetic nutes i should put them in soil with roots! And ill give them RO. When i take clones and they root i will water them with tea and trans or should i give tea and trans now? Man you guys are awesome.


The boss is letting me use the bathroom for the veg cycle! Not ideal but its all i have at the moment.


1gal pots x4


Two pots filled wif high brix and dusted with roots! 1tsp each. Will dust the root ball too!


Giving the plants some fresh RO for a little. Will transplant soon just want to be sure. Plain water or tea and trans?
Hey all. I have a plant in Docs hibrix. Newly acquired. Can anyone recommend when is should transplant and when I should top the plant and take cuttings. She's awfully big for her pot so my inclination was to transplant. Let recover a couple days. Top and clone. Recover then flip this lady. I only have coco for her to go in. Will the pro mix and coco do okay together?

Thanks in advance

I wouldn't add anything extra to the first water. You'll be switching from water roots to soil roots, so they'll be a bit more sensitive than usual. The soil itself will have all the rocks that the biota need, and the roots will exude sugars for the biota ... they'll find each other and hook up by the next time they need water. Then they'll get some Transplant and Tea from you.

Trust the beasties - they know what they're doing. :cheesygrinsmiley:

^^^ What he said ! ^^^

From Doc's instructions for upcanning clones:

Pretty much the same as seeds, but use enough ROOTS! to completely dust the clone's roots and put a small amount at the bottom of the hole. Water with 1 pint of 1/4 strength Transplant drench.

So, dust the hole with Roots! (I kinda take pinches and "toss" it against the sides of the hole to coat the sides, maybe a total of a teaspoon or two?), seat the clone, and water it in with 1/4 strength Transplant (1.5 ml per gallon of water). Doc doesn't say so, but I'd also mix in some Tea (0.3 ml per gallon of water for this purpose). At this stage a soak/dunk isn't necessary - just top water the already moist soil until runoff. Wet pots make me nervous, and these water roots will take a few days to adapt - may not uptake water fast enough to start with. You'll know within a few days.


I don't use any ROOTS! or transplant from clones rooted in water unless the roots are at least 4-6 inches long and lots of them - then a pinch is good.
Later on, when you transplant from to something larger than 1 gallon, then you dust generously with ROOTS!

If the soil is moist, I only do a 1/2 cup or so of water around the stem of the plant to push the soil up against the roots.

The general plan for feeding seems to be water - Xplant - water - GE - water - Xplant - water - GE - water ... until the buds 'set.'

I think of the xplant and GE feedings as a reward for growing, not an encouragement - so they don't get any for the first few weeks :)

I wait to start the BRIX foliar spray until after they are getting their full strength feedings.
^^^ What he said ! ^^^

I don't use any ROOTS! or transplant from clones rooted in water unless the roots are at least 4-6 inches long and lots of them - then a pinch is good.
Later on, when you transplant from to something larger than 1 gallon, then you dust generously with ROOTS!

If the soil is moist, I only do a 1/2 cup or so of water around the stem of the plant to push the soil up against the roots.

The general plan for feeding seems to be water - Xplant - water - GE - water - Xplant - water - GE - water ... until the buds 'set.'

I think of the xplant and GE feedings as a reward for growing, not an encouragement - so they don't get any for the first few weeks :)

I wait to start the BRIX foliar spray until after they are getting their full strength feedings.

Big help! Thank you! Ok perfect i will go on with water only. Man im so excited for my hb grow!

That schedual you provided is awesome thanks! Do you give tea with every GE and Trans?
Big help! Thank you! Ok perfect i will go on with water only. Man im so excited for my hb grow!

That schedual you provided is awesome thanks! Do you give tea with every GE and Trans?

I give tea with every dose. so water+tea - GE+tea - water+tea - xplant+tea ...

I water one plant at a time. As needed during veg, on a schedule during flower.

for 1 gallon, I soak in a small bucket. Amount per plant = 0.2ml tea, 2ml GE, 0.5ml XP(1/4 transplant)

for 7 gallon, I top water. Amount per plant = 0.5ml tea, 5-7ml GE, 5-7ml XP

Graytail and DrZiggy are great growers. I'm a by the numbers grower. They grow circles around me, so whatever they say and Doc Bud says overrides what I say :)
The only thing I'd change, Rado, is the Tea with water.

The instructions say Tea with drenches, not water. I'm not saying it doesn't work your way, but we've been confusing newbies lately with all our variations. Instructions first, variations later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

A lot of us add 1/4 Trans (XP) to water, but not Tea.

So it's XP/Tea - water - GE/Tea - water - XP/Tea - water - GE/Tea - water .... with maybe a 1/4 dose of XP in the waters.
The only thing I'd change, Rado, is the Tea with water.

The instructions say Tea with drenches, not water. I'm not saying it doesn't work your way, but we've been confusing newbies lately with all our variations. Instructions first, variations later. :cheesygrinsmiley:

A lot of us add 1/4 Trans (XP) to water, but not Tea.

So it's XP/Tea - water - GE/Tea - water - XP/Tea - water - GE/Tea - water .... with maybe a 1/4 dose of XP in the waters.

I'm really hoping Doc comes up with a copy of instructions that can be read only one way. It's tough on me. I have read the instructions one way, been corrected, read another, been corrected so many times. I know it's as much a frustration for him as I- but honestly since the first meaning I ever read of "drench" was "drench with water" and that's the most common meaning of the word - so common that to drench with anything else requires a qualifier - his use of words is frustrating.

I'll check back in the spring when I cook more soil to see how the instructions have been tweaked.
I've put a lot of thought into this, too. :hmmmm:

I kinda grew up with the entire method, following Doc from my first efforts with OC+, the first mineralized soils, etc, so it's easy and intuitive for me. I mean, it's really SO easy.

But I'm a linear-thought guy, so I also get how infuriating these instructions can be. I've never done hydro, but as I read what others say, I understand how reassuring it is to be able to measure and dose, and immediately see the difference, to feel the control. On the other hand, I'm a natural aesthetic who loves dynamic processes. I love to tend plants and care for pets. :cheesygrinsmiley: And what I love about them is that they're alive and spontaneous. One must "guide" their lives - reward good choices and discourage bad ones. So, while directions work really well for machining and accounting, if you try to apply those same principles to living things, you end up hobbling them. You can only get mediocre to good results - not much deviation from the mean.

So ... plants are alive and do unpredictable things. "Instructions" are therefore difficult. Granted, phrases like "Tea is served with all drenches" can be a mistake, when we also refer to deep watering as a drench. :hmmmm: I've thought of various ways to rewrite the instructions, including a format change - some tables would be nice for instance, and fewer narrative words - but in the end I think Doc is correct when he says that it's hard to account for all the ways that people will interpret them.

In the end, it's about a living thing, an organic dynamic process, and instructions are a distraction from the important task of watching the living thing grow and react. If I hand you a few saws, a plane, a sander, and all the tools you need to make a chair ... can I write instructions that you can't screw up? What will those first few chairs look like? :cheesygrinsmiley: In the end, it's about knowing how wood reacts when you shape it, which tools to use, what order to do things, etc. That often changes from piece to piece.

If you read Doc's earliest journals, particularly the experiments with OC+ and calcium rich soils, you'll see that he was enamored with the idea of a very simple growing method that was inexpensive and hard to screw up. Excellence for the masses. I'll grant that Hibrix isn't close to being as easy as OC+, but if you mix up the soil, let it cook, and then alternate drenches and use the given schedule for foliars, you'll grow some top shelf weeds. :slide: Then if you "get" the whole caring-for-a-living-thing thing, the details and schedules fall into line. There really aren't any details because the plant isn't in on the agreement - it's going to just do its thing, wander off, stop listening, etc.

Hmmm, that was Tikal and Rio ... interesting combination I guess. :hmmmm: I rambled a tad there, din' I? ... hope it makes sense when I come back and read it later. :bongrip:

Ah, I think Ima remember my point. Your plants look no different from having been fed Tea with every watering, Rado. Por qua? What are the damned "instructions" then? The answer is that it doesn't matter that much. Try training a dog from a set of written instructions. :laugh:

A Saturday afternoon nap sounds appealing now ...


[Edit] Rereading, I'm reminded of the mad Ziggster. Did you see all the wild stuff he did that first year? Totally off the reservation! :laugh:
Thanks guys for all your help. It would be nice if the kit came with a printed out sheet of paper with a schedual for drenches and foilers, rates and clear instructions. Also tips like not using fabric pots etc. I had to dig around some big threads for that info and id rather not. You guys are a big help! Even with all the reading available on this site seems to still be a lot of confusion. Im sure together we will figure it out in Darkscotia Apprentices Doc Bud Amnesia Lemon/Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K ive learned a lot in gazoos thread and this one is off to a great start.

Enjoy that nappetizer graytail!

Dusted roots with some roots! And watered. Get the bathroom setup for a few weeks of veg and cloning. Will let them get a node or two bigger then take cuttings.

Hey Rich! ..

I've been lurking here a bit. Figured I'd better 'fess up and say hi .

Nice journal - need to catch up a bit tho'.

I'm still reading through some of those old journals that Graytail mentions above. Have been working through them for a few months now. You're right that it can take what seems like an unreasonable amount of digging through mammoth threads to find stuff. I tend to treat it like reading a book/novel. I try to read one at a time with notepad handy for informational 'nuggets'. It takes a long time, but I have time so it works ok for me so far - plus I don't have a kit grow going that needs timely engagement ., so I'm doing it with no real pressure at this point.

One quote I've really liked from Doc was his analogy with playing music. He likened the kit to a well tuned instrument that would be played differently by each player, even under the same instructions. Sometimes that kind of language ambiguity (ie drench or drench) happens in written music too (maybe it'd be as simple as 'augmented drench' and 'plain water drench'). And I think it's true what Graytail mentions - that Doc can never account for each possible interpretation - indeed he could go mad trying ..

Anyway - that was going to be a quick hello! I'm prone to being a chatterbox...

Thanks guys for all your help. It would be nice if the kit came with a printed out sheet of paper with a schedual for drenches and foilers, rates and clear instructions. Also tips like not using fabric pots etc. I had to dig around some big threads for that info and id rather not. You guys are a big help! Even with all the reading available on this site seems to still be a lot of confusion. Im sure together we will figure it out in Darkscotia Apprentices Doc Bud Amnesia Lemon/Passion#1 Perfect Sun COB/8COB Citizen K ive learned a lot in gazoos thread and this one is off to a great start.

Enjoy that nappetizer graytail!

Dusted roots with some roots! And watered. Get the bathroom setup for a few weeks of veg and cloning. Will let them get a node or two bigger then take cuttings.


Rich, I can't wait to see how those tuts do now that you have them in kit soil!!!
Hey Rich! ..

I’ve been lurking here a bit. Figured I’d better ‘fess up and say hi .

Nice journal - need to catch up a bit tho’.

I’m still reading through some of those old journals that Graytail mentions above. Have been working through them for a few months now. You’re right that it can take what seems like an unreasonable amount of digging through mammoth threads to find stuff. I tend to treat it like reading a book/novel. I try to read one at a time with notepad handy for informational ‘nuggets’. It takes a long time, but I have time so it works ok for me so far - plus I don’t have a kit grow going that needs timely engagement ., so I’m doing it with no real pressure at this point.

One quote I’ve really liked from Doc was his analogy with playing music. He likened the kit to a well tuned instrument that would be played differently by each player, even under the same instructions. Sometimes that kind of language ambiguity (ie drench or drench) happens in written music too (maybe it’d be as simple as ‘augmented drench’ and ‘plain water drench’). And I think it’s true what Graytail mentions - that Doc can never account for each possible interpretation - indeed he could go mad trying ..

Anyway - that was going to be a quick hello! I’m prone to being a chatterbox...


Welcome in Amy! Thanks for joining. This page is where the fun starts. I personally wouldnt waste my time reading anything before page 17. Hope you enjoy the grow.

Rich, I can't wait to see how those tuts do now that you have them in kit soil!!!

Thanks cali! I have to get my temp veg area set up. Probably by tomorrow. Once they put on another node or two ill cut for ones. The tent should open up in 2-3weeks at most. Cant wait for my first all sativa grow. My wife has been asking for a while and i cant wait to try some proper home grown sativa.

:thumb: nice turn around:goodjob::Namaste:

Thanks Dynamo! Hoping they transition fast so i can take a cut soon. I could probably now but waiting for at least one more node to come up
Do you see any transplant shock, Rich? From what I can see they look good ...
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