Brix! The Quest For Grade AAA Organic Cannabis

Hey thanks cali! Ill keep an eye out to see if it gets worse. Today they look happy aside from the one i smashed into a hot light. I cut off the all damage, i will take cutting once they get a couple nodes bigger.


Hi Rich Farmer - just subbed yesterday, caught up reading today.
I'll post an invite to over here on another link so the HiBrix people find you.

I'm glad you brought those girls back from the edge of disaster.

For growing in living soil, don't put seedlings in such little pots. 1 gallon minimum.

I've had that yellowing in little pots (which pretty much begs for too much watering) and in high PH water (shouldn't be an issue with RO in doc bud soil but probably was an issue with the seedling soil you were using.

When they come out of your cloner bucket, I suggest you go into 1 gallon plastic pots and transplant to 7 gallon pots in a couple of weeks. I did 1 gallon to 7 gallon with both Clackamus coot organic soil and Doc Bud HiBrix soil. I always got great roots in the 1 gallon plastic pots and so-so roots in the 7 and 10 gallon fabric pots. Just in the last month Doc bud has started complaining about fabric pots - he has always used plastic. If you haven't purchased them yet, consider 7 gallon to 10 gallon plastic pots.

Oh and hello, I came here because someone mentioned you were flowering with a small amount of watts in fancy boards. I'll wait around to see how the flowering goes.
Hi Rich Farmer - just subbed yesterday, caught up reading today.
I'll post an invite to over here on another link so the HiBrix people find you.

I'm glad you brought those girls back from the edge of disaster.

For growing in living soil, don't put seedlings in such little pots. 1 gallon minimum.

I've had that yellowing in little pots (which pretty much begs for too much watering) and in high PH water (shouldn't be an issue with RO in doc bud soil but probably was an issue with the seedling soil you were using.

When they come out of your cloner bucket, I suggest you go into 1 gallon plastic pots and transplant to 7 gallon pots in a couple of weeks. I did 1 gallon to 7 gallon with both Clackamus coot organic soil and Doc Bud HiBrix soil. I always got great roots in the 1 gallon plastic pots and so-so roots in the 7 and 10 gallon fabric pots. Just in the last month Doc bud has started complaining about fabric pots - he has always used plastic. If you haven't purchased them yet, consider 7 gallon to 10 gallon plastic pots.

Oh and hello, I came here because someone mentioned you were flowering with a small amount of watts in fancy boards. I'll wait around to see how the flowering goes.

Hey Rodogast! Welcome aboard! I appreciate you spreading the word. I am about to transplant! Very excited. Lol! Im happy they made a come back too, I promised my wife some get up and go sativa. Happy wife, happy life.

Docs kit still has some time to cook (30 days tomorrow but its been chilly) but the soil I put together didnt work out so well for these ladies. They are hungry hungry hippos! Im going to pick up some plastic 1gal pots next week. Ill probably end up in 7gal this run but 10gal sounds like a whole lotta fun.

These ladies will end up in a 4x4 tent with 12 cobs 700wattt total... I wish I went with boards! I think boards are the way to go for sure! Buck has some boards and high brix.

Doc!! Thanks for joining my first brix grow! Hope gazoo opens his thread again! So much great info there. Happy to have the captain and his first mates here with me! Ready to learn! I cant wait to try my first high brix bud

Hey! Ziggy! Welcome in bud.


Im going to take clones soon! Just waiting for the soil to finish cooking! Not sure how to tell when its done but its beenabout 30 days low to mid 70s°f. The soil was a little dry at the edges today when I checked so i added 1-2 gal of water and mixed well the lid did have condensation when i opened the totes

Welcome in Graytail! :passitleft: you guys have perfect timing! The brix show is about to start.

That's what I noticed - read the first few pages and skipped to here and bingo! - show time. :slide:

Don't be worried about the soil, it's ready when you are.
That's what I noticed - read the first few pages and skipped to here and bingo! - show time. :slide:

Don't be worried about the soil, it's ready when you are.

Hahaha that worked out, I definitely recomend people skip ahead. Thats great news! The soil is ready tomorrow then! I will go the shop for some 1gal pots. Im going to transplant these ladies from aeroponics to highbrix.

Should I hold off on taking cuttings? Not sure if that will affect the transplant and should I keep them in RO only because as of right now they are at about 300ppm maxibloom.

Looking forward to seeing these in action!! :)

Hey gehg! Welcome in! :high-five:
700W of COBn a 4x4 sounds like a good amount of light :)

Taking a cutting of half the plants might be a bit harsh. Better to wait a little.

Once those girls are in a gallon of Hi-Brix soil - one good bottom soak of water+0.2ml tea per plant should keep them happy for 2-4 weeks. Whatever is in maxibloom, you don't need it, and it might very well upset the balance in the soil. Happy soil=Happy plant.
No reason you can't take cuts after a transplant ... :hmmmm:

After reading the middle pages of the journal, ahem, you 'bout killed those poor things. :cheesygrinsmiley: But I remember you saying you aren't real used to soil. EWC for seedlings? Nu uh. No. The best medium is straight bland unimproved ProMix. Nice and nothing. They don't need nutes at that stage. FFOF is even hard on 'em. Next time, use cooked soil to start them, but honestly, straight ProMix is often the best. After a few weeks, a seedling might take some weak Transplant, but you'll have to get over the ppm and feeding mentality. That won't work with the Kit. Gotta trust the beasties in the soil - leap of faith stuff. If the beasties are happy, "all will be well in the garden". :cheesygrinsmiley:

Don't forget to sprinkle some Roots! in the hole when you transplant, but otherwise leave them alone - just water until the roots link up with the biota.

700W of COBn a 4x4 sounds like a good amount of light :)

Taking a cutting of half the plants might be a bit harsh. Better to wait a little.

Once those girls are in a gallon of Hi-Brix soil - one good bottom soak of water+0.2ml tea per plant should keep them happy for 2-4 weeks. Whatever is in maxibloom, you don't need it, and it might very well upset the balance in the soil. Happy soil=Happy plant.

Thanks radogast, ill wait on taking cuttings. I will do .2ml tea when I transplant but should I do some transplant with the tea?

The plants are getting synthetic nutes now, do you think there will be an issue transitioning to organic? Should I starve the plant before I transplant?
No reason you can't take cuts after a transplant ... :hmmmm:

After reading the middle pages of the journal, ahem, you 'bout killed those poor things. :cheesygrinsmiley: But I remember you saying you aren't real used to soil. EWC for seedlings? Nu uh. No. The best medium is straight bland unimproved ProMix. Nice and nothing. They don't need nutes at that stage. FFOF is even hard on 'em. Next time, use cooked soil to start them, but honestly, straight ProMix is often the best. After a few weeks, a seedling might take some weak Transplant, but you'll have to get over the ppm and feeding mentality. That won't work with the Kit. Gotta trust the beasties in the soil - leap of faith stuff. If the beasties are happy, "all will be well in the garden". :cheesygrinsmiley:

Don't forget to sprinkle some Roots! in the hole when you transplant, but otherwise leave them alone - just water until the roots link up with the biota.


Thats great news GT. If I take cuts at transplant the clones will only be about 10 days behind. Hahaha yes these ladies had to go to the ICU for a little but they made a come back. I wasnt sure if they would both make it. After they came back around I smashed one into a hot light... its been a rough couple grows to say the least. Ill do straight promix next time to start seeds thanks.

Ok so just want to make sure. When I transplant these two plants to soil ill put in roots and then I water with plain RO? No trans, no tea? Thanks for the help guys!
Thats great news GT. If I take cuts at transplant the clones will only be about 10 days behind. Hahaha yes these ladies had to go to the ICU for a little but they made a come back. I wasnt sure if they would both make it. After they came back around I smashed one into a hot light... its been a rough couple grows to say the least. Ill do straight promix next time to start seeds thanks.

Ok so just want to make sure. When I transplant these two plants to soil ill put in roots and then I water with plain RO? No trans, no tea? Thanks for the help guys!

Like Doc said - it's best to stick to the instructions. :cheesygrinsmiley: I honestly don't remember what the current instructions say about it, but I wouldn't add anything extra to the first water. You'll be switching from water roots to soil roots, so they'll be a bit more sensitive than usual. The soil itself will have all the rocks that the biota need, and the roots will exude sugars for the biota ... they'll find each other and hook up by the next time they need water. Then they'll get some Transplant and Tea from you.

Trust the beasties - they know what they're doing. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll be lurking and watching. Keep it simple and remember to alternate drenches throughout the entire grow.

Please feel free to post victories or ask questions over on my journal if I don't chime in here quickly.

Doc appreciate all the help. I guess i have some confusion with the folier and drench schedual. Is there a link to your videos. I tried looking but couldn't find any brix videos. Ive read and read but dont think i saw much on the schedual or i dont understand properly.

I sent you a pm but id be very willing to close this thread and start a new brix help journal. I will be transplanting today and am having trouble wrapping my head around the drenches and foliers. Thank you for such awesome customer service. Just your presence in the community makes me stress free switching to soil.

Ps I kill everything in soil... lol

Like Doc said - it's best to stick to the instructions. :cheesygrinsmiley: I honestly don't remember what the current instructions say about it, but I wouldn't add anything extra to the first water. You'll be switching from water roots to soil roots, so they'll be a bit more sensitive than usual. The soil itself will have all the rocks that the biota need, and the roots will exude sugars for the biota ... they'll find each other and hook up by the next time they need water. Then they'll get some Transplant and Tea from you.

Trust the beasties - they know what they're doing. :cheesygrinsmiley:


GT man you are a great help thank you so much! I only ask on trans because the bottle says to use when transplanting but im asuming now that means when going from 1gal to 7?

Ok! Perfect so i will transplant into soil from the aero bucket and dunk the pots in fresh ro. Ill wait for wilting then give them tea +trans? Then the next watering will be GE? Im lost with the foilers.

You guys rock! Thanks for the help
From Doc's instructions for upcanning clones:

Pretty much the same as seeds, but use enough ROOTS! to completely dust the clone's roots and put a small amount at the bottom of the hole. Water with 1 pint of 1/4 strength Transplant drench.

So, dust the hole with Roots! (I kinda take pinches and "toss" it against the sides of the hole to coat the sides, maybe a total of a teaspoon or two?), seat the clone, and water it in with 1/4 strength Transplant (1.5 ml per gallon of water). Doc doesn't say so, but I'd also mix in some Tea (0.3 ml per gallon of water for this purpose). At this stage a soak/dunk isn't necessary - just top water the already moist soil until runoff. Wet pots make me nervous, and these water roots will take a few days to adapt - may not uptake water fast enough to start with. You'll know within a few days.

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