Brix, Buds & Blades: Knifemaker420's Auto Perpetual Garden

I learned on @Dutchman1990's last journal that with autos we want to top between day 14 a d day 21. The only one of my plants that looks like it will be ready to top before day 21 is the Gelato (Elayne).
I'm very tempted to try the quadline training method with Elayne but might just top her and do some lst to see how she does. I have already been gently spreading open the newer growth to open up the centre of them to the light.

Yessir! It’s been found that topping after 21 days is risky with getting closer to flowering. You won’t have the recovery time to get that big auto your looking for most of the time! The sooner the better!

Looking good Knife!
Gotcha. I think then what I’ll do is top one of the plants and LST all of them to see what ends up happening with the strain I’m growing.

I suppose that’s the nice thing about growing yer own; you have little to lose if one of yer plants cacks it, so there’s room for experimentation.
Gotcha. I think then what I’ll do is top one of the plants and LST all of them to see what ends up happening with the strain I’m growing.

I suppose that’s the nice thing about growing yer own; you have little to lose if one of yer plants cacks it, so there’s room for experimentation.
That is currently my plan. I'm going to top and maybe quadline train the Gelato, and just lst the Northern lights and Zkittles.
@Dutchman1990 Or any other members of the #Quadsquad, question for you (I will also post this in the Quadline thread)
I know I've been told I should let this grow happen au natural and not get training happy but this Gelato plant is just begging to be quadlined. I can hear it asking when I check on it. Lol ;-)
I'm currently at day 18 from sprout and Just pushing out the 5th node. Would I be best to take the bottom 2 nodes now and wait till the 20th or 21st day to top?
Damn that Gelato is a real lowrider :rofl::lot-o-toke:
Just did a little more seed swapping tonight. The last 9 of the Zkittles that I wanted to part with.
Think I made out pretty good :)
Traded 4 Zkittles seeds for 3 strains of special autos.
3 seeds of a strain called 4got10

3 called T6 special

And 4 of a strain called M.O.B

The other 5 Zkittles are being traded for 5 white widow feminized seeds.
Nice trades Knife, building your seed bank nicely :morenutes:
Update day 19
Hi guys got a couple things going on this morning some good some maybe not so good....

Gelato (Elayne) took her node removal like a champ. Like she didnt even notice

She looks downright happy.

Northern lights (Min) is plugging along. Still a bit pale but putting on new growth and leaves raised up praying to the Sp250.

I started with some LST on her this morning.

My problem child Zkittles (Aviendha) is showing some discoloration on the new growth. It is coming in very yellow, not the noce bright green it was pushing out at the begining.


My 4th seed that I dropped Wednesday night had split its shell by last night and got put into damp paper towel. I'm going to try starting it in a smaller container and up potting one time after establoshing a root ball to see if it makes any difference.

Thanks for looking
Have a knife day
Is it good to start LST that early? Sorry for my stupid question,. :morenutes:
I hope not, I'm being very gentle with it and it seems to be taking the lst well, turning her head back up towards the light every time I re position the tie.
Maybe someone with some experiance will chime in...
Update day 20
spent the weekend out at the inlaw's farm. Its nice to get out of the city and relax in the country now and then.

Got home to 2 positives and one negative

Gonna start with the negative, my problem child Zkittles is looking very sick. Rust spots on her oldest growth and her newest growth has holes in it. Neither of my other plants look like they have any issues at all but zkittles looks like might be on deaths door.

Northern lights (Min)
Is getting LST, I think its going well. Training her towards the edge of the pot and keeping her crown level with the top of Gelato.

Gelato (Elayne) is a rock star. Took the node removal and topping like it was nothing. After a 2 day break from the stress of the removals I have begun gently training down the 3rd node.

What is everyone's opinion is Zkittles going to stand a chance or should I cut bait and repalce her with the 4th seed that I just planted in a 1L pot to experiment with up potting an auto?
@Pennywise @InTheShed @Dutchman1990
Any help/advice for this sick baby?
@Dutchman1990 Or any other members of the #Quadsquad, question for you (I will also post this in the Quadline thread)
I know I've been told I should let this grow happen au natural and not get training happy but this Gelato plant is just begging to be quadlined. I can hear it asking when I check on it. Lol ;-)
I'm currently at day 18 from sprout and Just pushing out the 5th node. Would I be best to take the bottom 2 nodes now and wait till the 20th or 21st day to top?
I had actually just mentioned this yesterday in my journal and the quadsquad thread. If you plant is healthy and strong you can top and strip nodes all at once. I did it yesterday with all 15 of my girls and they all took it like champs! Strong and perky this morning.
If your plants are weaker or sickly I wouldn’t try it until they are strong and even then I would do minimal stress removal until your sure it’s growing strong.

Decided to quit being afraid and just got it started.
Bottom 2 nodes removed.


Gonna give her a couple days before I go ahead and top her
Nice start! She should begin growing out those upper shoots quicker now!

Is it good to start LST that early? Sorry for my stupid question,. :morenutes:
Hey Sara! You can begin using LST once your plant is big enough to bend over! I usually start massaging my stems and bending at a young age (around node 3) to encourage a strong base stalk and hardier stems!

Update day 20
spent the weekend out at the inlaw's farm. Its nice to get out of the city and relax in the country now and then.

Got home to 2 positives and one negative

Gonna start with the negative, my problem child Zkittles is looking very sick. Rust spots on her oldest growth and her newest growth has holes in it. Neither of my other plants look like they have any issues at all but zkittles looks like might be on deaths door.

Northern lights (Min)
Is getting LST, I think its going well. Training her towards the edge of the pot and keeping her crown level with the top of Gelato.

Gelato (Elayne) is a rock star. Took the node removal and topping like it was nothing. After a 2 day break from the stress of the removals I have begun gently training down the 3rd node.

What is everyone's opinion is Zkittles going to stand a chance or should I cut bait and repalce her with the 4th seed that I just planted in a 1L pot to experiment with up potting an auto?
@Pennywise @InTheShed @Dutchman1990
Any help/advice for this sick baby?
Well gelato and nL are looking good but that zkittles oh poor thing!

The lighter colouring of the upper leaves is looking like a deficiency of sorts. Possibly Mag? The little brown spots on the lower growth is a calmag deficiency which could be caused by a root issue or some other factors.

What have you been feeding them and how often have you been watering?
Are you allowing a good dry cycle between each watering to allow roots the needed oxygen?

I’m sure Shed or Penny can dial it in more accurately! We will get it sorted !
I had actually just mentioned this yesterday in my journal and the quadsquad thread. If you plant is healthy and strong you can top and strip nodes all at once. I did it yesterday with all 15 of my girls and they all took it like champs! Strong and perky this morning.
If your plants are weaker or sickly I wouldn’t try it until they are strong and even then I would do minimal stress removal until your sure it’s growing strong.

Nice start! She should begin growing out those upper shoots quicker now!

Hey Sara! You can begin using LST once your plant is big enough to bend over! I usually start massaging my stems and bending at a young age (around node 3) to encourage a strong base stalk and hardier stems!

Well gelato and nL are looking good but that zkittles oh poor thing!

The lighter colouring of the upper leaves is looking like a deficiency of sorts. Possibly Mag? The little brown spots on the lower growth is a calmag deficiency which could be caused by a root issue or some other factors.

What have you been feeding them and how often have you been watering?
Are you allowing a good dry cycle between each watering to allow roots the needed oxygen?

I’m sure Shed or Penny can dial it in more accurately! We will get it sorted !

Since I started them in the 5gal pots it takes some time for them to dry right out. Ive only had to water them 2 times so far in the 21 days they've been above ground. First time they got a half dose of cal mag, half dose of voodoo juice
The second watering was just last week and itnwas their first feed, they got a full dose of calmag, full dose of voodoo juice a full dose of B52 and a quarter dose of advanced nutrients ph perfect MGB.
Didn't get a picture this morning but the yellowing of zkittles leaves has gone alot more green and while they are still curled under, they were praying to the the light.
Hoping for more improvements when I get home from work....
Hey Knifemaker! :ganjamon: Nice job on the early training it'll pay off for sure. They Gelato is looking great. :yummy:
I'm having troubles figuring out whats happening with Zkittles. If her soil has been very retentive and you've only watered her twice in the last 21 days, maybe something is wrong down there and her roots are not happy. To me it just feels a little early for her to be experiencing deficiencies to make it looks so bad so quick. I would consider a repotting if you can not figure out whats up. :passitleft:
Hey Knifemaker! :ganjamon: Nice job on the early training it'll pay off for sure. They Gelato is looking great. :yummy:
I'm having troubles figuring out whats happening with Zkittles. If her soil has been very retentive and you've only watered her twice in the last 21 days, maybe something is wrong down there and her roots are not happy. To me it just feels a little early for her to be experiencing deficiencies to make it looks so bad so quick. I would consider a repotting if you can not figure out whats up. :passitleft:
Thanks @irie lion
Hopefully the two happy ones will make up for the sad one. All 3 have recieved the exact same treatment except the Zkittles came out of the ground when it sprouted oit of the soil. I think it was just too much stress way too early. Its been stunted and slow since day one and keeps getting worse. If it lives it lives if not I don't forsee much yeild off it but I could be wrong.
Have a knife day bro.
Just check how she goes before you throw her out bro. :ganjamon:
Check how my current girls pulled through their young problems and look at them now... When they are so young and they go through troubles you can correct them without it impacting your yield I believe.
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