Brix, Buds & Blades: Knifemaker420's Auto Perpetual Garden

Just check how she goes before you throw her out bro. :ganjamon:
Check how my current girls pulled through their young problems and look at them now... When they are so young and they go through troubles you can correct them without it impacting your yield I believe.
Remember I'm growing Autoflowers, that and the fact they are 21 days old today puts me about a week or so away from them starting to show sex/flower. I think this Zkittles is done for
Hey Sara! You can begin using LST once your plant is big enough to bend over! I usually start massaging my stems and bending at a young age (around node 3) to encourage a strong base stalk and hardier stems!
Good to know that, thank you! :ganjamon:
Morning everyone, checked in on my garden before leaving for work this morning, as I do, and man oh man maybe it's my imagination but Gelato and Northern Lights really put on some new growth overnight. I had to readjust my tie down on NL and I had to move the garden staples on my quadline attempt. I was also able to get staples onto the little branches of node 4.


Also on a bit of a positive note for Zkittles, it also might be my imagination but the yellowing seems to be going away? Still clawing pretty good and deffinately not happy yet but trying to pray toward the light. Also seems to have put on some new growth as well.

All 3 pots are feeling pretty light so I'll be watering this evening at lights on.
I've been getting conflicting opinions about what I should be giving these littles in their water. Mainly calmag, some guys are saying give them full dose of calmag every watering. Others are saying to only give calmag when they show signs that they are needing it.
Zkittles defintely looking better! :cheer:
Zkittles defintely looking better! :cheer:
Funny because I didnt do anything. Just left it to do its own thing and seems to be making a comeback.... hopefully it will continue its uptrend with tonight's watering/feed
Max temps during the day is 26-27c humidity between 50-60%
My light is hanging 30" above the canopy

The leaves ar not only tacoing but clawing too. Along with rust spots and holes in the leaves. (Went over all 3 plants with my macro lens to check for bugs but found none...
Hey buddy the funky one looks like a pH issue to me.
As a general rule, leaves curl up is environmental stress. Heat, light or Rh.
Leaves droop down is a problem at the root zone. Usually a lack of oxygen.
Leaves go funky and twisty is a pH issue.
Not sure how soil works in order to fix it but I'd definately say pH.
I'm not sure but I think my poor Zkittles plant is developing a calcium def. Noticed some rust coloured speckles on one of her leaves. I'll watch it for now and possibly raise the calmag amount in the next watering?
Is to calcium
Or phosphorus they can look similar me and itibitiguy went through this . Phosphorus looks like cal mag but more in patches then spots really hard to tell the two sometimes .
Zkittles #2 just barely peaking out at the big wide world.
Trying for a small redemption with this one lol
Also had this before, and the seeds finally died. :( Wondering what is the problem
Update day 23
Cruising right now! All 3 got watered last night right at lights on. In 3 Gallons of RO water I did a full 12ml dose of calmag, a 10ml half dose each of MGB and a 12ml half dose each of voodoo juice and B52. Each plant got watered 2 cups at a time with about a 15 min break when the jug was half empty. Got quite a bit more runoff on Zkittles than on either Gelato or NL even tho they all got the same amount put in. They had all just started dripping out the bottom as I finished pouring in the last of the water. Got about a cup each off Gelato and NL but Zkittles at least double that.
Zkittles is deffinately looking better. Not nearly as yellow although the leaves are still clawing

Northern Lights seems to be doing great with only LST. Added a second tiedown and tightened the first one.

Gelato, my auto quad is still the main attraction in my tent. The main stem on her is about 1/4" wide and the branches at node one are really packing on the girth now too. Needed to add another pair of garden staples to hold them down.

And lastly Zkittles#2 made its way into the world this afternoon with a bit of assistance to get its helmet and sack off but its up and Ill be calling today its day 1.
Update day 25
Good morning everyone, hope everyone had a great week and getting ready for the weekend.

My little garden is making daily gains and the growth is noticeable between evening and morning checks.

Lowered the sp250 from 30" above down to 24" above last night at lights on and this morning all 3 still looking very happy.

Gelato, just keeps doing it's thing. Getting bigger and loving the quadline training she's getting.

Northern Lights, getting LST is also doing great. Almost have her be t all the way to the side of the pot and then I'll start it around the edge. We'll see how far it gets before starting to flower.

My sickly child Zkittles seems to have bounced back. All that ugly yellow colouring has gone back to green and its deffinately getting taller. Infact it is now as tall standing straight, as the other two with their respective training methods.
Still clawing a bit but even that seems to be getting better.

Lastly Zkittles #2
No real change since its last update. Hasn't even stood all the way up yet. Hopefully not a bad sign already....

Well thats it for now, have a great weekend
Hope your Zkittles recovers for you.
It's already looking much better. Leaves not so blotchy, the yellow is all gone, the canoeing is gone snd the clawing is straightening out too. Deffinately seems to be on the mend.
Thanks :)
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