Brand Spankin New ViparSpectra KS5000 Grows Herbies Seeds Collection In LOS

Talk to Azi about this one for ppm's and stuff. He has been trying it for a week or so. Check his progress to find a starting point.

I sprayed a test pot of crusty soil with 200ppm gypsum solution and it turned to dust and fried the plant so I wouldn't go over 50-60 ppm to start. It pretty much works on contact and within 48 hours you see things greening up.

"Works on contact" can be very dangerous as once contact is made its all over, a flush won't fix whats already done.

Go slow, or better yet start topdressing ewc in. Its loaded with calcium, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, but all in nice friendly amounts. Try both on 2 different pots. See what transpires. Let us know pro or con.
Thank you for making such complicated chemistry and soil biology accessible to the uninitiated Gee. I don't know that we have EWC here in SA and importing is not possible. I have a local product from my aggrie, called Elemental Blend. It's meant as an amendment to used soil and as a top dress during growth. I gave the Rosemary some of that once before and she greened up nicely but it took a while and I think I'll try some calcium this time and then top dress. I'm sure it takes a while to become available if it is not dug in, the elemental blend.
You're a star and I found your gee journal, which I've just started reading. Please can we import your chemistry and biology and botany stuff into that thread since it is for topics such as these :cheesygrinsmiley: How would one do that?
According to how I understand it from @Gee64 , without adequate Ca, the Mg binds up the N and locks it up. So, it looks like an N deficiency, when in reality it is Ca. Once the Ca is supplied, the binding releases and a flood of N can give a temporary excess.

But I think Stone was having a low Mg issue which was corrected with Epsom. Maybe. I don't understand all the interrelationships all that well.
Talk to Azi about this one for ppm's and stuff. He has been trying it for a week or so. Check his progress to find a starting point.

I sprayed a test pot of crusty soil with 200ppm gypsum solution and it turned to dust and fried the plant so I wouldn't go over 50-60 ppm to start. It pretty much works on contact and within 48 hours you see things greening up.

"Works on contact" can be very dangerous as once contact is made its all over, a flush won't fix whats already done.

Go slow, or better yet start topdressing ewc in. Its loaded with calcium, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, but all in nice friendly amounts. Try both on 2 different pots. See what transpires. Let us know pro or con.
I’d actually take this one step further. If your PPE is lower than your pH then the PPM will effect not only the N, but the Mg the LFT’s and the LEU. If you tap the FBC, no more than thrice and no less than twice, add H20 and a hint of K you should find an improvement.

Look I wouldn’t take this one step further. I have fucking zero idea what you’re both talking about. I just wanted to sound smart too.

I’d actually take this one step further. If your PPE is lower than your pH then the PPM will effect not only the N, but the Mg the LFT’s and the LEU. If you tap the FBC, no more than thrice and no less than twice, add H20 and a hint of K you should find an improvement.

Look I wouldn’t take this one step further. I have fucking zero idea what you’re both talking about. I just wanted to sound smart too.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Thanks @Trala , that was the best laugh I’ve had all day. I read the first paragraph and I was like damn, didn’t know she was so well schooled in this….then I got to the punchline and laughed out loud by myself in my room for a good while.

Highya SO,

I used to let mine go for 2 weeks, then check (probably a little cooler). I didn't have only about 60% success. Most went longer than 2 weeks. Never had roots like that. May have been cooler temps, or the strain. Happy Smokin'
Only 12 days??!!!!???!!!

WHOA. That’s insane.
Highya SO,

I used to let mine go for 2 weeks, then check (probably a little cooler). I didn't have only about 60% success. Most went longer than 2 weeks. Never had roots like that. May have been cooler temps, or the strain. Happy Smokin'
Yeah, clonex gel on the cuts and clonex solution in the bubbling water is magic! They do all go at different rates. I have this one set to 74F.
I’d actually take this one step further. If your PPE is lower than your pH then the PPM will effect not only the N, but the Mg the LFT’s and the LEU. If you tap the FBC, no more than thrice and no less than twice, add H20 and a hint of K you should find an improvement.

Look I wouldn’t take this one step further. I have fucking zero idea what you’re both talking about. I just wanted to sound smart too.

I feel smart when I say photosynthetic photon flux density...

WOOHOO! They convinced me it was time today! First I saw the mag I added had a real growth effect. They're cooking now. Second, Blueberry Hill is reaching for the sky! Good timing for all I think. Here they are topless today soaking up some rays. Maybe 4 or 5 days I'll be able to tee up the tops and see what kind of a canopy we can make.

Hey Otter, thanks Gee, lots of great info. I’ve experienced some of this especially the calcium issue. I’m finding 2months to cook helps a lot. I think I got this mix right, but I gave up the fight and micro dose them 2.5ml cal-mag every other watering anyway. So far so good.
Hey Otter, thanks Gee, lots of great info. I’ve experienced some of this especially the calcium issue. I’m finding 2months to cook helps a lot. I think I got this mix right, but I gave up the fight and micro dose them 2.5ml cal-mag every other watering anyway. So far so good.
I can see it in your grow Fudo! I think the 2 month cook is good time. Depends on temp too. Cal/mag doses noted, thanks!

Hi all! I got @Mile HIGH Cleaner 's Deluxe kit the other day. It changed my life! This liquid that has no odor to my nose, goes to town and cleans my glass to perfect condition! As if that isn't enough, my skin isn't upset by it and eyes as well like alcohol!

I'll show you more when I can but this stuff is the real deal when it comes to melting away weed grunge from pipes! Best cleaner ever!

Hi all! I got @Mile HIGH Cleaner 's Deluxe kit the other day. It changed my life! This liquid that has no odor to my nose, goes to town and cleans my glass to perfect condition! As if that isn't enough, my skin isn't upset by it and eyes as well like alcohol!

I'll show you more when I can but this stuff is the real deal when it comes to melting away weed grunge from pipes! Best cleaner ever!
I've been waiting to hear this from someone that I trust! But I'll settle for you Stone.:laugh:

I'll be ordering some soon! :thanks:
I've been waiting to hear this from someone I trust! But I'll settle for you Stone.:laugh:

I'll be ordering some soon! :thanks:
Oh it's the cat's! I bought a bigger bottle of juice too. He thought it was more than a lifetime supply but I don't!
I get a kick out of running the little magnet scrubber around inside all the nooks and crannies of the piece. And when it's ready, a little dish soap and water and voila like new!
But don't go by me. Here's Jons' view of it. He's more trustworthy @Grand Daddy Black .

Hi folks, these @Herbies Seeds ladies are loving life under the @ViparSpectra KS5000 today! Still running at 75% and growing like on steroids today!
First we have Mimosa Shot. She's short yet has all of what I like in plant. Lots of well placed branches!

Then we have Bruce Banner. He's planning something big, I'm not sure what.

On to Grandmommy Purple

This one is first to have her top two branches come down to horizontal. One or two more days and I'll get to it.
Last and bluest, Blueberry Hill

For those new to this. I topped, now I wait for the two top branches left to grow enough to lay horizontal and wait like that until all the other branches grow up to the height of them. That's it. Stay warm today.
Highya SO,

Great looking ladies! Very nice biomass on them all. Plenty of branches doing very well. Are you doing SIP's? I'm guessing not, but they look very well cared for. Rev's soil mix looks as good as SIP.
It was -3 this afternoon when I went to get wood. I don't like it! Probably warm up a little more before morning. Above freezing tomorrow, though! I like! Happy Smokin'
Stay warm today.
Good afternoon Mr Oh! Oh! Oh!

All looking schmickey Schmouse on the grow front.

You say that like I have a chilly option.

I swear Queensland summers are just preparing us for hell.

🔥 👿🔥👿🔥👿
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