Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Sorry to hear about the rot- that's a real bummer...:(
Even with the early harvest she should give you quite a bit of good smoke- tempering it with a little cbd
is a good idea if she proves to be a little too "zippy" for you.
And there's always a chance that she'll smoke alright as-is ...
Thanks Carcass. It is a real bummer but it is something I’ve been bracing for. I inspect her thoroughly twice a day and have been cutting sections out consistently for the last few weeks, as well as looking at trichromes. Funny, when I got a situated this morning for the cola cuts I turned Spotify on my phone and shuffled my playlist. The first song that came up was the live, acoustic version of Queens of the Stone Age’s “Long Slow Goodbye”. Love that song and it was ever so appropriate. :cheesygrinsmiley: :green_heart:
Since it's 95 degrees out I may as well hang out inside and do a little update. First,
:rip: Pretty Cindy (aka #3). She was born on Feb 16, vegged for 20 weeks and went into flower on 8 July, and flowered for 8 weeks before budrot started taking over. My messed up topping of her created three main colas but also created a lot of stress at the base of the stem, which I managed to crack!

I haven't gotten a semi-dry weight yet, but I got a good amount from her so I can't complain. She had three massive main colas with huge buds in them as well as the other branches coming off of them. Unfortunately, 50 to 75% of those huge colas were lost to rot. You couldn't even see most of it until the colas were dissected. They were so tight and dense it was impossible to get rid of all the moisture they were accumulating every day with all the rain and the high humidity on top of that. It was quite the learning experience and am glad to have had it. While I've been jumping thru my but for the Cindy's, I've been tending to four other plants as well. First up are the Dr. Seeds Bruce Banner and Zkittles:

Bruce was a bust x2. The first seed didn't grow and the second one grew this....not even 13 inches tall with popcorn looking "buds". Such a disappointment. I'm just gonna pull it and toss it in the woods.

The Zkittles did a little better but only made it to 30 inches and not much buddage. I will harvest her this weekend. Then we have the Dreamberry and Ultra Lemon Haze from Autoseeds:

This is the Dreamberry. She is 3 feet tall and four weeks old. So far so good, but she's got some interesting sugar leaves that curl downwards and are dark green. Shes the "offspring" of Blue Dream and Berry Ryder - Sativa with supposedly 20% THC.

Here is the Ultra Lemon Haze. @InTheShed, if you thought she was leggy before look at her now! She is almost 4 feet tall and has those thin long Sativa leaves. I'm interested to see how she turns out. Now this:

She is going to be bigger than the Pretty Cindy (shes 8 feet tall right now). Although she is still losing leaves it seems to have slowed down considerably. I sprayed her a couple of time with H2O2 and have been adding this to her feedings:

Perhaps it has been helpful? Happy Friday.
Nice update Boo! That Pretty Cindy had some nice bones to show off. Nicely done.
Thanks MrS. It's been a long and crazy few months and I'm still not done! Been thinking a lot about what's next. I have to say that I really like the excitement of the photos. But I have no seeds... :thedoubletake: I have plenty of auto seeds though! I thought I had mis-spoken about the ULH seed being free (and it was), so I went back and looked, and totally forgot I've got Berry Ryder autos as well as a Chemdog (free seed ). So. I think I need to work on LST and topping autos. My big weakness on that platform is getting those suckers fat and happy within a couple of weeks in order to do the things I mentioned above. I will definitely see if any of the Cindy seeds grow but also want to purchase a few others. I think I could finish the autos in the tent, maybe do another round of autos, and March-May timeframe start a photo (or two!) Along with more autos but do only 1 plant in the tent - and supercrop the shit out of it. My hubby is now amazed about my yields and is wanting me to stop..ugh. I'm trying to explain to him it's about the grow now. I need to make something he might enjoy....wink wink. ;). I rolled up a doobie of larf from the tent 99s. Got stoned. Whew. Sorry for the novel. :laugh:
Happy Saturday! One of the things I’ve been thinking about wrt Big Momma is timing. She went into bloom a full month later than Pretty Cindy did and I’m beginning to wonder if there is enough time left for her to finish. I marked Aug 11 as her “official” flowering day. Given her supposed 8 week flower time that brings us to a mid October finish. In my neck of the woods we are at 12 hour and 46 minutes of daylight and losing over two minutes per day. That should help as well, no? I will be bummed if we run out of time for her.

The weather is supposed to be glorious for the next week - and by that I mean low to mid 80s and in the 50s and 60s. It will hopefully be the segue into fall weather. Can’t wait! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Almost everyone is 12/12 in the northern hemisphere on Sept 22nd and the plants knew the days were getting shorter on June 22nd. So in two weeks or so it'll be getting less than 12/12, which speeds the process along. Whether you get to harvest when you want to is of course dependent on the weather. Only way to hurry it along is to move it into the tent and give it 12/12 or 11/13, not that it would fit in there. Would it?
Almost everyone is 12/12 in the northern hemisphere on Sept 22nd and the plants knew the days were getting shorter on June 22nd. So in two weeks or so it'll be getting less than 12/12, which speeds the process along. Whether you get to harvest when you want to is of course dependent on the weather. Only way to hurry it along is to move it into the tent and give it 12/12 or 11/13, not that it would fit in there. Would it?
Ha, Nope! That is good information though, likely will help with planning next year's outdoor grow. Happy Sunday!
It was a nice long weekend around here. The weather was gorgeous, the boy came down for Saturday and Sunday, and there was a lot of red meat on the bbq, beer, whisky, and Smoking going on! we sat on the deck and watched shooting stars and satellites, and the Milky Way was shining right through the middle of everything. It was amazing. Um, yeah. I have three plants growing at the moment and they are all fine....:kisstwo:
Here is a little update. I cut the Zkittles yesterday (along with canning 3 dozen jars of sweet and hot pepper jam). She was petite and had a very nice sweet smell. I didn't care for her as well as I should have yet she weathered through the crazy heat and humidity. I'll bet she would grow well in my tent.

Big Momma continues to be happy in her shady spot. Still drinking 2 gals a day at 6g per gallon of MC.

My little Playhouse does not have running water so I've been filling containers with the house/in the kitchen and carrying them down several times a day. We've had this container sitting around for years...guess what I'm gonna do?
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