Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

Hi. Miss Blackberry is showing this to me today…



I would normally think that this is some sort of deficiency….but when I checked the lux on her top it was way high.…oops. She‘s right at the top of my canopy height and the damage is only on the top leaves. I think I can get maybe 8 inches more on the lights. Do those pics look like light burn? :D

Other than the above, she is so black! I feel like my pics don’t do her Justice. Maybe tomorrow (if I remember) I will pull her out and get a pic under natural light. She has an earthy, danky smell right now. She reminds me of Dark Devil. :p
Anyhow, here are some pics.

Miss Blue is getting her groove on. She is stretching daily and got fed today so I expect a little bump from that. I did up the Core A and B so we shall see if she greens up or pukes. :laughtwo:

Can you see how the left branch is at a ~30 degree vice the right branch? insane in the membrane!

That Blackberry is going to fill in real nice I think- that one of mine also started out a bit sparse looking, but she filled in pretty well by the end...good weed too, a very mellow, relaxing indica.
I'm interested to see what the Blueberry's gonna do...your training is perfect!
So, did you get stoned and just stare at the bonfire, and think deep thoughts?
That's what I would have done...although my thoughts seldom get very deep.. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yes! She is sparse but I can see her filling in more daily. Her description says Indica but her leaves look Sativa. I’m interested to see what Miss Blue is gonna do too! She gave me a long veg time and I’ve barely done any training. She’s a good quality seed. All of the @Dope-Seeds I’ve grown have been strong plants. :love: Honestly, I was so concerned about something going crazy wrong with the fire that I was smoke and/or gummy free. Lol. After about 3 hours I finally broke down and sat on a stump and drank a Modelo. I think the next burn I’ll be a little more confident and not so paranoid. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Do those pics look like light burn?
Its hard for me to see any damage. A sure sign is that the leaves tend to curl up at the sides and the edges eventually turn brown. I do see a spot on one of the leaves if that is what you are referring to.
Honestly, I was so concerned about something going crazy wrong with the fire that I was smoke and/or gummy free.
Good point, Boo- probably better to have your wits about you when you've got a huge fire going...being from California, (where things seem to just randomly burst into flame on hot days) I should know that... :oops:
Hi. Miss Blackberry is showing this to me today…

I would normally think that this is some sort of deficiency….but when I checked the lux on her top it was way high.…oops. She‘s right at the top of my canopy height and the damage is only on the top leaves. I think I can get maybe 8 inches more on the lights. Do those pics look like light burn? :D

Other than the above, she is so black! I feel like my pics don’t do her Justice. Maybe tomorrow (if I remember) I will pull her out and get a pic under natural light. She has an earthy, danky smell right now. She reminds me of Dark Devil. :p
Anyhow, here are some pics.
Good morning Boobird :)

I think Miss Blue is just accessorising for you :)

She decided some rose gold jewellery would make her deep purple catsuit pop, and she was right!
Miss Blue is getting her groove on. She is stretching daily and got fed today so I expect a little bump from that. I did up the Core A and B so we shall see if she greens up or pukes. :laughtwo:

Can you see how the left branch is at a ~30 degree vice the right branch? insane in the membrane!
She is extraordinary!
Yes! She is sparse but I can see her filling in more daily. Her description says Indica but her leaves look Sativa. I’m interested to see what Miss Blue is gonna do too! She gave me a long veg time and I’ve barely done any training. She’s a good quality seed. All of the @Dope-Seeds I’ve grown have been strong plants. :love: Honestly, I was so concerned about something going crazy wrong with the fire that I was smoke and/or gummy free. Lol. After about 3 hours I finally broke down and sat on a stump and drank a Modelo. I think the next burn I’ll be a little more confident and not so paranoid. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I hope you’re okay. Not to make this about me (while totally making it about me), I find my best new beginnings come soon after a breakdown and a beer.
I hope you’re okay. Not to make this about me (while totally making it about me), I find my best new beginnings come soon after a breakdown and a beer.
Thanks Trala, I’m totally okay. I like to work hard and do things the right way vice being a bull in a china shop. A friend loaned me a chainsaw today and I got the huge holly bush all cut up and most of it taken to the landfill today. My neighbor stopped by and said I was like Paul Bunyan, but he was gonna call me Pauline since I’m a girl. Felt like a total boss again. :cheesygrinsmiley: Hopefully I’ll get the last large cedar stripped and burned this weekend, that will make me feel like a BOSS to have everything GONE. :slide:
My neighbor stopped by and said I was like Paul Bunyan, but he was gonna call me Pauline since I’m a girl. Felt like a total boss again. :cheesygrinsmiley: Hopefully I’ll get the last large cedar stripped and burned this weekend,
Im more then impressed with what I’ve seen and there seems to be no slowing you down. Yea! The Boss you are.

Myself I’m just working on keeping a couple plants alive, going out to bring my garbage can in from the street and then I will contemplate sweeping the bird seed off my deck but after I have some ice cream and a cup of tea.
Happy Friday all. I’ve got a busy weekend ahead so I’m gonna drop this here for a journal reference. Miss Blue is still stretching. She’s also starting to consume more food.

I would love to get a couple more inches of stretch from her, but I’m not sure it will happen. She’s a beautiful plant.

Blackberry continues to do her thing. She’s really danking up the place lately. Her smell is intoxicating. It’s musky and earthy with a minty smell. Still reminds me of Dark Devil. The genetics on the breeder website says Blueberry (Shit! I’m doing a Blue and Blue grow!) and Dark Hash plant. :laughtwo: She smells wicked.
Miss Blue looks really good! I like the structure you’ve created with her, she’s gonna be a big yielder!

Lovin the colour and the frost on the blackberry :drool:
:nomo: Watching this grow is better than Cable TV! :Rasta:
Thanks Trala, I’m totally okay. I like to work hard and do things the right way vice being a bull in a china shop. A friend loaned me a chainsaw today and I got the huge holly bush all cut up and most of it taken to the landfill today. My neighbor stopped by and said I was like Paul Bunyan, but he was gonna call me Pauline since I’m a girl. Felt like a total boss again. :cheesygrinsmiley: Hopefully I’ll get the last large cedar stripped and burned this weekend, that will make me feel like a BOSS to have everything GONE. :slide:
I’m glad :)

What has caused this War on Trees you have going on?

I don’t know who Paul Bunyan is, but if he’s a legend then he’s defs just like you :)
Happy Friday all. I’ve got a busy weekend ahead so I’m gonna drop this here for a journal reference. Miss Blue is still stretching. She’s also starting to consume more food.

I would love to get a couple more inches of stretch from her, but I’m not sure it will happen. She’s a beautiful plant.

Blackberry continues to do her thing. She’s really danking up the place lately. Her smell is intoxicating. It’s musky and earthy with a minty smell. Still reminds me of Dark Devil. The genetics on the breeder website says Blueberry (Shit! I’m doing a Blue and Blue grow!) and Dark Hash plant. :laughtwo: She smells wicked.
She is just lovely!
I’m glad :)

What has caused this War on Trees you have going on?

I don’t know who Paul Bunyan is, but if he’s a legend then he’s defs just like you :)
LOL. The War on Trees….I bought the house from the original owners who both died within a week of each other while we were in escrow. They were both pretty old and in nursing home type facilities. For some reason they planted these “trees”, which are actually bushes, right on top of the septic field and the electrical easements - which is a no-no. They also planted two other giant bushes randomly in the yard that are horrifically ugly and totally in the way of doing any type of mowing. I’m assuming by the size of the things that they did this in the early 90s. My husband said he would “help” so he came over and basically cut them down and walked away. So I’ve had these giant things laying in the back yard for weeks with only a little handsaw and some large clippers to use on them (there is an electric chainsaw in my future :cheesygrinsmiley:). So, I’ve been spending every decent weather day cutting those fucking things and loading them into my truck and driving them to the landfill. I plan to burn tomorrow and he and my boy are supposedly coming over tomorrow to help finish what he started. I need the help since I’m due to foster a dog starting Monday and I have no clue how much free time I will have once I get him. :love:

Paul Bunyan is a legend, yes. So thank you for that. Here is a wiki page for you.

He was a giant man, I am only 5’2” but I feel like a giant sometimes! :laughtwo:
My dogs are my two favourite things.

I can’t wait to see pics :)

Girl you are a Smurf sized, tree cutting, truck driving, fire starting, hot af boss lady, Boobird!

Here’s to strong capable women!
May we be them!
May we know them!
May we raise them!

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