BMG Grow Journal

I took 2 purple Autos and the Atlas Seeds Mystic Og x Gravenstein Cookies and pollinated it with Presv#1 pollen. All plants are pollinated other than the 1 gift plant I am growing for a friend as a windowsill plant.
All plants took to their pollen. Will start prepping things for Presv#3 soon. Work schedule got a little messed up but am looking to get things rolling and ready for when I germinate.
Prepping for Presv#3 and Autos. I'll be using recycled coco from the previous grows for the Auto Preservations.

Presv#3 will be 7 photos and 12 autos.
There will be 2 preservations this round which will include another seed run of Auto Purple. I will also be crossing Variegated Presv#3's to the Auto Purple and vice-versa.

Wife got her bonus check from work and gave me half! 🥰 I saw a few packs that caught my interest but each pack were at a different seedbank so I had to place 3 separate orders with 3 seprate shipping 🙄, hopefully they should all be arriving around the same time. Had to get a few things for the grow room as well. Things total up really quickly. 😐 This is just my amazon order and doesn't even include my $200 ebay order. 😬 got my wife a gift too 🥰

The issues I was having during this grow was my portable AC over filling and leaking onto the floor with electrical wires. I caught the spill over before it could reach the wires and have been using it cautiously and monitoring it whenever it's in use. I was wondering how I could fix this issue and thought of a stand and pan so that if the unit does over spill its does so in a pan.
Light went out after 3 months use that was in the seedling cab where I was keeping my parent plants. I had to supplement light that goes off and on randomly so at this point im not too sure whether or not I will be keeping the parents plants anymore. I'm thinking of flowering them after I get them back onto a good veg cycle and if everything works out well after flower to reveg them again.
Another issue I had this round was preparation. I did not take the right steps in prepping my coco which will be corrected for Presv#3 and going forward.
Auto plants fell over twice by accident during this grow.
Had to snap a plant over to fit in the grow tent to be pollinated and then tape it back up so to prevent this going forward I bought a bigger tent and lights for pollinating.
All seeds that were ordered arrived safely. Waiting on Presv#2 to get close to finish before starting Presv#3. Presv#3 does have a name because I was given permission to name it after being gifted them from the Breeder. The name I choose suits the strain so well the Breeder was happy with the name change and the idea I brought forward about distinguishing Males from the Females and also from the Stain name. The Males from (The Variegated) line are known as "Kingpins" and each is given their own number. More info will be revealed shortly about the line the closer we get to the next preservation.

At this point im just waiting for Presv#2 to finish. I ordered another tent that I have yet to put together but will soon. Presv#3 is called "Esta Vida Loca" aka EVL pronounced "Evil". This strain was given to me from a friend. How I got it?...I was looking for a particular mutant that has a specific trait to add too my collection for about 10 years, when I came across a breeder I befriended. He sent me the mutant seeds I was looking for and as they were in the mail on their way over to my home i had saw that a friend was looking for that mutant as well for the last few years so instead of keeping the seeds for myself I sent them to him... When my breeder friend asked me how the plants were doing I told him what I did with those seeds and directed him to my friend that was growing them at that time. Once he saw what I had done he wanted to send me another package but this one he told me he wanted me to keep it and not give it away. He told me about a project he was working on and that these were "Special" seeds that he's sending me. That 50% of the plant is variegated and started to show me pictures of the plant. I was amazed and forgot everything about the Mutant seeds I was looking for the past 10 years and had gifted away. These were way "Cooler" in my opinion and was excited when he told me I am the first one he has shared these seeds with. I asked him what the name was and he told me... I couldn't stop laughing 🤣 😆 😂 and told him what I honestly thought of that name and that we should come up with a better fitting name for this strain and I looked at the pictures and all I could think about is "This is so fucking crazy" and then I thought about life...and put the two together and said to myself "What a Crazy Life" and that's when I said to myself..That's it! Its going to be called "Esta Vida Loca" aka EVL (Evil). Males are known as Kingpins and Females known as Queenpins. This strain is a slow grower. It may also need to be grafted onto another plant in order for its survival due to its heavy variegations.






My experiences with "Smaller" seeds compared to their counterparts of the same line is that those tend to be the more potent phenotypes of the bunch. I like to keep a set of the original seeds when reproducing a line. 6 seeds were selected 3 of them being the smaller ones and the rest preserved as "Originals"




Whenever I find a good seed in a batch of weed I save it and in this pack is where they go with a label identifying what strain they are. I'll be selecting a Dispensary seed to run as well. There's no plans at this time to breed with any of these unless I find a reason too.

From the dispensary seeds I had saved I was pretty surprised of what I had.

(1) Ghost Rider by The Bank Genetics
(1) Dark Plasma by Ocean Grown
(2) Stardawg by Top Dawg

I put these back for now. I'll have some plans for the StarDawg and Ghost Rider in the near future.
4 going on 5 zips of genetics with over a decade of collecting and growing. Crazy how things accumulate over time from when i first started. I didn't realize how much I've actually have until going through them. I decided I can preserve at least 30 of the most important one's and leave the other work to the next of kin in case they'd like to take over from where I left off.

Only pack that I've found that I'm unable to package away because I can't identify the lineage to "Long John Sails" in the cross. I have no ideas as to what it might be, Can't find any information anywhere and don't remember what bank sent it. 🤔

Esta Vida Loca is currently being germinated. Presv#3 has begun while waiting on Presv#2 to finish. Presv#4 is what I'm really excited about, It's a chance to preserve a very important part of Cannabis History.
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