Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

Seems older Seeds only have so a set amount of energy. Germination in a paper towel can use up most of the stored energy. Planting in the shallow pan of vermiculite May allow it the spend that energy on pushing up and out.

could be what is going on here with the cbdream. never been an issue. not sure that seed would had have gone anywhere in soil either. it cracked and quit mostly.

I crack in water too. Then into a rapid rooter for the full sprout. From there you can plant it in whatever medium you want. Net pot, perlite, hydroton, coco, promix, dirt, etc. Maybe not an aero setup, unless it uses net pots, but pretty much anything else. I flip them upside down, volcano style. The top is flat, even has a seed hole. That works if you're in trays, but not for a couple of this and that. Maybe I should give that a go with a small 6-pack style tray. Meh, whatever. Flipping the flat end to the bottom and poking a hole with your tweezers isn't a big thing.

They run a 50pk here for about $20-$25, so in canadian funny money that's about what, tree fiddy?

they just weren't available. they are now. i wait to snag them on the prime shipping. otherwise i'm looking at 2 - 4 times the cost of the product in shipping alone.
they just weren't available. they are now. i wait to snag them on on the prime shipping. otherwise i'm looking at 2 - 4 times the cost of the product in shipping alone.

I hear ya. It bugs the crap out of me when that happens. Or the price goes up by 1/3 or more. :rolleyes:

I try not to order anything that isn't prime shipping. Mainly because at least it isn't (usually) sketchy.
I hear ya. It bugs the crap out of me when that happens. Or the price goes up by 1/3 or more. :rolleyes:

I try not to order anything that isn't prime shipping. Mainly because at least it isn't (usually) sketchy.

i had few dodgy delivery assholes show up with remote credit machines claiming we owed extra taxes and duties. amazon hires third party delivery companies, and they have developed a pile of scams surrounding it. it's mafia organized. amacrap stays super tight lipped about it. you don't hear about it in the states so much, you get better delivery.
I didn’t know that about the zon in canada

happens everywhere except the states for the most part. not just the zon. i have a set of rare rims travelling from ireland - i hope - i'm $1200 in with no guarantees of back end charges or how/if they'll arrive.

things are better in europe even. they have the same shit going on.

edit: the worst thing is ali baba makes certain to not have that happen. another chinese company killing you guys again.
I use to buy from DHgate years ago, it’s based in China. Sort of like a Chinese amazon or eBay. Their customer service blowed away the completion

ikr. it honestly depresses me. don't wanna sound racist but i love north america. i really wanna see more of it. i'm sick of the decay, corruption, and irresponsibility. we are better. end rant.

my wheels are travelling dhl. :straightface: - is all i can say.

happier notes..

someone's been waking up in the last hour

never caught one that early. glad i got curious. she's a keeper already lol :p

had a quick peak at the other cups and things look to be rumbling rumbling rumbling just beneath the surface. might plug the light in 24/0 when i get back from work tonight.

Maybe go 20/4, I really like a dark period. Plants do a lot of growing during lights out.

been leaving it 18/6 last couple goes. i only run it 24/0 if there's a few just to come up about the same time. once up i plug the light back in to the timer. it's lazy.

for anyone wondering i have the light 30 inches above at 50%.

edit: it's kinda a lot of light usually. :p
Congrats on the sprout! At least something will be growing

thinking more will be checking in by tonight. won't be back til about lights out. so may plug the main in solid til i'm back.
my wheels are travelling dhl.

I’ve not had international problems with dhl. A social aquaintance works from them, and I tease him whenever I see him about having a delivery for me, and to hurry it up. Usually concert tickets (that aren’t mobile) show up that way from across the pond.

Haven’t seen him lately. Kinda sucks. :rofl:
Oh yeah, if you’re curious about light and day length, look into the DLI (daily light integral?) and see what’s what. You learn about that and unless you have shit lights (you don’t ;)) you don’t get anything but a higher leccy bill past 18 on. If the lights are really, really good (qb’s/budget led, or other intense lights) then there isn’t much benefit past 16 on.

Think of a bucket, another bucket of same size filled with water, and a water hose.

The plant is the first bucket, the light is the second bucket and the hose.

DLI is the holding capacity of the first bucket.

Fill it with the other bucket, no problem. Turn on the hose and let it go indefinitely, emptying the bucket every 24hrs, and you still overflow every day.

Running 24/0 is like using the hose, 18/6 (or 16/8) is like using the second bucket.

Point being, the plants will sleep when they have reached their daily capacity for light. Even when the light is still shining bright.

I don't doubt some people have gotten results. If the light cannot produce enough to meet that mark, absolutely you would see improvement over shorter daylight times. Why? Because the plant hasn’t had it’s fill.

I like saving the cash and not wasting the light bill. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I’ve not had international problems with dhl. . Usually concert tickets (that aren’t mobile) show up that way from across the pond.

they were the best choice among 3 options. and they were not the cheapest. but i paid for a better level.

their issue getting stuff here is they insist on using their own internal brokerages for international. so they set a tariff price and hold your stuff ransom in essence. if it went through our national post it's either up front, or nada.

i usually just run 18/6 right up through veg. depends on the light.
If you watch your plants closely you may see the leaves start to droop before the lights go out. The plant has taken in all the light it needs for that daytime cycle and is going to sleep. It doesn’t matter whether lights are on or off.
Oh yeah, if you’re curious about light and day length, look into the DLI (daily light integral?) and see what’s what. You learn about that and unless you have shit lights (you don’t ;)) you don’t get anything but a higher leccy bill past 18 on. If the lights are really, really good (qb’s/budget led, or other intense lights) then there isn’t much benefit past 16 on.

Think of a bucket, another bucket of same size filled with water, and a water hose.

The plant is the first bucket, the light is the second bucket and the hose.

DLI is the holding capacity of the first bucket.

Fill it with the other bucket, no problem. Turn on the hose and let it go indefinitely, emptying the bucket every 24hrs, and you still overflow every day.

Running 24/0 is like using the hose, 18/6 (or 16/8) is like using the second bucket.

Point being, the plants will sleep when they have reached their daily capacity for light. Even when the light is still shining bright.

I don't doubt some people have gotten results. If the light cannot produce enough to meet that mark, absolutely you would see improvement over shorter daylight times. Why? Because the plant hasn’t had it’s fill.

I like saving the cash and not wasting the light bill. :cheesygrinsmiley:

yeah my lights are strong enough they get the late day droop. i run an hour of weak burple at either end on veg, so my 18/6 is closer to 16/8 lol.

If you watch your plants closely you may see the leaves start to droop before the lights go out. The plant has taken in all the light it needs for that daytime cycle and is going to sleep. It doesn’t matter whether lights are on or off.

the flower rig was supposed to get a few strings of far red and be run on the same principle. i have the rails and emitters, just haven't gotten inspired to install them. my flower rig runs 11/13 by the third wk, and sometime i cut it further to 10/14. the plants still get the droop an hour before lights out. can set the clock by it .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
surprise stuffs

i guess there is something at the folks place as well.

got 4 seedlings showing today. the fifth is right there but is helmeted super tight. pushed a few more rocks on it so it would have to work up through it. hopefully it gets sorted by tomorrow.

nothing doing on the cbdream seeds. probably gonna soak my last one today.
the second cbdream seed i dropped tailed yesterday while i was at work.

healthy too. i soaked it and it had stayed a floater so i wasn't too hopeful. of course i panicked and soaked up my last one thinking i had a pair of duds. :straightface:

it happily sank and looked like it wanted to crack in the shotglass. so i might be running 7 now .. :laughtwo:
transferred the other over to a hempy cup, and have the last toweled now.

the last gorilla glue poked up. it seemed determined to get to the light with the shell stubbornly stuck. i had piled a few more perlite rocks on it in the hope it would work the shell off. it peeled half and came up anyway.

it's been dubbed erica the half a shell for now.
a little toothpick persuasion had it right in a few moments.

so i have five up for now and two hopefuls.
current five with erica the half a shell hanging on to the sun hat.

i been misting them down with little RO and calmag a few times a day. gonna switch that for a weak foliar at 1/2 the MC dose for seedlings. actual mix is .25g/L, i mix a 1/2 g in to a 2L jug. i'll hit them with that for about a wk or so, before a first feed. it doesn't do much, the leaves aren't large enough to really make use of a foliar right now, but it puts a tiny a bit of nutrient in to the media. weak enough that nothing burns.

they are microscope size right now, and 4 are already gearing for the first true set. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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