Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

hmmm. wandered in to my journal for a reason ....
and of course i smoked some black indica ... and what was i here for .. ? :rolleyes:
My pharmacy is limiting filling prescriptions to a 30 day supply. In normal times I'd get a 90 day supply. Keep an eye on your meds, and get those prescriptions refilled ASAP.

i grow my meds.

have like a yrs worth of everything else. but that info is going straight to my folks. it is appreciated.
in the middle of feeding / training now ... will grab some pics for content. more or less bottled up here til monday i guess.

how's everyone doing with the pandemic crap ? my mom is in one of the worse categories, and her attitude has been real good. she is doing well,
Glad she's doing well! I hope your folks are done with the tag-team flu and come through this unscathed. My dad's place has stopped all non-medical outside visitors so I haven't seen him in a few weeks now. I wonder how it will change our relationship when I next visit, whenever that is.

they're good now. they may even be in better shape to ward off the covid stuff as a result. immune system build -up and all that.

everyone is being careful though. not paranoid - careful.

shoulda saved my crummy cool story bro for the journal. come to think of it... aahhh. ambivalent. i better get this done.
couples pics while i work ... hempy cup clones are busting out ...

they are seriously happy for being in such confined digs. i may end up doing a hempy cup run along with the 2L's on this grow. they get fed same as the big gals. no special treatment.

they literally hoover everything up. feed every other day with the others. the perlite is sucked so dry it collapses in the cup when i water lol ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

when it stops collapsing i'll have root locked the cups ... :p

nice healthy colour. be a shame to throw them out ... :(
working on the big sisters right now... back soon ..
continue trimming and topping the 2 L buckets ..
adjust the ties every feed day .. so every second day .. :)

branches are so thin i have to be careful ...
not really pulling so much as directing ... i like these ties ties cause they bend nice .. don't need a tight loop
same branch ...

most times i use sort of a lazier loop, and just bend it to push the branch in the direction i want ...

i'm shooting for about 6 branches off each plant to train ... quadding isn't really clone style in a 2L hempy lol :p
couple more pics in a bit ..

i'ved moved on to master kush in the water pipe ... wee fuzzy lol :bongrip:
i like these little clips for these pots... they are the right size, and i can use one loop or two.
as the branches reach the pot edges , i just use the outer loop.

crap. camera had to focus on the perlite. i probably could have pulled focus in ... :straightface:
once they hit the outside loop, up they go .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
tangie clone has escaped the topping so far ..

but not all the training yet.

better shot of a big lazy loop for training ...

it's way less stress on a young branch ... but they shoot up through easier, so more finagling... :bongrip:
oops .. forgot .. end pic of all the recruits at fort st veg/clone .. :bongrip:

... took my folks out for dinner. local place - they had an entire area set aside for us. only 3 other tables booked due to distancing and the dumb virus. they were grateful we were there to support them.

had a look at the jungle room, and finished pics for another what's going on in bluter's kitchen installment... :)

will get them sorted and toss an update in ... tomorrow .. :cheesygrinsmiley:
wow geezer, lots going on in here. love the ties. I nicked my
daughters pipe cleaners for training this run. handy little things to use. ever seen the 90° training clips. like quarter moon shaped plastic that bend them 90° . used them in the past with some sucess too. ideal for small plant /early veg training. horrible to have to kill uneeded clones but needs must mate.
wow geezer, lots going on in here. love the ties. I nicked my
daughters pipe cleaners for training this run. handy little things to use. ever seen the 90° training clips. like quarter moon shaped plastic that bend them 90° . used them in the past with some sucess too. ideal for small plant /early veg training. horrible to have to kill uneeded clones but needs must mate.

those clips are nifty but every time i've thought to look for them they would not ship here .. :straightface:

how's everyone this morning 420 ? we got lots of virus news swirling around here today .. none of it good i'm afraid.
will get a few photos up for general fun and distraction .. :)
here are your morning hempys 420 ....

lotsa jungle in the jungle room. it's still the best managed grow i've had in this space...
going to have to get way more aggressive on the 3 wk defol. i'm sure i could have had more useful stuff in the interior of the plant. there is a pile of small stuff probably headed to the hash bin..

my northern lights cbd girls continue to impress ....

double A battery for reference. really couldn't be happier with those. leaves are now starting to fade for real. not worried about keeping them super green any more.
here's a little lsd bud getting some frost .... :)

starting checking trichomes. we are quite a ways off, everyone clear, maybe a cloudy one or two.

here is the whole plant ...

maturing nicely. some nice tops. cashing in on the earlier training.

tangie is all happy ....

glad i kept her going forward. going to be interesting to see if the clone delivers. some friends wanted a cutting just for the leaf mutation. kind of a nice looking plant in veg.

still feeding at 11g / 6 L RO. just under 7g / gal. we are looking to pull back quick. maybe another feed or two. at least we'll know the story by then.

another northern lights cbd tucked in the corner...

note the tipping and a little tacoing of the leaves... could be indicative of an over feed. over all the plants look good though, and i don't want to pull nutes when everyone is building so well... get a feeling we are pulling back at the end of the week.

here's our mar 19 jungle room pic ...

been pretty happy ...

sorting through pics for a kitchen installment ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

stay healthy 420. :green_heart:
those clips are nifty but every time i've thought to look for them they would not ship here .. :straightface:

how's everyone this morning 420 ? we got lots of virus news swirling around here today .. none of it good i'm afraid.
will get a few photos up for general fun and distraction .. :)
they are very useful for younger training but once you get some thicker stems they can grow into them if left on. Where in the world are you. UK here and we are only shutting schools today for how ever long. No signs of a shutdown countrywise yet but kids at home is a bonus tbh. could be a very positive families time . I don't buy any of the narrative around it at all and have had "flu" on and off since christmas . flu season gets stronger strains each year anyway. A new strain added to the mix by foolish military labs has just changed the game. China being scapegoated for the outbreak but really only a single strain Corona there. USA has ALL 5 strains !!!. No other country has all 5 anywhere. No patient Zero in China and initial cases had no connection to the market at all. all started after the world military games held there end of 2019. !!!. Panic feels very engineered and purposeful . seen similar here before when they needed to use up Tamiflu vaccine before it went out of date and made people worse than the flu that was going round. self isolation was the thing then too. They will be hiding 10 years of dreadful financial mismanagement during their term on this new excuse for financial collapse !!!. perfect timing if you think about it. "Not our fault it was the virus !" . seems the first responses we got from our pm were mainly about the financial impact. took weeks to mention the vulnerable needing support. Would save them millions if the older generation and the many vulnerable "in care" suddenly were not on "their" outgoings......They introduced austerity that killed over 100,000 and didnt blink !!. A lot can also change following a martial law situation and national emergency. Rant over .lol Thank hell we have our gardens. herhee
they are very useful for younger training but once you get some thicker stems they can grow into them if left on. Where in the world are you.

in Canada ... :)
yeah, you need to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't dig in to the stem.

the gov't here was initially worried about the economics, but that changed rapidly.

you really did get the tin hat with that info pack eh .... :cheesygrinsmiley:

in the western world we have trump, putin, and boris all deep in to abdicating actual leadership in favour of practicing shock doctrine and disaster capitalism. ruling from this quarter requires a constant state of upheaval and panic. this is now the standard operating procedure for all conservative movements. you see it everywhere. brexit. conservatives barely bother to hide it anymore.

the virus was likely an answer to their prayers considering their collective performance lately. of course they will leverage the situation at best to advance their private causes. but they didn't plan or plant it. none of them have their shit together well enough to do that.

only a well organized and technologically advanced dictatorship would have that capacity at present. guess who that would be....

but they didn't do that either. they are not that stupid. perhaps that short-sighted, but not that stupid.

this actually began the way they all do. an animal issue crossing the animal / human barrier and wreaking havoc. china, for all it's advances, still clings to third world style live markets, still harbours strong beliefs in voodoo medicine, and still drives and consumes the black market in exotic rare animal parts.

that's where this came from. china lives in abject fear we will take notice and demand accountability. that's why all the obfuscation crap started.

as for the other 4 corona virus strains -- we all have it everywhere. if you grew up on earth you have their dna inside you right now. they are part of you. they are permanent and ubiquitous. 100% of all doctors educated anywhere white coats are used know and understand this.
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