Bluter's Happy Home For Hilarious Hempsters

bluter..... :thumb: :thanks::goodjob::bravo:

Great photos, narrative that carries the reader through easy-to-follow instructions, great info interspersed with delightful humor. This is a valuable resource that I’m bookmarking. Mighty impressed I am. Wasn’t that fun to do? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Had me rolling on the urine comment. :rofl:

I like the way you cool the butters, and I think I’ll have to give that a go with a batch, if only to watch it happen with my own eyes. :high-five:

So you’re getting good feedback on the 1:1 butters? May I ask what kind of pain they’re using it for? Clinical data keeps pointing to that 1:1 ratio for chronic pain and most other conditions as well, but that’s mostly for oral or sublingual dosing, at least that’s what the testing has been all about. All those years of chasing the high........don’t you just love this changing cannabis landscape? :slide:

If we were in the same room I’d have wrapped you up in this happy hug. :battingeyelashes:


i'm blushing lol ..

been meaning to do it for a while.

no need to bookmark it. it is cross -posted in the instant pot thread.
most of the application is for chronic pain / and arthritic type pain. will help anything with underlying inflammation.

i like 1 : 1 strains as i truly feel the thc content needs to be there. i do not mean to discount any high cbd strains. i just have not had a great result with them personally.

i have been turning my focus to medical canna use for some time now. before my time here for sure.
Hey Bluter
I subbed up when you had "your shower thing going on". Been away for a while, but WOW you got it sorted while I've been away.

Just read through this journal, so all up to date. Plants are looking great, super frosty.

Just started some Hempys myself, hope they perform as well as yours. To be fair half as well would do me :)

Off to update my own journal, but I'm subbed up.

Hope your coping with all the craziness okay.

Hey Bluter
I subbed up when you had "your shower thing going on". Been away for a while, but WOW you got it sorted while I've been away.

Just read through this journal, so all up to date. Plants are looking great, super frosty.

Just started some Hempys myself, hope they perform as well as yours. To be fair half as well would do me :)

Off to update my own journal, but I'm subbed up.

Hope your coping with all the craziness okay.


hempy is easy. you're going to love it. head over to hempy head quarters as well.
heya friend,, great info on the oily and creamy side of things. we share a common interest in making medications to be applied to the skin

i use mine for myself and the missus mostly, but anything i give away is surely appreciated

we make all the same things, and somethings i no longer make,,

i am sure you know this but for those who do not,, the beeswax,, the oh so nasty beeswax,, that stuff is messy

it does not absorb into the skin like the rest of the salve,, therefore it stays behind to make a mess of darn near anything it touches. and it does not come out,, of anything. pillowcases, shirtsleeves, anything it touches,, ruined

and the oil with everything 'except' the wax is the same, just minus the wax.

my findings, real quickly too,

another thing,, this one a goody

the ultimate hand sanitizer,,,

i also make a tincture for the same reason as the oil,, for my sore joints,, i make the tincture out of straight isopropyl alcohol and cannabis. simply soak any cannabis in the iso alc, shake well, and the alcohol is infused

nice thing about the iso tincture is the fact that it dissipate off the skin very quickly,, perhaps lessening the affect a bit, but the instant disappearance is quite a benefit,, and it still works for the pain

so,, an instant hand sanitizer, with the added benefit of pain relief

cheers friend,,
morning 420 ... everyone is on about the virus stuff today ... :rolleyes:
quickie update to distract from the mayhem .. :)

made some thc based topicals for my folks yesterday ...

an oil and a cream. exact same method as posted earlier. it's a pain targeted approach. i add a few drops of frankincense and japanese mint oil to this one.

my parents officially use more thc than i do .... :cheesygrinsmiley:

i've never had an issue with the beeswax @nivek . everything pretty much drinks in to the skin. i do feel it sticks around personally. most of the folk who use it prefer it over the straight oil for just that very reason, and dislike the oil for "oilyness".

i recommend using both products. honestly think straight oils work faster, but have no actual proof. it is definitely stronger. no one i know using the stuff has reported an oil being more or less effective / fast than the creams. what i hear most often is how quick stuff begins to complain if they stop using it or run out.

if i was unscrupulous i could give out samples in a few care homes.... then offer it for sale ....
i'd be rolling 90's escalade rich rich in no time lol ... :p

there's wax in near every cosmetic, usually beeswax, not always. it's even in chocolate bars.

the hempy cup clones are still with us. all 20 caught, which was not the dilemma i was prepared for...

the final 6 ..

i dunno what i'm up to with those. pretty much have my hands full.

they look pretty good... everything always goes for it when you're not invested in the outcome lol ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

well crap ... some virus crap again. news busted in to broadcasts ... they're bottling the country up .. borders are open but funneling folk to a few places ... they over ran the airports without thinking.

working on the bigger gals, will finish the update. stay good and healthy everyone.
So when you're faced with a dilemma of too many clones, what can you horde that would help? I don't think Nutella will help there...
why the hell is that getting around today lol ?... :laugh:

well, the jungle room is going gangbusters right now ... i may hold a few back and try a run on run if the jungle room clears fast enough ... the jungle room continues to pull from the fans and the pistils are turning fast. we may just be looking at a bunch who've decided to finish, and not a nute issue per se ...

my flowering time has shortened significantly with the new light and 11/ 13 schedule too.. i lost close to a third of avg flowering time on the last run.
so i trimmed up all the hempys moving forward ...

gonna train a few branches out and top to frustrate a dominant cola... :cheesygrinsmiley:
pulled all the under growth and even the fans under the branches i'm keeping..

did it all over the past two days. i've had to adjust the tied branches a couple times already. i'll top the others out as i get enough branches for a half decent run.

the tangie looks nude without the big fans everywhere lol .. :p

i waited til there was enough root mass to sustain such an aggressive trim and train ...

the tangie and a couple others didn't get the full top and tie down. waiting til things develop out a bit. adds 2 - 3 wks to veg i figure over all for the added training, and loss of some lower dominant branching.

no one escaped untouched ...

more to come .. think the rest of the plant update is going to be tomorrow ... :p
You get a haircut and you get a haircut and you get a haircut...! Nice snipping and training. Won't be long before they're ready for the jungle.

gonna go see when jungle is gonna be ready for them... jungle is probably ahead.

wondering what my chances are of stalling and then rolling the hempy cups ... i need the veg space. i might be able to finish veg on the bigger ones in the jungle room though.
morning 420 ... here is your morning mutant tangie ....

i managed to get to the jungle room obviously .... was very happy with the bump in feed. :)
we are feeding at 11g / 6L - just a hair under the 7g / gal mark. surprised we hit that high. all the plants are stable now.

pics don't show it, but they've greened up a bit and stopped pulling so hard from the leaves. i figger they're about the point where they'd be on it natural though... my other grows would pull hard from the leaves starting about now.

can see the space for a pk boost, but it's so slim i don't think i've got the wherewithal / talent to hit it. i may think about a pk boost in the future. good for now.. :cheesygrinsmiley:

the little lsd gals are bulking up ....

tons and tons of new pistils. super impressed with what they can do considering the size. would recommend growing this one out a bit bigger, maybe longer veg / bigger bucket. :)

there's nowhere to go with the feed now. would be nothing to gain from an increase. ... we are looking for a signal to pull back a bit now.

the other lsd showing the tops ....

haven't checked trichomes at all. they are starting to sugar up all over though...

here's a tangie bud ...

everyone is more or less the same. the cbd gals are a bit ahead on everything they always are...

moses dropped by to identify the chosen bud ....

i'm afraid that's his first and last appearance. the pharaohs have offered a pad in the promised land condos, and you don't mess with the pharaohs ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

quick look at the under gallery ... developed pretty far down, but could have stripped them further up still.

know for certain i could have gone way deeper on the 3 wk defol.

running everyone hard under the 12 cob rig. turned it down for a gratuitous shot ...

check the friendly jungle room ghost .. hardly ever catch him in a pic. looks like water vapor or a slight fog or smoke when you first open the door, then disappears. oooooowaaahhhooooowaaahhh .... eerily ... lol

the gals are growing great through conditions verging on too dry ....

haven't done anything active about it other than put out pans of water. the crappy colour in those pans is from the mineral content left from our unfiltered water when it evaporates.

happy with how everybody is looking despite the dry ...

think i'm about 1/2 or just over on the way there .. :)

brewing up a future delicious update lol .... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Great looking jungle! I think the Tangie can give up the mutant title at this point...looks like a winner to me. :thumb:

Thanks for the credit on the Moses pic ;).

lol ... avoiding unsolicited advertising .... :cheesygrinsmiley:
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