That I can’t answer, I have never watched it. My old work partner kept telling me to watch it, but he refused to watch trailer park boys, so I told him once he starts watching TPB I would watch letterkenny.
Haha that is funny, but after reading my reply back to you, I should have said two days after my birthday.
Not before
I’m thinking it’s just strain related, because both the clone and the momma are showing those purple colours. I’ll have an update sometime tonight or tomorrow maybe.
Haha too funny... okay, you’re gunna have to explain that to me a bit better
hahaha I don’t even want to think about their teenage years!
I always say, instead of, “it’s a dog eat dog world out there”
“It’s a fish eat fish world out there!” Because there’s always a bigger more aggressive fish that will eat the other.
I love fish, and it was my passion before I even started thinking of growing.
Haha I’ve probably gotten a lot of people with that photo.... haha should I change it? Nahh maybe not. Lol I rather like it haha then I won’t be judged by the cover.
I find at work, since I look so young, nobody takes me seriously... it could happen here too.
I’m just deflated. I should be down there working on it all as it’s my last day off, and I just don’t even want to look at it.
No other word describes better as being deflated. I know I should be down there... but I can’t bring my self to. ImTake a week off from it and try again next weekend I suppose.
Nahh, my lawn service line burst. While I was using the outside hose, cleaning the hot tub, it was gushing water inside. I had the hose off the tap all winter then a few months ago when it was warm, I hooked up the hose to fill up the hot tub. After I was done I forgot to unhook the hose, and a simple mistake like that, caused the line to freeze and burst. Not knowing that it burst the line, I went and used it, leaking/spraying water inside... Arugghh....
It’s even more frustrating because it’s something that could, should have been prevented... I know I shouldn’t be beating my self up, as it doesn’t help the situation, but I’m having a hard time accepting my own apology.
Damn bro!! Who would have thought... you pay someone to do a job thinking they will take care of everything... what a piss off that is!! Sorry that happened bro! But glad you found the culprit and got it fixed.
I found the culprit to my problem, but now I gotta undue all the damage it did. There will be a day I can look back at this and laugh about it, but I’m still beating my self up...