BLS’s Grow Laboratory

And you hand and wrist houses PERFECT cannulation veins. I wouldn’t even need a strap
There is a thing called "the stoner paradox". Through all the studies thus far that have been executed studying cannabis, the statistical evidence has shown that the test subjects on average have a lower BMI (body mass index) than non-pot smokers.

I would need a minute to dig up the thread(s).

evidence has shown that the test subjects on average have a lower BMI
Oh please, please, please let this be the case - Oh man , if my diet regime could be "stay stoned" or at least "mellow" - screw you peleton!!! :thedoubletake:
There is a thing called "the stoner paradox". Through all the studies thus far that have been executed studying cannabis, the statistical evidence has shown that the test subjects on average have a lower BMI (body mass index) than non-pot smokers.

I would need a minute to dig up the thread(s).

It’s because weed is so fucking expensive to buy so choices must be made!

When given the ultimatum a chubster will ALWAYS choose ubereats.

I know coz I’m a chubster from waaaaaaY back ;)
The 2 plants I grew last year of the BluMango (1 went to neighbor) were late at showing pistils. They were huge before showing. I think the one I gave to the neighbor was about 3 ft before showing preflowers. Both plants grew to be taller than the gutters on our houses. Watch out... ;)
Lol no kidding!

lots of stretch from the BC mango, I had to re tie all the branches down and organize the plants a bit better to fit everything lol.

And I'm getting anxious to get those little round bundles of euphoria in the dirt - and yes, I'm already resigned to the fact that I won't have only 4 - but in my defence - OK, there is no defence but you sent them so it's not my fault!!!:thedoubletake::headbanger:
OK, my theory, you have to sprout as if 1/2 are males and if that doesn't work out well....watchagonna do????:hmmmm:
Hahaha I’ll take the blame for that... I suppose. :smokin:

yeah it’s getting close, are you going to have plants outside by may long weekend?

Use the force..
That’s good advice right there!

Since I am resigned to the fact that I will overshoot my limit, I'm going to let one seed go total wild just to see how big it might get. Plus a male and female will go back to the beaver pond to do what they do. So, let's do the math - 2 in the greenhouse + 2 in the outdoor under cover + 1 to go wild as nature intended + 2 back at the beaver pond = Oops!!! :hmmmm:
#oops!! Hahaha

Hmmmmm, how many members does it take to hijack a thread??? ONE!!! :ciao:
Where is he? Let me at him!! [rolls sleeves up]
Your tent is brimming with health and green happiness.

And you hand and wrist houses PERFECT cannulation veins. I wouldn’t even need a strap ;)
Hey! Who’s to say we’re not going to need that strap! Whip!;)
Someone (I’m not saying who) might like that!
lol just playin around here!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks trala! I love being complimented on how robust my capillaries are!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
There is a thing called "the stoner paradox". Through all the studies thus far that have been executed studying cannabis, the statistical evidence has shown that the test subjects on average have a lower BMI (body mass index) than non-pot smokers.

I would need a minute to dig up the thread(s).

That’s all good info.. thanks again brother!!

Oh please, please, please let this be the case - Oh man , if my diet regime could be "stay stoned" or at least "mellow" - screw you peleton!!! :thedoubletake:
So far it’s been working hasn’t it? ;) :battingeyelashes:
Alright, alright, call off the search party. I have made it to The Lab under my own power.

I’ll be watching from here on out if you’ll have me, BLS.

[on phone]
Me: yes Steve? You there? Ok good, call the search party off. DAB has been located!
Steve: But I just got one thousand shirts made..!

Hahah good to have you here DAB! It’s always a pleasure to have you join!!

It’s because weed is so fucking expensive to buy so choices must be made!

When given the ultimatum a chubster will ALWAYS choose ubereats.

I know coz I’m a chubster from waaaaaaY back ;)
We’ve all got an inner chubster...

Ohh damn.. that sounded, ohh so very wrong!
are you going to have plants outside by may long weekend?
I am trying to hold off and not start too early.....but...... I got anxious and put three non descript seeds into a pot and placed it in with my composting worms to see how well they like to sprout in there!! I won't try that with my "good" seeds. Just another experiment!!! :ciao: It seems that if I start too early they want to grow too large or seem to get tired by the time they flip.
I am trying to hold off and not start too early.....but...... I got anxious and put three non descript seeds into a pot and placed it in with my composting worms to see how well they like to sprout in there!! I won't try that with my "good" seeds. Just another experiment!!! :ciao: It seems that if I start too early they want to grow too large or seem to get tired by the time they flip.
I don’t know what the rule of thumb is there in Ontario, but Alberta, the rule of thumb is to move the plant outside by may long. So if it’s started by early to mid April, that shouldn’t be any problem! :headbanger:
Hey! Who’s to say we’re not going to need that strap! Whip!;)
Someone (I’m not saying who) might like that!

If you use how I train my plants as your guide, I’ll fuck you up!

Honey it’s all fun and games till I have you strapped down, your right arm torn off and you‘re sobbing for your momma ;)
I don’t know what the rule of thumb is there in Ontario
Well, we are not allowed to do anything until we check with Alberta!!!! :thedoubletake::rofl:
Just kidding!!!!! Yeah, May 24 is the usual frost free date. With the greenhouse I can start earlier but I don't know if it helps much to be early but it is a real help by stretching it later. I'm thinking that the age of the plant is less important (other than size) than when it flips and flowers, etc.
Well, we are not allowed to do anything until we check with Alberta!!!! :thedoubletake::rofl:
Just kidding!!!!! Yeah, May 24 is the usual frost free date. With the greenhouse I can start earlier but I don't know if it helps much to be early but it is a real help by stretching it later. I'm thinking that the age of the plant is less important (other than size) than when it flips and flowers, etc.
We have had frost may 24 here in Ontario. My summer girls are already 2 months old. Growing under 24 hr light. In May they will still be growing so I don't rush. Once we have warm sunny weather I'll move them out. I don't need to rush and risk death.. happy growing.
I started mine oustide right before that big storm last year. They popped IN the storm. LOL. If you grow the right strain nothing is gonna stop her. Autos can easily complete their full cycle outdoors in southern alberta, just pick the right ones. I did a Brooklyn Sunrise from dutch passion last year only issue is all the hemp around. I suggest a green house to keep the pollen out.
Growing under 24 hr light.
Is that going to mess them up when they go outside? I had a few reveg on me last year. I thought I was way ahead of the game when they flowered so early and then they went really funky. They were scruff anyway so no real lose.
If you use how I train my plants as your guide, I’ll fuck you up!

Honey it’s all fun and games till I have you strapped down, your right arm torn off and you‘re sobbing for your momma ;)
Hahaha too freaking funny!
It’s really funny, because it’s probably true! :rofl:

I'm thinking that the age of the plant is less important (other than size)
You are absolutely correct!! A person could keep a plant nice and small for up to two months (or longer) with proper topping and training! :thumb:
I started mine oustide right before that big storm last year. They popped IN the storm. LOL. If you grow the right strain nothing is gonna stop her. Autos can easily complete their full cycle outdoors in southern alberta, just pick the right ones. I did a Brooklyn Sunrise from dutch passion last year only issue is all the hemp around. I suggest a green house to keep the pollen out.
Yeah, I grew a lowryder auto last year outdoors. Turned out super fat, and finished super early. Had it outside by day 21 on may long weekend. The day before my daughter was born.

it wasn’t all that potent so I turned it all into hash! :headbanger:

Is that going to mess them up when they go outside? I had a few reveg on me last year. I thought I was way ahead of the game when they flowered so early and then they went really funky. They were scruff anyway so no real lose.
Not at all brother!! :high-five:
As long as they’re not autos, they won’t start flowering until they have longer nights. Or a 12/12 light schedule.
Video update time! No Pick-chas tonight! :headbanger:
Nice Backlipslide.

I used to keep a large tank with a Red Devil and and Jack Dempsey that were bought as babies and then raised together. Those two tried to kill each other for years but each kept getting bigger and bigger. After a while they must have realized that all the aggression was a waste of time and that they both were eating well.

They finally calmed down and co-existed "somewhat" peacefully for many years!
Is that going to mess them up when they go outside? I had a few reveg on me last year. I thought I was way ahead of the game when they flowered so early and then they went really funky. They were scruff anyway so no real lose.
I have herd of that Maby because I put them out later with longer days I don't get an issue. I put a pic of 1 of the dozen I had in back yard last summer.
12' jher. Green house this year, I hate those feken mites.
Feed day for the plants tonight. Here’s another video update to go with it!!

I’ll get to the reply’s, just not right now... been a long day! :bong:
got to love that Canadian accent brother. very prevalent accent during this scamdemic for me as I follow a couple of guys from your home on current real events and the legal challenges ect. got used to hearing it and assuming honesty And learning to be less British in the process. I now know that "allouette" is not the national anthem and you don't canoe to work!. I am loving this international reach and education .lol
Too many years watching "kids in the hall" lol
plants are looking good too. there is hope on stumpy too, reveg can make monster buds. Seems we are both gluttons for variety on the strains front too. I cant use the excuse of searching for my keeper strain anymore either :rolleyes: :laugh:. I do think my false belief that all will lst and follow my plan has kept me deluded enough to keep going with it but I would love to go for it outside with the real elements to get the monster trees I keep seeing on here. ( hence the guerilla grow idea on mimosa lemon ;)lol).
keep up the great work mate.
I haven’t used any yet, but my goal was to use the water from water changes, but the reason I haven’t yet, is I’ve been waiting for the tank to establish its self before I start feeding it to the plants. Good eye! You were the first to bring it up! :high-five:

It stinks a little and ours were only 3 small fish but I still gave them a good soak occasionally

Point taken!
[scribbles notes into notepad]

Stephen king is the shit! (In a good way!) lol

thanks budd-ay!! :high-five:
Crazy as bat shit and twisted beyond repair but great writer ( no idea how to end a book though! It! , under the dome... ).

Finger on the nose!! :high-five:

Lol I wasn’t panicking, I was convinced it was a male because I saw what looked like balls in the armpit!
@Patient Puffer gave me those seeds. Gifted me five regulars, I germinated one and sent the rest to @greenjeans to help a brother out.

So my odds were against me on if it was a female. It’s looking good though! (So far) I haven’t saw any balls yet!! :party:
Will keep my fingers crossed for

You are absolutely correct. The tops will always produce better then the side branches or lowest internodes in the short game. If a person has time to let them grow and then top and train again, you can make any plant produce. Those big clones were bottoms of the plant cuttings. They’re just super old lol :high-five:

That’s interesting stuff! I may have to dig into that my self! :nomo:

Hell yeah he did! :high-five:

Yeah yeah, shut up BLS!! Lmao
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