BLS’s Grow Laboratory

Good morning. Welcome to Patient's word of the day. Today's episode is brought to you by the word "turgid".

A flashback to high school physiology class may bring memories of the cell's anatomy. A plant cell has a huge vacuole compared to animal cells. We see our plants lose their "turgor pressure" as we take them through their dry cycle. This vacuole is pressured up with water to keep our plants up right and the cell walls rigid or turgid.

I find I even wink at my man the wrong way his vacuole swells and he’s turgid.

It’s the bane of my existence.
Well they were all fed last night.

You know when you walk away from the living room, for one minute, then come back to find you’re kid colouring all over the chesterfield?

well that’s kind of how I felt what happened with the Blu Cheez clone.

I checked on the clones when I got home from work yesterday, and was shocked to see..

Hella roots!!

Nothing from the other clones (yet). I even checked today after work and they’re close but no cigar yet.... but they’re still standing, so that’s a good sign.

So what I did is got the smallest pot I have and filled it up about 3/4 of the way then burrowed a crater in the middle.

Then I would stick the clone/peat puck in the crater.

^then I kinda (gently) screwdriver the bitch in there. :laughtwo:

^Then I Top fill with more medium on top, and give it a really good spray with the spray bottle, and stick the pot in a small tray with water, just to saturate the soil a bit, to tie her over till she gets fed with the BLT technique.

Onto the big tent, I pulled them all out and got some photos, and tied the branches down a lil tighter.

They all got fed about 20ml of each bottle of remo nutrients in two gallons of water.

^Red Dragon’s branches were getting longer, but I left it for a few more days, for them to be tied down.

^I’m afraid to say it @Patient Puffer but this might just be a male!!

I’ll give it a few more days...

If it weren’t for are days getting longer, I’d just stick it in the bay window and collect it’s pollen... but I can’t do that... it’ll get too big by next fall! Lol we will see!

Have a great week everyone! Thanks for tuning in!!
Nice lookin good man
I find I even wink at my man the wrong way his vacuole swells and he’s turgid.

It’s the bane of my existence.
we can be such bracteoles some times !.
Thanks GJ!!!

a bit of an update.

I found roots on the Blu

just covered them back up, sprayed them all for a watering, with the spray bottle. Should hopefully see some roots out the bottom in a week or so
wownrhat will put some great roots out. look at the stem. Nice cloning.
I rubbed viagra in my eyes once, I looked rock hard all day!!!
1st time I used it my date stood me up!!!! Got called "one armed popeye" for years !
Just catching up (again), @Backlipslide.

Your plants look stellar!

I'm very concerned about where Patient's word of the day thing might lead. His first entry certainly led to a rabbit-hole! :rofl:
I can ride a peddle bike with no hands
That’s pretty talented bro!! It doesn’t count though, unless you shout, “LOOK MAH! NO HANDS!!”

I'm in for the ride @Backlipslide!:blunt: Best of luck mate! :high-five:
Ohh damn! The notorious, the one and only, man, myth, legend... Cola monster is in the house y’all! :adore:

Happy to have you here sir! In this moment I just cracked a beer in celebration! (I don’t drink too often, but I had three beer sitting in my fridge for the last four months... looking at me in the face :straightface:

the daughter went to grandmas and the baby is asleep... time to sit back, Cheers brother!

Good morning. Today we are going to start to learn the anatomy of cannabis. As I have spent time at grow sites and read books concerning our beloved plant, I have realized some of the terms I use and see used are actually incorrect.

Does it make us wrong? Absolutely not, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

We are going to take a look at what we mistakenly refer to as a calyx.

Here is a diagram provided by Mel Frank...


Here we can see what we usually refer to as a "calyx" is actually a "bract". (wha?)

For some reason, having your buddy say "Look at those swollen bracts" does not seem to have the same impact as saying swollen calyxs. Why? I haven't a clue.

Indeed we can see that what we see in our buds, that we call a calyx is actually a bract.

Bract & Calyx

The bract encapsulates the reproductive sections of the female flower. Underneath the tiny leaves of the cola, called ‘sugar leaves,’ a keen observer will find the tear-shaped nodules which form the bract. They come in various shapes, colors, and sizes. Bracts contain high concentrations of trichomes: glands which secrete cannabinoids such as THC. Though often confused with bracts, the calyx is a translucent layer at the flower’s base and is not visible to the naked eye.

"translucent layer"? That is making me think of the "perianth" (spelling?)

Well as we can see there is a ton of terminology used to distinguish and identify seperate parts of our plants. We may not refer to them by their correct names, but we all know what we are talking about.

I doubt we can swing this post back to the gutter, but I am along for the ride where ever it goes. :)

Bract...not your mother's calyx. ;)
you had me gutting my self there at the end of that! Hahahaha

ALL good information!! Thank you so much for that information!

Gee we’ll have to get this journal name changed to BLS’s Grow Lab and Patient puffers priceless information! Haha I love it, keep it coming!

Wow Back - those roots are spinorky!! :ciao:
Is there a separate dictionary for that word.. I can’t find the definition anywhere! ;):laugh:

thank you good sir green jeans!
hope you guys have been getting some nice weather! We’ve finally warmed up and had an awesome day! Getting nicer even in the days to come... but all good things come to an end, as we’re supposed to go back into a bit of a cold snap.
Ooooo.....that's so much better than the diagram I've been using! Unf this forum f'ing rocks

OMG trichomes make sense now....I love it!
that patient puffer ehh? He’s just an endless pit of information!

not that it matters now, and I hate to try and steal patient puffers thunder by posting a photo regarding trichomes, right after his informative post, but I’m going to anyways because I haven’t posted them in the journal yet.

you may have saw them surfing the threads on 420 mag, but it’s all good info!


I find I even wink at my man the wrong way his vacuole swells and he’s turgid.

It’s the bane of my existence.
hahaha too freaking funny!!

@Backlipslide this really is a cracker of a journal.
aww, Gee thanks!!
that’s so sweet of you to say, but I can’t take all the credit, it’s the wonderful members here like you and everyone else here contributing to help make it what it is! :high-five:

Nice lookin good man
Haha thanks bro! Rock on brother!:headbanger::high-five:

Great write on the clones bro. Never tried the jiffy plugs. Might give it a shot. Cheers bro, hope everything is irie:ganjamon:
Thanks brother sparkey! I love the peat pucks, it makes it so freaking easy, and those roots just push right through the mesh netting the medium is incased in. Absolutely no reason to cut them before transplanting into their first pot! :headbanger::high-five:

I gotta get my hand on some of those sparkilicious seeds of yours! That strain looks straight fire brother!

that is a hard one !
Like a rock!
wownrhat will put some great roots out. look at the stem. Nice cloning.
Thanks brother! Simplicity at its best. :headbanger:

I rubbed viagra in my eyes once, I looked rock hard all day!!!
Like a rock!

1st time I used it my date stood me up!!!! Got called "one armed popeye" for years !
How could olive do you like that!

Just catching up (again), @Backlipslide.

Your plants look stellar!

I'm very concerned about where Patient's word of the day thing might lead. His first entry certainly led to a rabbit-hole! :rofl:
GDB! Good to see you didn’t get lost in the rabbit hole!
I’m just digging my self back out now! Just about to open up my second beer! (Read the reply back to cola monster for insight on that first beer)

this has definitely been one of the longest multi quotes I’ve ever done! Haha

should I tell patient puffer to do word of the week? Instead of day? Haha I’m happy with either or. :headbanger:

Believe me, I was concerned as well and reached out via PM to confirm he was still in to the idea. LOL!
Now you listen here!

I love it! Keep it coming! It’s all great information, and you’re an endless pit of it! Haha (uhh ohh, did I just shine those shoes you need to fill now) uhh ohh! :cheesygrinsmiley::laugh:
It's good to see you on the tube mate!;) The new babies are looking sweet!:thumb:
I can’t find the definition anywhere!
You have to google it - It's a word my Dad always used - I'm trying to bring it back!!
It means, flashy, fancy, jazzy, that sort of thing!!! :ciao:
You know....Spinorky!!!!!
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