Blaze's Cannabis Corner: Dyna-Gro 2018, StrawberryCake & Many More

I like your new glass. Considered that one myself but ended up with this one on the left and a new slider for the little one on the right because I broke the old one while cleaning it.

I like your new glass. Considered that one myself but ended up with this one on the left and a new slider for the little one on the right because I broke the old one while cleaning it.

Oh man u have no idea how bad I wanted to get a big one again like tht one on the left. The one I wanted had real elaborate glasswork designs on the outside. But till we get into the bigger place I'm guna wait cause it keeps getting knocked over an ends up breaking. So i went alil smaller cause I still need a water piece :rofl:. I mean I sure do miss my big bong but this gets the job done lol.
Is your Blue Cheese from Barney’s Farm?✌

Yes sir it is lol. And now I jus ordered a shit more strains from a few different breeders. Here is the list I figured it wud be easier to jus copy my receipt instead of tryn to remember all the names lmao.

I'm very excited to run the new white Barry an white alien also I've been wanting to get sweet tooth it's been on the list for a while now for me to try out. I heard it was supposed to be good medically but I'm not sure what for hahaha. I got it on my list of medical buds to try out. I get a list of buds/strains I wana try for my various people I help out plus myself an I got it on my list. So I'm now wondering what was the reason I put it on there lol.
I like your new glass. Considered that one myself but ended up with this one on the left and a new slider for the little one on the right because I broke the old one while cleaning it.

Hey bro u have any idea y my clones are dieing off all but 2 look like they guna make it. When should I open the vents on my cloner lid? I opened up 2 little holes in the lid jus now. I also taped up the rest incase it was from the humidity escaping to fast. I didnt know what it was from so jus figured I'd start with alil hole open at first. Also the clones were taken on the 11th so they r a week old if that helps.

Congrats on the new strains. I’ve got a 8 ball kush from Barney’s I’m gonna run one of these days lol✌

Sweet man sounds great bro congrats. Im very excited about these they should be here right around the time my hibrix soil is done cooking for a super round 2. But yea either way they should add an interesting mix to my breeding program. And I even got a new cbd strain to try out once they get here. I'm not sure which strain I'm guna run first with the kit. But whatever I cant fit in with docs kit I'll do a dyna gro run with unless I dnt got room by then lol. But I'm guessing some of my current plants might be boys so that will free up some room.
Hey bro u have any idea y my clones are dieing off all but 2 look like they guna make it. When should I open the vents on my cloner lid? I opened up 2 little holes in the lid jus now. I also taped up the rest incase it was from the humidity escaping to fast. I didnt know what it was from so jus figured I'd start with alil hole open at first. Also the clones were taken on the 11th so they r a week old if that helps.

No cloning experience with cannabis to lend you much help. My only cloning history is with geraniums.
No cloning experience with cannabis to lend you much help. My only cloning history is with geraniums.

Well maybe u could help me another way lol. My seedling is not doing so hot an idk y I've tried letting her dry out fully between waterings and this one being done in sunshine mix#4 soil with dyna-gro nutes ph to 6.3 so idk y but she not doing good at all.

Well maybe u could help me another way lol. My seedling is not doing so hot an idk y I've tried letting her dry out fully between waterings and this one being done in sunshine mix#4 soil with dyna-gro nutes ph to 6.3 so idk y but she not doing good at all.

Sometimes you get one that is just plain ass picky. The first Purple Kush I grew looked about like that and I never could please her. 6.3-6.5 in Sunshine with Dyna should be fine. She looks big enough for full strength or near full strength doses. I'd try running 2 gallons of pH'd tap at it just to make sure you don't have and build up in your Sunshine mix, then come right back on top of that with a gallon of feed (4ml Foliage Pro, and if you got it, 4ml of Pro Tekt and 5ml of Cal Mag). So you're pouring 3 gallons of water into it. That will probably last it 4 days, plus or minus, until it needs fed again.
Last time I saw a plant like that it was because of bad soil pH. You should try to check pH and ppm of runoff
Clones like HIGH humidity. I put mine under 100% humidity for a week but will open the lid for a few minutes every couple of days to get fresh air in. After a week, I start cracking open the vents a little bit. If they're OK after a few hours, I open a little more and continue that process until the vents are fully open. If they're OK for a full day with the vents fully open, I'll move them to the tent and check them after a couple of hours. If they show signs of wilting, it's back under humidity for another day or two, then repeat the process. Once that wilted plant gets back under humidity, within a couple of hours it's usually standing back straight, again. I had one clone that must have wilted & been "resurrected" under humidity something like four times! :D

FWIW, the issues with your GSC look environmental, too. I see no signs of nutrient deficiencies, so, if I had to guess, it's likely temps, RH, or a fan blowing directly on the plant (assuming it's not underwatered!). ;)
Clones like HIGH humidity. I put mine under 100% humidity for a week but will open the lid for a few minutes every couple of days to get fresh air in. After a week, I start cracking open the vents a little bit. If they're OK after a few hours, I open a little more and continue that process until the vents are fully open. If they're OK for a full day with the vents fully open, I'll move them to the tent and check them after a couple of hours. If they show signs of wilting, it's back under humidity for another day or two, then repeat the process. Once that wilted plant gets back under humidity, within a couple of hours it's usually standing back straight, again. I had one clone that must have wilted & been "resurrected" under humidity something like four times! :D

FWIW, the issues with your GSC look environmental, too. I see no signs of nutrient deficiencies, so, if I had to guess, it's likely temps, RH, or a fan blowing directly on the plant (assuming it's not underwatered!). ;)
It mite be rh but i got it at 47% so its not to bad and temps r 77° to 81°f. An a fan on oscillating but it jus skims over the top it dnt actually touch the plant like directly. It jus kinda lightly bends in the breeze. I figured it wud help push the humidity around since the humidifier is right behind it also to help air flow gettn old air pushed out some. Altho i guess thts what my extraction fan is for lol so maybe not needed?!? Lol maybe ill try it with out the fan hey maybe rh will raise a bit more lets hope so.
Sometimes you get one that is just plain ass picky. The first Purple Kush I grew looked about like that and I never could please her. 6.3-6.5 in Sunshine with Dyna should be fine. She looks big enough for full strength or near full strength doses. I'd try running 2 gallons of pH'd tap at it just to make sure you don't have and build up in your Sunshine mix, then come right back on top of that with a gallon of feed (4ml Foliage Pro, and if you got it, 4ml of Pro Tekt and 5ml of Cal Mag). So you're pouring 3 gallons of water into it. That will probably last it 4 days, plus or minus, until it needs fed again.

Last time I saw a plant like that it was because of bad soil pH. You should try to check pH and ppm of runoff

Clones like HIGH humidity. I put mine under 100% humidity for a week but will open the lid for a few minutes every couple of days to get fresh air in. After a week, I start cracking open the vents a little bit. If they're OK after a few hours, I open a little more and continue that process until the vents are fully open. If they're OK for a full day with the vents fully open, I'll move them to the tent and check them after a couple of hours. If they show signs of wilting, it's back under humidity for another day or two, then repeat the process. Once that wilted plant gets back under humidity, within a couple of hours it's usually standing back straight, again. I had one clone that must have wilted & been "resurrected" under humidity something like four times! :D

FWIW, the issues with your GSC look environmental, too. I see no signs of nutrient deficiencies, so, if I had to guess, it's likely temps, RH, or a fan blowing directly on the plant (assuming it's not underwatered!). ;)

Happy 4/20 every1 hope there day is going great and have an awesome Easter as well. Here to start things off try a Jay of highbrix Devil's Carnival mixed with some hibrix Gorilla Glue#4 then smeared gorilla glue#4 rosin on the outside and coated in devil's carnival dust (aka bud ground dwn to dust to coat oil soaked buds or Jay's like this) :passitleft:

Well thanx every1 for all the input here it's really appreciated. And the hygrometer I have in there reads 99%. But I did jus re spray it dwn so tht could be why it was so high. But it read b4 that 68%.

Here is my Bluedream Auto. I couldnt help myself I ended up lollipoping her.

Then here we got my afrodite #2 the shorter pheno that hot topped. Also the one that I nicknamed today lucky. Cause when I went to train her and give her a topping I noticed she has 4 branches on one node so she got the name lucky 4 leaves..... altho now tht I think of it it should be more like lucky 4branch or lucky 4wood HAHA. Cause it's not 4 leaves it's got normal looking tops jus 4 of them on one node.

Then here is afrodite #1 the taller pheno. She is the one I fimmed instead of topping. I think I'll fim her again to give the lower branches jus alil more time to catch up to the main. Do people do that more then once (fimming I mean).

Then here is the Pineapple Chunk #1 I fimmed this one as well. She is also the one that had a mishap last week. She got knocked over when the dogs ran threw the room n knocked over a fan which fell into the bucket she was sitting on.

Then here is the Pineapple Chunk #2 that I topped.

Then here is my shorter pheno GirlScoutCookies #2. I accidentally broke a branch when training her today so i topped the other one opposite it to make things even lol.

But yea that is my 420 update. Now off to roll sumthn crazy for 420 lol. I would love to learn how to do those crazy joints u see at herb festivals an joint rolling competitions. It would be cool to do a Nike shoe or the Eiffel Tower man tht would be killer to see specially if it actually smokes lol.
Ok so time for an update of the veg girls. Up first we got my GirlScoutCookies #1 and #2.

Here is GSC #2 I think I'm doing the completely wrong type of training for this individual plant or maybe the strain. But either way I've been taking out certain branches to give more dominate ones more room to grow. Well no matter what I do the side branches keep growing in the way of the mains next to them or the leaves keep getting the way of the tops of certain branches. So I think I'm guna try an watch everything I can find on utube to learn a new way to train my plants or see if I'm maybe doing it wrong or something idk lol.

Then here we got the Pineapple Chunk #1 and #2. I know the one pic says its afrodite but I mislabeled it when I was loading pics. They are all the Pineapple Chunk.

Now here is the Afrodites #1 and #2 aka the Star Child.

See I zoomed in on Afrodite #2 aka Star Child so u can see all 4 branches are on one node. They arent just really close 2gether nope all 4 on 1. I was guna call her lucky star but thought since she is still a youngin Star Child sounded better hahaha.

Then here is a small update on my flower girl the Bluedream Auto. Here she is after I tied her down from alil more LST. Most of the branches are between 14 an 15 inches long but the tallest one is 16.5 inches long. She is about 53 days old above ground but 55 days since I put her into the ground. I took 2 days off for time she spent to get above ground. I cant remember fully an I forgot to mark it dwn but usually that's how long my autos take. So figured she is about 53 days old lol.

You ever think about quad line? It works great and pretty simple to do. I yielded almost a pound dry off a Blue Dream’matic that I quad lined. You top above the 4th node and remove nodes 1 and 2, that leaves you with 4 mains. Keep mains pulled down in a Cross shape or X shape till they get out past the edge of pot a little and then let them go vertical. I get plenty of budsites doing this training and the plant doesn’t stress to much either.✌️
You ever think about quad line? It works great and pretty simple to do. I yielded almost a pound dry off a Blue Dream’matic that I quad lined. You top above the 4th node and remove nodes 1 and 2, that leaves you with 4 mains. Keep mains pulled down in a Cross shape or X shape till they get out past the edge of pot a little and then let them go vertical. I get plenty of budsites doing this training and the plant doesn’t stress to much either.✌

Yea that's kinda what I did an boy is she stacking up nicely. I jus pulled my mains out of the way to the side of the pot almost an jus let them do there thing lol. I wish my GirlScoutCookie #2 was as easy as her to train lmao.
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