Blaze's Cannabis Corner: Dyna-Gro 2018, StrawberryCake & Many More

All looking good. Loving the star child. Think I'm going to quadline both on my next run. I topped my little blueberry auto and sort of quadlined it without trying. I like how they look and seems to make it easier to work around.
All looking good. Loving the star child. Think I'm going to quadline both on my next run. I topped my little blueberry auto and sort of quadlined it without trying. I like how they look and seems to make it easier to work around.

Ok well jus to point out my star child plant isnt what they would typically look like she is jus a mutant freak an has 4 branches on one node lol. But thanx dude for the kind words an yea I like the way the quad line looks as well. I happened to accidentally train my one like tht but it wasnt on purpose an found out I like doing it that way as well lol. It does make things easier feeding wise not being close to the dirt so triming off the bottom branches helps alot atleast for me.
A beautiful freak. Wonder how rare that is. She was built for it.

Yea it's pretty cool wen u get these freak mutations an they end up a good mutation lol. I think it's called triploid or polyploid or sumthn like tht lol atleast I think so Haha. But yea I jus uppoted my one afrodite #1 into a 3gal pot. Was guna do both but one I ran outa soil lol an 2 I figured star child could go alil longer b4 uppot since she is alil behind her sister or maybe brother lol. But I figured since she was the smaller of the 2 I wud let her go in her pot another week to get alil more root bound an see how she looks then.
Ok so I got some new goodies 2day at the local hydro shop. At first i was jus guna get soil but then i seen these nice bigger cloner buckets. This one has a lid that has nicer vents then my first one does. Plus this was only like 10 bux usd lol. So way better deal but I figured I'd jus use both lol. But here is my new 1.

Oh I was also guna get some mycos as well. I was thinkn of jus getting my normal go 2 of great white but the soil guy at the shop said he uses this stuff called OREGONISM XL and it's way cheaper the great white was 35 an this stuff is only 20 for same size package. An he said this stuff works jus as good jus cheaper so figured I'd save some money N try this stuff out. It's the blue package in my cloner bucket in the above pic. Oh yea I almost forgot I'm also trying out a new soil this time cause they were out of my normal sunshine mix#4 i had to get some promix hp cc which the soil guy said was pretty much the same thing as the sunshine but PM has coco chips in it thays what the cc is for. An this stuff was alil more expensive then the sunshine but u get a bigger bale so it's ok lol. And I had no choice anyway so it didnt matter. I had to take it lol my girls need to be uppotted.
Hadn't really heard of the Pro-Mix HPCC product. I see it's 65-75% peat moss and the remaining 25-35% is perlite and chunk coir. The regular HP is 75% peat, 25% perlite. So not a huge difference. It's still primarily peat so I'd treat it just like the Sunshine you're used to. I think Sunshine 4 is more like Pro-Mix BX, so the HPCC should be lighter and require more frequent waterings.
Hadn't really heard of the Pro-Mix HPCC product. I see it's 65-75% peat moss and the remaining 25-35% is perlite and chunk coir. The regular HP is 75% peat, 25% perlite. So not a huge difference. It's still primarily peat so I'd treat it just like the Sunshine you're used to. I think Sunshine 4 is more like Pro-Mix BX, so the HPCC should be lighter and require more frequent waterings.

Ok thanx for lettn me know I'll make sure to keep an eye on it then. I'll be uppotting a bunch of girls 2nite or early in the am since it's already 130 am lol. I mite catch a couple Zzz then do transplanting in the morn when I get up idk itll depend on if I can fall asleep r not 2nite.
Ok thanx for lettn me know I'll make sure to keep an eye on it then. I'll be uppotting a bunch of girls 2nite or early in the am since it's already 130 am lol. I mite catch a couple Zzz then do transplanting in the morn when I get up idk itll depend on if I can fall asleep r not 2nite.
Not sure if you're planning on doing High Brix, but Doc really specifies the HP and, although he's been playing with coco, he's not really endorsing it for HB, yet.

However, Brother Neiko has been mixing something like 25%-30% coco in his HB mix and always has killer plants. I believe the PM-HPCC is basically the same mix that Neiko uses (though, he hand mixes his) and he can probably give you some tips for the coco, if anything is even different.
Not sure if you're planning on doing High Brix, but Doc really specifies the HP and, although he's been playing with coco, he's not really endorsing it for HB, yet.

However, Brother Neiko has been mixing something like 25%-30% coco in his HB mix and always has killer plants. I believe the PM-HPCC is basically the same mix that Neiko uses (though, he hand mixes his) and he can probably give you some tips for the coco, if anything is even different.

No the PM HPCC stuff is for my dyna-gro girls I already got sunshine mix#4 for my HB girls. Which doc told me himself it would work jus fine and so far things went great with the 2 plants I put all the way threw flower. So my first HB run was slightly under what I was hoping for but still 6 ounces of highbrix herb is never a bad thing :rofl:
No the PM HPCC stuff is for my dyna-gro girls I already got sunshine mix#4 for my HB girls. Which doc told me himself it would work jus fine and so far things went great with the 2 plants I put all the way threw flower. So my first HB run was slightly under what I was hoping for but still 6 ounces of highbrix herb is never a bad thing :rofl:
Yes, SS#4 is fine for HB and what Doc recommends as the alternative for the PM! :thumb:
Yes, SS#4 is fine for HB and what Doc recommends as the alternative for the PM! :thumb:

Ok good deal had me worried for a sec I thought maybe I missed sumthn new or sumthn idk lol. I jus got dun mixxing up my third kit now. I got 2 kits at first but wanted to go perpetual so decided to get a third lol. Now that is cooking and once things are ready to flip it should be done an I'll be able 2 throw another round of girls into action lol. But yea the only method I like to do if I cant do my HB soil is the dyna gro nutes nuthn easier then 2 bottles an set ph to 6.3 simple an I love it. Not to mention the buds are pretty nice as well. Shit I mite even be able 2 win plant of the month with how good the girls look since I started using these nutes an setting the ph to 6.3 as well as with my weekly ipms. I never used to have to set the ph of my ipm or feeding when I was running a Los mix. But oh well live an learn a couple of my girls got the ole burn for awhile there my girls were looking pretty shity lol. But now nice dark green thick shiny foilage on my girls you would almost think they are fake hahaha. But yea brother thanx for all the help you've given me on here I really appreciate it man thank you. Idk what I woulda done if I never found this place. Well ill tell ya what I wuda done i wuda been growing shity underrated herb that's what hahaha.
Ok good deal had me worried for a sec I thought maybe I missed sumthn new or sumthn idk lol. I jus got dun mixxing up my third kit now. I got 2 kits at first but wanted to go perpetual so decided to get a third lol. Now that is cooking and once things are ready to flip it should be done an I'll be able 2 throw another round of girls into action lol. But yea the only method I like to do if I cant do my HB soil is the dyna gro nutes nuthn easier then 2 bottles an set ph to 6.3 simple an I love it. Not to mention the buds are pretty nice as well. Shit I mite even be able 2 win plant of the month with how good the girls look since I started using these nutes an setting the ph to 6.3 as well as with my weekly ipms. I never used to have to set the ph of my ipm or feeding when I was running a Los mix. But oh well live an learn a couple of my girls got the ole burn for awhile there my girls were looking pretty shity lol. But now nice dark green thick shiny foilage on my girls you would almost think they are fake hahaha. But yea brother thanx for all the help you've given me on here I really appreciate it man thank you. Idk what I woulda done if I never found this place. Well ill tell ya what I wuda done i wuda been growing shity underrated herb that's what hahaha.

I kinda got you started on the Dyna. I'm currently expirementing with Mega Crop and a Silica Supplement like Dyna Pro-Tekt. Mega Crop is a dry 1 part nute. So far I've found with my tap water, a 1:1 mix (1g of Mega to 1ml of Silica) puts me right at the sweet spot of 6.3. I haven't broken out the pH pen since after the first 2 feedings. I'm in week 5 now, feeding 5g Mega and 5ml Silica. My autos are just starting to flower and are bigger at this stage than they were using Dyna. We'll see how they finish out. I thought Dyna was the easiest thing going, but this is even simpler. BTW - it's cheaper too.
I kinda got you started on the Dyna. I'm currently expirementing with Mega Crop and a Silica Supplement like Dyna Pro-Tekt. Mega Crop is a dry 1 part nute. So far I've found with my tap water, a 1:1 mix (1g of Mega to 1ml of Silica) puts me right at the sweet spot of 6.3. I haven't broken out the pH pen since after the first 2 feedings. I'm in week 5 now, feeding 5g Mega and 5ml Silica. My autos are just starting to flower and are bigger at this stage than they were using Dyna. We'll see how they finish out. I thought Dyna was the easiest thing going, but this is even simpler. BTW - it's cheaper too.

Oh jesus man dont tell me that :rofl: lol. Another new way to try growing hahaha. And there was no kinda got me started once I took ur advice an tried the dyna-gro nutes for one round I was hooked instantly lol. And this new method is even cheaper u say hmmmm if u end up getting a bigger harvest then with the normal dyna-gro nutes then I will have to check it out lol. I'm actually uppoting my girls to the new PM Hpcc right now and getting ready to feed them in there new homes. Plus I gotta take clones of my regular plants so I can throw the clones into the flower tent right off the bat jus to sex them. An once I find all the females it will be time for a good ole pheno hunt.
I kinda got you started on the Dyna. I'm currently expirementing with Mega Crop and a Silica Supplement like Dyna Pro-Tekt. Mega Crop is a dry 1 part nute. So far I've found with my tap water, a 1:1 mix (1g of Mega to 1ml of Silica) puts me right at the sweet spot of 6.3. I haven't broken out the pH pen since after the first 2 feedings. I'm in week 5 now, feeding 5g Mega and 5ml Silica. My autos are just starting to flower and are bigger at this stage than they were using Dyna. We'll see how they finish out. I thought Dyna was the easiest thing going, but this is even simpler. BTW - it's cheaper too.

I'm excited cause I got some really fruity and exotic strains to try out that I forgot I even had cause they were regular an not fems I never wanted to run them cause the one time I got a pack of regular beans I ruined to harvests cause I missed a Male on each grow. But that was when I first started out n didnt know half as much about growing as I do now. So i feel I've learned enough to be able 2 find all the Males in time this time an with my plan of taking clones an flowering them right away I'll be able 2 tell forsure. Plus I've been wanting to pick back up with my breeding program since I lost or I think more likely they were taken by a certain family member who is known for stealing shit specially from me. Over the years I've caught this person taking my herb an other shit red handed. Plus when my strain went missing they were they only one to be here other then the family who lives here lol. But yea all the other beans I've made were jus f1's or s1's to preserve the strain not to actually work on it. So since I lost the one I worked on I figured I'd use one of these am jus continue with it from where I left off. But yea I got Blue OG, Grapefruit OG, Ultradog and Brian's choice. Those are the regular beans I have going right now an what I would use in my cross I wana make. Now I jus need to make up my mind which one of those i wana use and if i wana add it to an auto or a photo. But since I'm still kinda new to this whole breeding thing I think I'll keep it to just photos for now an not autos yet. Once I get a new grow space an got a room for the flowering girls and a seperate room for the veg girls then I'll try breeding autos with photos. Cause I'm guessing ur guna need alot of space if u really wana make ur strain good an lock in the best traits ur after an not have it take a 100 years lol. Cause I think wen making a strain with autos an photos mixed u get some normal photos and some autos and then some fast photos so I'm guessing u would need to run more at once to make sure what u got. Idk maybe I'm wrong but still I think I'm jus guna stick with the photos for my breeding program atleast for now.
I'm excited cause I got some really fruity and exotic strains to try out that I forgot I even had cause they were regular an not fems I never wanted to run them cause the one time I got a pack of regular beans I ruined to harvests cause I missed a Male on each grow. But that was when I first started out n didnt know half as much about growing as I do now. So i feel I've learned enough to be able 2 find all the Males in time this time an with my plan of taking clones an flowering them right away I'll be able 2 tell forsure. Plus I've been wanting to pick back up with my breeding program since I lost or I think more likely they were taken by a certain family member who is known for stealing shit specially from me. Over the years I've caught this person taking my herb an other shit red handed. Plus when my strain went missing they were they only one to be here other then the family who lives here lol. But yea all the other beans I've made were jus f1's or s1's to preserve the strain not to actually work on it. So since I lost the one I worked on I figured I'd use one of these am jus continue with it from where I left off. But yea I got Blue OG, Grapefruit OG, Ultradog and Brian's choice. Those are the regular beans I have going right now an what I would use in my cross I wana make. Now I jus need to make up my mind which one of those i wana use and if i wana add it to an auto or a photo. But since I'm still kinda new to this whole breeding thing I think I'll keep it to just photos for now an not autos yet. Once I get a new grow space an got a room for the flowering girls and a seperate room for the veg girls then I'll try breeding autos with photos. Cause I'm guessing ur guna need alot of space if u really wana make ur strain good an lock in the best traits ur after an not have it take a 100 years lol. Cause I think wen making a strain with autos an photos mixed u get some normal photos and some autos and then some fast photos so I'm guessing u would need to run more at once to make sure what u got. Idk maybe I'm wrong but still I think I'm jus guna stick with the photos for my breeding program atleast for now.

If you're interested, if you go to Greenleaf Nutients website (maker of Mega Crop) you can get a 300g "free" sample package for the cost of shipping, which for me was like $4. That's enough to make 60 gallons of full strength nutes. Should be enough to take a couple plants from seed to harvest.
If you're interested, if you go to Greenleaf Nutients website (maker of Mega Crop) you can get a 300g "free" sample package for the cost of shipping, which for me was like $4. That's enough to make 60 gallons of full strength nutes. Should be enough to take a couple plants from seed to harvest.

Hmm I'll have to go check tht out thanx man.
If you're interested, if you go to Greenleaf Nutients website (maker of Mega Crop) you can get a 300g "free" sample package for the cost of shipping, which for me was like $4. That's enough to make 60 gallons of full strength nutes. Should be enough to take a couple plants from seed to harvest.

Do u have any pics of the girls ur using the mega crop on in ur journal the 1 in ur sig?
The Mega Crop and Faux Mix expirement starts ABOUT HERE in my perpetual/current journal.

Sweet man I was over there checking them out an so far I've seen the bluedream I'm out of data right nw so internet is really slow but I got to see the bluedream but I think that pic was from a few weeks ago lol. But yea I ended getting my new genetics in today so I'm excited to get things off to a bang with my HB kit lol.

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