Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

Righty'o. Day 63
we at week 9 flower and the cinderberry FAST still aint done just yet lol. Gave her one last feed and then nothing but water. Shes still thirsty too.
Suge is fattening right up. 2 weeks i reckon. I think my cold light out temps have slowed these girls right down through flower but they are moving, fattening, looking frosty so fuck it! Ill take it on the chin for some healthy ass buds.
Ammys are on fiiire. 2 of em dont look that far off, Lil ammy has got a bit longer to go though. Some fresh whites coming through. Shes gonna push a couple foxtails i reckon but nothing crazy

The bambinos are looking ok. Ive chucked a heater in that room now so that tent can pull in some warm air. Should kick em into gear and hopefully warm up the seedlings! None popped just yet. Only been since friday though so i aint worried. Peeeace.

Cock- a -feegle - dooh mr.B that's quite a line up brother......

I got a Bruce Banner clone in on Thursday past a week ago from one of the dispensarys so looking forward to seeing how she turns out, apparently her smoke will put you in your place if ya not

The rest of your line up is badazz cuz, peppermint Kush sounds amazing as I gave it the googles a cpl days back so yumm all round brother
Beans, beans, beans!
Right... we all knew it was gonna happen so lets get it over with. Bilbo changed up the list last minute lol.
Ive dropped out mama mia and the strawberry banana this round and replaced em with 3x peppermint kush from barneys farm. Reason 1 being I dont want to have too many clones going and im just gonna pollenate my fave of the peppermint kush straight out the gate (actually might just pollenate all 3 then mix up the beans and do a massive pheno hunt later on once ive got a CBD cross of mama mia!) Lol do you see the shit my brain puts me through. Ill Worry about phenos and cloning when i get some beans off em. Reason 2 being pep kush was one of the first load of beans i bought and been itching to drop em but wanted to get better at growing before i dropped my barneys girls. Reason 3 i want her in my mama mia breeding program anyway so mama can come next :p
So we got:
6x 24k tangie x Teaser Kush
6x red bottoms CBD
both from cotton mouth genetics. These are regs and will be my sperm donors for my first run. 2nd run ill have a couple different regs but ill also break out the CS to reverse some fems!
3x Badazz Cookies
3x Badazz OG Cheese
1x Bruce Banger
From seedsman seeds
3x Peppermint kush
2x Peyote Critical
From Barneys farm!
This is gonna be fucking fun!!!!
Cock- a -feegle - dooh mr.B that's quite a line up brother......

I got a Bruce Banner clone in on Thursday past a week ago from one of the dispensarys so looking forward to seeing how she turns out, apparently her smoke will put you in your place if ya not

The rest of your line up is badazz cuz, peppermint Kush sounds amazing as I gave it the googles a cpl days back so yumm all round brother
Yer shes another one my misses picked out for me. So far every seed shes picked has been a gem lol.
The peppermint kush caught my eye instantly though!
Yer shes another one my misses picked out for me. So far every seed shes picked has been a gem lol.
The peppermint kush caught my eye instantly though!

Im taking clones off the 2 shiva this week as its just been constant rain the last cpl days and the male is about 2 weeks away from shedding his pollen brother, so that project will be up and running in the near future.

You up pretty late brother, took a mate and his friend round to my mate for a hook up yesterday as they were looking for some flowers.. So my my mate says to them they must smoke their fill while they visiting. We left bout 2 hours later, those poor lads didn't whether they were coming or going....hahaha
Im taking clones off the 2 shiva this week as its just been constant rain the last cpl days and the male is about 2 weeks away from shedding his pollen brother, so that project will be up and running in the near future.

You up pretty late brother, took a mate and his friend round to my mate for a hook up yesterday as they were looking for some flowers.. So my my mate says to them they must smoke their fill while they visiting. We left bout 2 hours later, those poor lads didn't whether they were coming or going....hahaha
Awesome brother! Good luck with the clones mate.
Yer iv always been a night owl. Im the guy who'd volunteer to be on lion night watch lol. Awww bless the poor puppys. My friends wont smoke a joint with me i always have to let them roll their own joint cos otherwise they'll end up flaking out on me or coughing up a lung lol
nice update Bilbo your going to have a nice harvest coming up real soon everything looks great theres some real fire in there good work bud!
Yes yes sticky!
Thank you for the love my man. Im happy i got a nice mix of sativa and indica for the stash. Amnesia for daytime and work, Black sugar and cindy for home and bedtime :p
Awesome brother! Good luck with the clones mate.
Yer iv always been a night owl. Im the guy who'd volunteer to be on lion night watch lol. Awww bless the poor puppys. My friends wont smoke a joint with me i always have to let them roll their own joint cos otherwise they'll end up flaking out on me or coughing up a lung lol

My mate said as we got up from the table come roll a cpl for the road and they both wilted if ya could imagine that...hahahaha
Hahaha. Its always fun when you out smoke the boys lol. My mate cane over a little while who i hadnt seen for a while didnt really see him then cos he was asleep after one spliff lol
My mate said as we got up from the table come roll a cpl for the road and they both wilted if ya could imagine that...hahahaha
Day 66
Cinderella 99xBlueberry FAST. She'll get one last water n then let her dry right out! She's gonna be a beauty of a smoke.

Black Sugar. my god i love this plant. She was a treat to grow and is on my keeper list. Got 3 more beans gonna drop em and clone the best. Smells like oranges, haze and earthy notes.
Got a couple tasteful shots if i do say so myself lol.

And this is Anna. I quadlined this one but then she started giving me shit when they had a cold snap (getting the new room dialled in) so i didnt trainbher as much as i should have. Love the results though. 4 fat Oogie Boogie looking motherfuckers and some nice lowers.

This is Amy. The training with her i literally just topped her n let her go. Buds are weighty. A branch flopped n broke just moving her. She all good though. Tied her up and shes happy. Next time think ill super crop before flower to fatten up them stems. The bud that looks more purple n frosty is the branch that snapped though... light bulb moment maybe ;) lol.

Lil Ammy. I called her lil ammy cos she was the clear runt in the beginning but that name soon became ironic and sentimental more than anything lol. As i was testing the strain out i went with different methods of training on each or no training (guess which she is lol) that main cola though!!!

Bambinoooos before and after strip. No fucking seeds up yet. I swear to god if none of em pop up the only reason will be the fucking potting soil i used. Shoulda stuck with the bio bizz and just grabbed light mix for em. Cranked the heater a bit more and opened the vent holes to let the nasty potting mix dry out a little.

Not like the others are dogs but that black sugar is a looker. Nice looking garden bilbo.
Thank you derb! She is a pretty one. To be honest shes been my favourite plant this run to grow but i think the amnesia and cinderberry will beat her in the smoke test. Smells are a lot more subtle than the power of the others lol
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