Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

Yerrr this place is awesome. Its nice to have somewhere else that i dont have to be nice all the time lol. Like i said to @Preston9mm the other day I dont give a damn if i get kicked off IG so I can vent my frustration there lol
Gotta find somewhere to dump my meme library. LoL They don't like that shizz over here. :rofl:

Sup Bilbo!
Right so heres the girls as of yesterday!
All the girls are doing fantastically well. All have had their feed upped a little apart from the cinderella 99 x blueberry as shes getting chopped reeeaal soon so i gave her a nice dose of mollasses water.

The babies are on point. That GSCrack is an aaanimal. I super cropped 2 of her tips yesterday but shes just straightened right back up and carried on about her day lol. I can see the bruises and bend where i did it but she aint having none of it lol.

Are you gonna quadline any of those?
Na im probably gonna top and train a little bit just to see who takes it well for breeding purposes but other than that all these are staying small and being flipped quick thats why i got so many. Can you imagine 24 quads lool
Na im probably gonna top and train a little bit just to see who takes it well for breeding purposes but other than that all these are staying small and being flipped quick thats why i got so many. Can you imagine 24 quads lool
You would need more room than any of us have. Lol
Right! Been cutting down these GD pete pots for an hour or so but i can now fit 12 in my propigator and i can 2 propagators in the space i got in my 2x2 so thats a total of 24. I have now finalised the next drop list.

Daaaaam what a lineup!!!! That’s wicked fam can’t wait!!!

Na im probably gonna top and train a little bit just to see who takes it well for breeding purposes but other than that all these are staying small and being flipped quick thats why i got so many. Can you imagine 24 quads lool

24 quads would look EPIC! Lol be tough to swueeze them in the 2x2 :rofl:
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