Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Your name reminds me of the doors strange song......whhhhhhen weree straaaaaaange.
I love the Doors :D

Maybe that explains a lot about my childhood ..
Hey y'all, bit of a rough day, we lost our family cat unfortunately <3

She had been through all of the f%^ked up shit my sister and I lived through as kids and made it all the way to where we are now with us, and it's really sad to lose her.

She suffered from degenerative kidney disease. In the later stages of her life we helped her with cbd salve on her treats to help her sleep and live with less pain, but after a rapid decline over the last couple weeks, today we had to do the hard thing :(

Managed to grab a quick pic just after lights out, time ran short today

Gave these girls about twice their container volume in water, with enzymes, and that's my.version of a flush!

Trichromes are 100%cloudy, by the time they dry out well be right where I want them .

Really excited, better days ahead.

Take it easy folks, love n bud from the west <3 .
So sorry to hear about your cat Bign. Keep the memories in your heart. My condolences to you and your sister.
Thanks Shed, she was a great cat, an amazing mouser for us this year:3 she had the best summer of her life here <3

I'm gunna sign off till tomorrow, thanks for the wishes brother <3 .
I kno how it feels. Man I just had to put 2 dogs down cuz they killed a cat in my yard sad but we will get over the hump man just hard ppl look at there animals like family ....I shur do
Really sorry to hear this big. I wish you and the family all the best in your grief and loss. Our 4 legged friends sure bring a lot of joy and teach us unconditional love. Cherish the amazing times you were able to share. Sending you love and good vibes!

Ps your plants look great!
Thanks everyone, she was definitely loved here. I'm sure her spirit is glad to be freed from the restraints of her body.

Sadly this is too familiar to me, we've rescued a lot of animals, between that and growing up where I did, I'm no stranger to loss. My sister's been dealing with it a bit rougher tho, she was her little buddy :(

Anyways, thanks for all the well wishes yall, hopefully the fam can find peace around her passing soon, I hate seeing people sad.

Alright I have some pictures from last night but I'm gunna puttem in a new post at the top of the page :3
01 28 18

Pics from last night! I believe that was day 56 of flower on our 55 to 60 day strains. The flush timing should be perfect . .

Psycho WW

Jewel BC

Angel WW

Moira BC

Alecxks BC

The big dehum has been kicking butt! So much so that I'm having a hard time with humidity in my veg tents :S even with humidifiers going :S it literally filled up a 30 gallon Rubbermaid in 2.5 days :S

Anyways it's good news for the flowers so I'm happy lol

Can't wait to grow some big fat indica buds, the sativa in these girls really snuck up on me! They tripled or quadrupled in height since flip, and the buds are showing those beautiful, dainty, sativa growth characteristics! Might not yield huge, but really excited to get some good head stash from these ladies ;P

Thanks again for all the support y'all, it means a lot. Keeping y'all in my heart and mind . . . . . . . . <3
Looking wonderful Big. You're gonna have a great yield!! Also sorry to hear about your cat :(
Looking wonderful Big. You're gonna have a great yield!! Also sorry to hear about your cat :(
Thanks Shorti!

As long as I hit over 200 grams, I'll be happy, if I don't hit that I'm gunna really have to question what i did in here :S

Fingers crossed

Lil kitties better now, she was playing tough for a while, now she gets to relax n that makes me feel a lot better about it. No more worrying.

<3 lots of love for that little munchkin <3
I think 200 is your minimum Big. My Chloe came in at 5 oz dry and she was like 2.5x2.5
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