Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Morning big

So shed brought something to my attention over in my thread. I know you appreciate good info and were worried about your humidity. So boom.

Harry’s World: Understanding Vapor Pressure Deficit . High Times

A good read when you have a moment. I haven't hit 50% in flower, and was complaining, and you can't get below 50 and aren't happy. So thought I would share the above article. Which breaks it down well. I gotta go back and finish reading it now. Good day my spirit animal brother .
Idk just guessing lol I honestly have no idea what I'm doing these days :S

Uh huh...

If I can get a regular auto perp harvest indoors I'll be able to get a good haul in the summer. I just need access to some smoke while the others are flowering.

Start your autos three weeks before outdoor season and let them stretch and bud into the warm sun with great LST!

Morning big
So shed brought something to my attention over in my thread. I know you appreciate good info and were worried about your humidity. So boom.
Harry's World: Understanding Vapor Pressure Deficit . High Times
A good read when you have a moment. I haven't hit 50% in flower, and was complaining, and you can't get below 50 and aren't happy. So thought I would share the above article. Which breaks it down well. I gotta go back and finish reading it now. Good day my spirit animal brother .

Thanks Them!

I can't remember how many I needed for bingo :-( I think one more but I'll have to start scrolling to find out for sure...
Holy crap y'all were busy while I was gone!! :S

Lol I really appreciate everyone stopping in and offering advice on the humidity issue. Unfortunately if there's one thing more stubborn than a budget it's me lol ended up ordering a big dehum that night :/ lol classic .

Vpd is a great thing to talk about, but I believe that preventing mold and friends is a seperate issue. Mostly worried about drying, I'm just putting that to rest by dialing the room back down to 50, with all the tents in there, even tho they're all getting extracted, there's a lot of transpiration going on and I have to dry in the tent so I have to put environment first! I did this whole thing right and my brain wouldn't let me take a shortcut now...

Lol my poor bank account XD those f$%kers at visa must love me .

Anyways between the crazy weather n work and power going out it's been a wild 36 hours lol I'm thinking tomorrow should be a chill at home and wait for packages type of day but I'm putting expectations to rest XD

Watered Sapphy B with 650 ppm of love today and the clones in the Remo journal are just going bonkers!

Unfortunately I have no photos of the girls tonight, after the power outage snaffoo, I wanted them to get to sleep as fast as possible ..

Anyways I'm off to post in the Remo journal, I want to say thanks again to everyone who came by while I was away! I really appreciate all the kind words and advice :3

I'm planning on flushing the girls over the next couple days and then watching them die slowly for 10 to 14 days! Woo let the fun begin! .
I dunno Bign, 10-14 days seems like a long time to make a plant eat nothing but itself. Why not have them continue to bulk as long as they can?
We have maybe 3 days until they are ready for water, well be on day 53 on 55 day strains, so the 10 to 14 days will basically just be a ripening stage, my concern is timing because I really want it to dry completely out in there right before harvest and with this mix I'm finding that to take about 10 days after a heavy watering. That's a crazy long time I know, and the next grow will be better because of the mistakes I've made here, but I know how important a flush is so I'm making it a priority to finish these girls clean, even if I get slightly less, the clean product is worth it to me!

Next round well have more flexibility but the 10s are just to big for these lights. We're only.using 400 watts in there and I really believe it's not enough light to grow a tree in a 10

2.5s should rock :3

That's a bunch of high ass rambling but if you get the point, bravo XD . .
I know how important a flush is...

Or is it?
A critical look at preharvest flushing

And Penny mentioned in another thread:
Remember the apical flowers are sinks, they don't use nutrients but only Starches and sugars produced in other parts of the plant.

And if I remember from what I've read, plant cells don't know if you're feeding them salt-based nutes or bat shit. Once the nutes are in the cell walls they are chemically identical.

Just my thoughts on your plants :)
Or is it?
A critical look at preharvest flushing

And Penny mentioned in another thread:

And if I remember from what I've read, plant cells don't know if you're feeding them salt-based nutes or bat shit. Once the nutes are in the cell walls they are chemically identical.

Just my thoughts on your plants :)
Heavy metals tho :0

Idk I'm a hippy so using bottled nutes are a bit scary to me XD

My weed from the summer also wasn't flushed n burned a bit black and poorly, ended up turning the majority of it into hash because of it!

So I know how important a flush is to me lol

I guess those two words make a big difference in today's society ;P

I love your brains Shed, really appreciate you sharing them ;P hehe BRAAIINNSSS!!!
Uh huh...

Start your autos three weeks before outdoor season and let them stretch and bud into the warm sun with great LST!

Thanks Them!

I can't remember how many I needed for bingo :-( I think one more but I'll have to start scrolling to find out for sure...
Yeah, that's one of the plans this year. If I start some in April I can have a harvest at the end of June.
Yeah, that's one of the plans this year. If I start some in April I can have a harvest at the end of June.
Summer harvests are glorious .. definitely gunna find me up in the mountains this year :D
Looks like you're on-track B. Flush, dry, cure...easy-peasy... you're all over it like a fat boy on a cookie. :tokin:
Hehe I have a lot of experience with being all over cookies X'D
Hey big been away for a little bit.Hey Hope u had a good new years Just wanted to invite u to my new journal btw Mateys perpetual year of the Aussie
Glad your back Matey! I'm over and subbed, wishing you the best! . .
Hey big my buddy lowded is growing in pro mix and could use some of your expert advice when and if you have a moment ..

Lowded Soil LED Raspberry Kush Upsizing From 4-20 Plants - 2017
Alright mang, I read thru real quick and will start asking questions lol

Much love spirit brother . <3. . . . .
Heavy metals tho :0

Idk I'm a hippy so using bottled nutes are a bit scary to me XD

My weed from the summer also wasn't flushed n burned a bit black and poorly, ended up turning the majority of it into hash because of it!

So I know how important a flush is to me lol

I guess those two words make a big difference in today's society ;P

I love your brains Shed, really appreciate you sharing them ;P hehe BRAAIINNSSS!!!
Big, I've had weed burn poorly with dark ash from a poor dry/cure too. A proper dry and cure will do most of what people claim flushing does. It is good to flush, I agree, I just don't see a point in 2 weeks.. The plant can only assimilate so much of the nutrients into their foliage for photosynthesis. The rest remains mobile within stem, veins and plant vascular system etc. So of course, if the plants still have access to free ionic nitrates or phosphorous, it will be immediately noticeable in the burn. But if the only nutrients remaining have been assimilated, the cure and dry process will ultimately break it down. I plan to stop all nitrates including MG nitrate and feed only K and Sulfur(MG Sulfate)for 3 days up to the last 24 hours which will be plain water, this time.
(edit: forgot to mention, this is all assuming one does not go overboard with the nutes to the point of excess/overabundance.. Which will effect any affected plant matter on the burn)

Heavy metals are actually much more of an issue in Organic gardening, by the way. Especially OIM and OMRI organic fertilizers.
Much love spirit brother

One more, just one more...

Big, I've had weed burn poorly with dark ash from a poor dry/cure too. A proper dry and cure will do most of what people claim flushing does. It is good to flush, I agree, I just don't see a point in 2 weeks.. The plant can only assimilate so much of the nutrients into their foliage for photosynthesis. The rest remains mobile within stem, veins and plant vascular system etc. So of course, if the plants still have access to free ionic nitrates or phosphorous, it will be immediately noticeable in the burn. But if the only nutrients remaining have been assimilated, the cure and dry process will ultimately break it down. I plan to stop all nitrates including MG nitrate and feed only K and Sulfur(MG Sulfate)for 3 days up to the last 24 hours which will be plain water, this time.
(edit: forgot to mention, this is all assuming one does not go overboard with the nutes to the point of excess/overabundance.. Which will effect any affected plant matter on the burn)
Also Heavy metals are actually much more of an issue in Organic gardening, by the way. Especially OIM and OMRI organic fertilizers.

Excellent info Shorti!
Lol good stuff but

Out here in b.c we do things a bit different

So I'm just gunna agree to disagree on this one.

Ultimately I'm not concerned about the flush-it goes back to my dry out cycle☆☆literally all I care about is the soil going 100%dry before the cut

I'm aware a cure can break down the harshness and increase smoothness n flavour and blah blah but Id rather just grow some amazing dope and let the cure bring it up another level from that rather than just bring it to the point of being amazing.

Idk maybe it's just different here, but all the sugar leaves in bud hold those nutes and I'm not interested in having that in my smoke, and I'm not trimming all the sugary goodness away lol

Maybe if I was a commercial grower I'd do the whole pushem to the end, harvest early and cure away the shit, but I'm growing meds for me n my fam and quality is all I care about

And yea the weed I didn't flush was grown with organic slow release ferts-i have no doubt this was part of my problem as the dry and cure was on point.

I appreciate the input but my stubbornness and dedication to growing the best BC bud I can is making me follow this path

Should be a 10 day flush, should be all jesus lol

Thanks everyone - I don't mean to come off confrontational or anything lol I'm just turning into a tired grumpy old man whose stuck in his ways XD hope y'all understand I don't mean nothing foul by debating these subjects with y'all!

Much love . <3
Of course much love big. Everything I said was mainly applicable to hydroponics. It seems you understand the concept anyways. The goal is to have no nutrients readily available in the vascular system, meaning that the plant spends the nutrients stored in the leaves(assimilated nutrients) with no nutrients in the vascular system to replace what's in the plant tissue. Letting the soil dry will accomplish this.

My point about the drying and curing is that you can grow AMAZING weed and screw it up 100% with a poor cure and dry.

When I think of optimal, Big, what crosses my mind is that the plant has everything it needs to perform the cell reproduction and expansion as efficiently and with as little stress as possible.

At the end of the day, the only real difference between ANY of our buds should be genetics. Hex growing method, hex nutrients.

You're going to have some amazing meds and lots soon big. . and hey you're an awesome dude for helping out my buddy Moonshine.
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