Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Hey big if you're having a rough go with humidity heres a controller I use its awesome I just got anothe for my beg tent and they're onsale plus a 6$ coupon right now.

The dollar store now carries with things that you can set in your grow room and it helps take moisture out of air crazy buck stores lol
Hey big if you're having a rough go with humidity heres a controller I use its awesome I just got anothe for my beg tent and they're onsale plus a 6$ coupon right now.

INKBIRD Humidity Dual-use Controller IHC200,1200W 110V Humidistat, Thermostat Hygrostat( updating: no temperature control): Pet Supplies
I grabbed a temp thermostat for the heat mat but didn't get one for humidity. The dehum I have is so small and weak, it does ok 3 days after watering but rh goes up to about 60 for those 3 days after water. I might order just a slightly larger dehum and keep it running 24/7 like the little one is now. I don't think my tents will be this dense in the future so hopefully it'll cut it down the road!

Especially for last two weeks of harvest I want it down to 45 percent, stack those trichs on top of each other lol
The dollar store now carries with things that you can set in your grow room and it helps take moisture out of air crazy buck stores lol
Lol with the number of tents I'll have going it'll be cheaper to buy an industrial dehum lol there's a couple good options on ama zon right now, just not wanting to buy a full room dehum quite yet. Gotta get a house to build into a grow first . or maybe a buried shipping container? Hmm
Update from last night! Dated as such!

11 29 17 pm update
Morning y'all! Pics from last night, so far so good. Had a nightmare about a caterpillar on a leaf then this morning I spotted one crawling down a skylight on a different floor? Wtf it's winter, shouldn't they be dead? And how are they getting into my house? Anyways super paranoid now, I ocd clean the entire house every 5 to 10 days, especially on the grow floor and keep everything super clean so I'm hoping nothing makes it's way to our tent.

Message for the universe;f$%K off with the caterpillars and bugs lol were trying to grow healthy trees here XD

Ok and now I can move on .

Clones! Stragglers are still showing roots slowly, bubble cloner has lots of roots showing and they are jumping at the velo kelp! I'm gunna change the res out again today!

Mother tent
Early rooter and sapphire og are both in there, so far so Good, sapphire is super ready for a transplant, droopy af and drinking lots

Flowering tent day 27 of flower!

Psycho WW

Jewel BC

And this last pic is wierd, I promise it wasn't taken like this, must be the ghosties in the house I'm in


Angel WW

Moira BC

Not nearly as crystally as the others but still fine lol I might bump her up another inch soon

Alecxks BC- god damn

I'm gunna have to select a fine ass mother clone because I want these genes around forever, she's freaking beautiful, I think a full run of alecxks would yield insane weights

And some group shots!

Das a lot of plant! Every day or two I'm going through and cleaning up the bottoms as leaves die off and also looking for budsites that are completely blocked and cutting fans to get light to them. Overall just a dense ass happy forest and I'm hoping for a good strong yield from these 5 plants! Idk about moira but if we can get over 100 grams off each one id be pretty damn stoked! Never really grown like this tho so honestly I can't even guess lol

Anyways lots to do this morning, big girls need a drink, clone res needs to be changed, gotta fill up the hum n check temps , transplant sapphire n probably do more shopping XD maybe I can cut a couple things off that list .

Anyways have a great day y'all, I'll get the Remo journal up once I've got all the garden work done and well get this party started!

Happy Friday y'all! See You soon! . . . .

Found these trippy rust spots on the top leaves, only on jewel on 2 leaves, a bit of reading n it could be cal mag or just phosphorus, her lower leaves are starting to show deficiency over the last 2 days too . Now I'm keeping in mind that part of that could be I let the medium dry out too much and it started locking stuff out, but I decided to feed again even tho we fed 10 days ago; oh yeah, for all you coco growers, I'm only watering once every 10 days XD it's picking up Now but I thought I'd rub it in while I can XD

Anyways I gave them 430 ppm of basically just a bit of micros and then a ton of pk, cal mag, fulvic and enzyme, I phd it to 6.1 to help absorb some cal mag too . about 1 mL of silica to the 20 gallons of water to get the ph right!

I'm gunna need bigger measuring tools lol

K so this is brutal XD RDWC here I come XD

The funnel and watering ring are impossible to monitor XD

So run off ppm was all over the place, on the first run off it was around 1000, the secondary was showing anywhere from 8 to 1400 so honestly I have no clue XD there was a good amount of run off tho

What that means to me is that I should flush next time. Technically I should have watered today, but when jewel shows hunger it's usually not long before the others do. So I'm treating it kinda like hydro, I'm "topping up the res" with what I see them needing over the next 10 days then we'll be around half way, I'll give them 22 gallons of water with nothing but grozyme, n then we'll hit them with the full strength nutes, between 10 and 1250 ppm until the end, see what these girls are made of.

Anyways they drank 18 gallons today :S here's the res full for next week!

Also changed the clone res, 20 mL velo kelp and 20 mL grozyme again!

And then transplanted Sapphire OG into a 5 gallon fabric pot.

The transplant went well except she seems to have rooted sideways and the top layer of soil separated and she was getting a little beat up :S not exactly sure wtf happened but I babied her into place and gave her lots of root Webstar and used some of the fresh formula I made for the Remo clones to water her in.

Gave her about a cup or so about 5" in diameter,I'm gunna try coaxing the tap root down before out this time and see if it speed things up!

K I'm gunna have a toke, eat some waaayy overdue breakfast, get my shit together and get this Remo journal up! I swear I have been running on a treadmill 24/7 for the last 2 months XD

Cheers y'all! . . . . soma that crystal coma going around this morning ;P
Ive done once every three days for drying it out but it didnt turn out too great. Some say its best to water everyday with nutez because it would change the physiology or biology of the medium if u didnt. Scientific on here has some good points growing in coco. Hes got a thread i.d just have to find it. If you search members im sure youd find him. If you havnt already.
Ive done once every three days for drying it out but it didnt turn out too great. Some say its best to water everyday with nutez because it would change the physiology or biology of the medium if u didnt. Scientific on here has some good points growing in coco. Hes got a thread i.d just have to find it. If you search members im sure youd find him. If you havnt already.

Aw yeah, Promix is a bit different tho, holds a crap ton of moisture n doesn't need to be watered like coco lol I was just rubbing it in to those who have to wreck their backs 3 times a day XD didn't mean much by it XD


Remo Journal! Its HERE! \/\/

BignStrange, Remo Nutrients, 800W of COBs-What can go wrong? Round 2! :3

I gotta finish getting it caught up but were rolling! Hope to see y'all there!

Im kinda jump with out looking kind of questions haha
Lol all Good, just trying to clear things up so it's clear for readers .

I'm happy with the promix actually, a lot happier than I thought I'd be!
Happy New Years Strange ..

Glad to have met you maybe I'll snap ya my drunken high ass later

Much love dude all the best to you and your family in 18 .
Happy New Years Strange ..

Glad to have met you maybe I'll snap ya my drunken high ass later

Much love dude all the best to you and your family in 18 .
Happy New Year's buddy! Another year another, 3 or 4 grows to squeeze in? Lol were gunna rock it man .

Rocket man

Lol feel free to snap me up, hit me up with that comedy bro XD maybe I'll show you the grow room real quick .

Love to you n the misses man! I hope this year brings lots more learning, good friends, and love. Oh and pounds and pounds of bud. Think we can grow 50 pounds between us over the year? I say we try .

Anyways cheers Joe! I gotta say I'm happy to have met you too, your one of my 2 friends that I actually stay in touch with so it means a lot brother . I just love your heart and wanna do everything I can to support the love and passion you bring here. It's just good, the way people are supposed to be. We all slip but that elevated mindset is where it's at. Lol I gotta blaze obviously so cheers to the new years buddy! Let's ring it in high and with strong, gorgeous ladies behind us! . . . . . . . . . .
Happy New Year's buddy! Another year another, 3 or 4 grows to squeeze in? Lol were gunna rock it man .

Rocket man

Lol feel free to snap me up, hit me up with that comedy bro XD maybe I'll show you the grow room real quick .

Love to you n the misses man! I hope this year brings lots more learning, good friends, and love. Oh and pounds and pounds of bud. Think we can grow 50 pounds between us over the year? I say we try .

Anyways cheers Joe! I gotta say I'm happy to have met you too, your one of my 2 friends that I actually stay in touch with so it means a lot brother . I just love your heart and wanna do everything I can to support the love and passion you bring here. It's just good, the way people are supposed to be. We all slip but that elevated mindset is where it's at. Lol I gotta blaze obviously so cheers to the new years buddy! Let's ring it in high and with strong, gorgeous ladies behind us! . . . . . . . . . .

Sounds good bro talk soon brotha .
Happy New Year y'all! 2018 here we come! Hopefully in Canada we see legalization among other great changes, let's make this year count!

Cheers y'all! . . . .

And update from 12 30 17 pm! Dated as such

Sapphire OG and Peppa got squished into the corner to make space for the Remo clones lol check out the new Remo Journal if you haven't made it over yet!
Sapphire OG-so sassy already, damn stripper names

So sad lol I'm hoping she'll be perked up today, haven't checked them yet today!
Peppa PK

So much healthy stock on her, she's such a golden girl .

Big girls on day 28 of flower-these strains are both supposed to go 60 days according to breeder, well see how close we get to those usually unreachable times!
Psycho WW

Jewel BC

I can't tell you how hard it is to get all of her in the frame, obviously I failed this time XD

Angel WW

Is it just me or is she abnormally frosty for this early? Might be a cut to keep .

Moira BC

Alecxks BC


Nothing but good stank in there, starting to smell like the top shelf at your local dispensary ;P
Also a note-

I'm seeing phosphorus uptake issues which is probably because of cold temps at night-roots struggle to uptake those nutes when it gets down in the low 60s, I added an oil heater last night to the room, hopefully we'll curb some of the uptake issues and also help speed up growth overall .

Also dropped another butt load of cash on a peripherals order this morning. Had a fan crap out on me yesterday, tried to pull it apart to fix it but the motor was dead so I'll just get a new one lol also environmental controls coming and more hydro stuff lol

I can't wait for the initial investment to be paid back. Honestly if I stop going to the dispensary for 6 months all of this will have paid itself back already so I'm just keeping that in mind XD still way cheaper than the pharmaceuticals I'd be pumped full of otherwise!
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