Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Happy New Year big! I wish the best for you in 2018.
Thanks Newty! Wishing the same for you n the fam! Hopefully 2018 is the year the hubby warms up to having a ganja farm ;P

Holy crap these plants got waaayy stinkier after the water lol smells amazing! Like a bowl of fruit and that good wet sock smell in a steam room lol it's gunna be fire
I can only imagine the sweet aromas in there right now. .

Have a safe, warm and happy New Year's homie. 2018. Big thing. Let's do it. #northsideinvasion
Down with it man let's do it!

All the same to you man! Stay high n warm . 2018 will be dope af let's get it!.
Spotted some wicked sunburn on one of psychos colas, it's possible that's the issue were seeing on a couple of jewels leaves too
It's all flattened and beige lol the pistils anyways
So I broke out one of the old training ties and pulled her over using the trellis net!

Also jewel has completely devoured this leaf over the course of 3 days, hungry hungry :S

Good stuff! Just finished mixing soil for the Remo journal, now time for a toke, some tea, and a bite to eat! Cheers! . . .
Also a note-

I'm seeing phosphorus uptake issues which is probably because of cold temps at night-roots struggle to uptake those nutes when it gets down in the low 60s, I added an oil heater last night to the room, hopefully we'll curb some of the uptake issues and also help speed up growth overall .

Also dropped another butt load of cash on a peripherals order this morning. Had a fan crap out on me yesterday, tried to pull it apart to fix it but the motor was dead so I'll just get a new one lol also environmental controls coming and more hydro stuff lol

I can't wait for the initial investment to be paid back. Honestly if I stop going to the dispensary for 6 months all of this will have paid itself back already so I'm just keeping that in mind XD still way cheaper than the pharmaceuticals I'd be pumped full of otherwise!

I'm buying all my fans from Canadian tire from here on out they have a one year no questions asked replacement warranty on anything they sell just keep your receipt, 3 of my Amazon fans shit this bed just over a month of use but the two Wally World fans and the two from crappy tire are fire on all cylinders and have warranty to back them up.

And Happy New Years Big!
I'm buying all my fans from Canadian tire from here on out they have a one year no questions asked replacement warranty on anything they sell just keep your receipt, 3 of my Amazon fans shit this bed just over a month of use but the two Wally World fans and the two from crappy tire are fire on all cylinders and have warranty to back them up.

And Happy New Years Big!
Aw the one that burnt out was about 6 years old but I have a few extras anyways lol I think I might start buying cases of them from canadian tire n see if I can get a better price XD

Happy New Year's bud! You should be able to grow 6 to 8 pounds with that new light over 2018 man . let's see it .
I can't wait for the initial investment to be paid back. Honestly if I stop going to the dispensary for 6 months all of this will have paid itself back already so I'm just keeping that in mind XD still way cheaper than the pharmaceuticals I'd be pumped full of otherwise!

That's the way to justify the investment! I think mine will be paid off after 10 months :).

Happy new year Bign, and to all the denizens of this densely packed grow thread! :party:
That's the way to justify the investment! I think mine will be paid off after 10 months :).

Happy new year Bign, and to all the denizens of the is densely packed grow thread! :party:
It's the only.way to look at it and feel good about putting that much money out with no return for 4 months XD

Happy New Year's ITS! Really excited to see how we all evolve over the next year! Interested to see how the home grow industry will change!
Aw the one that burnt out was about 6 years old but I have a few extras anyways lol I think I might start buying cases of them from canadian tire n see if I can get a better price XD

Happy New Year's bud! You should be able to grow 6 to 8 pounds with that new light over 2018 man . let's see it .

The goal is 5 cycles next year not including those one about to finish so I’m thinking I’ll hit that mark but I don’t want to Todd Hoffman it.
The goal is 5 cycles next year not including those one about to finish so I'm thinking I'll hit that mark but I don't want to Todd Hoffman it.
Lol well see what we get then XD I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park! I've got myself a couple left over Rubbermaids I'm thinking of converting to dwc inspired by you . I'm sure you'll fly thru the cycles with the growth rates your getting!
Congrats Big on Journal of the month. Well deserved. .
Thanks Derby

You all made this, thank you all! <3 serious love going out to all of you . it means a lot to me right now, thank you!
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