Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

I can't remember the last time I didn't have 5 pages to catch up on.... hope everything's okay big buddy. Maybe your getting some much needed rest ... catch ya on the flip side yo
Goodmorning big homie! hope everything is well in your world!
Hey everyone, hope you've all been well! I appreciate you all coming n checking up on me :3

I've been extra tired n busy lately, n just having a hard time getting to 420. Mostly it's just that i don't want to seem disingenuous by posting my own stuff and going, I really just wish I could keep up with you all :/ anyways it's mostly just some messed up depressive thinking, so I've been staying away, I'm hoping I can get myself back on track soon :S I think it also has something to do with the fact I just can't keep up with everything-for some reason it's messing with my brain :S I'm just hoping I can get more time and get back to being bignstrange with you all.

Truly do appreciate all the support n thoughts, I really appreciate it n I'm sorry I haven't really been around. Last thing I want is for everyone to think I abandoned this place, I really do love some of you and I really don't want to disconnect. Anyways I got some pics, lots going on in the background but I got a couple from the ladies last night!

Clones-Day 14-hoping roots show over the next 7, anyone know how wet I should be keeping the peat pellets? I have all the stuff coming to make a couple bubble cloners so if these don't take, the next round will be started in hydro

Super frustrating waiting but not giving up yet! If this doesn't work I'll only have a month to veg once the cloning stuff gets here so I'll be doing a monster cropped sog for sure

Peppa Day 30 I'm gunna start lst today



Her fim seems to have been successful in that it stumped growth and gave us 4 main stems, but her main is now gimped but continues to grow lol well see how it turns out

Psycho WW Day 68 Day 05 of flower


Jewel BC Day 67 Day 05 Flower




Angel WW Day 66 Day 05 Flower


Moira BC Day 66 Day 05 Flower


Alecxks BC Day 66 Day 05 Flower


As you can tell the sides of this tent are already getting blown out lol wether the clones take or not I'll be doing some trimming and culling pretty quick. My mars 4x4 arrived yesterday, still waiting on the light So I'm starting to get ready to move all of the plants over to the new tent once I get it all set up, then the bubble cloner project, and the veg tent once I have everything for it. Busy Busy, trying to get set up to be able to harvest every month by adding another flower tent and running clone sogs(1 month veg, then to 1 of 2 flowering tents so I can keep a solid rotation) if I'm able to produce a pound a month(assuming I'll hit 1.13 grams per watt) I'll be a happy boy, and well be using under 1300 watts of electricity for the grow :3 gotta love leds <3





Anyways sorry again for not making it to everyone's journals, I really wish I could but things are busy here for a bit, n winters getting to me a bit :S hopefully once I start seeing buds I'll get smacked out of it lol

Hope everyone's been well, I'll try to be active in here at least today n get myself pumped up to get back into the 420 community over the next couple days! I'll get some pics of my grow room once it's all set up too. Take care everyone, much love, good smoke, rest well and have peace my friends! Much love <3
You do what you got to do for you Bign. We get it :). We'll hold down the fort when you're taking a break. Everyone looking good. Perfect time to train Peppa. And I am NO expert at cloning but you should be letting the peat dry out a bit so the stems and new roots don't rot. It's a balance between too wet and too dry that is the key to growing clones in peat pucks.

Not sure if you're venting the clone dome but I read no vent 5 days. One vent halfway day 6, all the way day 7, second vent halfway day 8, all the way day 9. Then you're on your own!
Hey Big! Looking great . I'll speak for me and I can spot a perfectionist a mile away because I am one. I know how overwhelming it can be to keep up with people and not wanting to disappoint people. I just do my best and that's all we can do, let the rest of that bull shit fall away. People who have a problem with that will naturally weed themselves out (see what I did there;) basically don't ever worry about me being disappointed because you can't make it over...I'll find you if I need to chat;) I'm sure those who care about you also feel the same. Your best is always good enough for this girl..

See ya after work, sending love and positivity your way man✌️
Plants are looking good dude. Glad you're ok. Definitely take a break from the site and try not to worry about missing other people's journals. I got burnt out a little while ago and i dont follow half as many as you. You've been a huge help with my grow as well as keeping me positive on the down days. :thanks:
You do what you got to do for you Bign. We get it :). We'll hold down the fort when you're taking a break. Everyone looking good. Perfect time to train Peppa. And I am NO expert at cloning but you should be letting the peat dry out a bit so the stems and new roots don't rot. It's a balance between too wet and too dry that is the key to growing clones in peat pucks.

Not sure if you're venting the clone dome but I read no vent 5 days. One vent halfway day 6, all the way day 7, second vent halfway day 8, all the way day 9. Then you're on your own!

Thanks for the input on cloning I really appreciate it ITS! Up to this point I've just been visiting them and taking the lid off to refresh the air but I'll start venting them, I've been wondering about that so thank you! Should help for sure .

Really appreciate you stopping by, thanks man .
Hey Big! Looking great . I'll speak for me and I can spot a perfectionist a mile away because I am one. I know how overwhelming it can be to keep up with people and not wanting to disappoint people. I just do my best and that's all we can do, let the rest of that bull shit fall away. People who have a problem with that will naturally weed themselves out (see what I did there;) basically don't ever worry about me being disappointed because you can't make it over...I'll find you if I need to chat;) I'm sure those who care about you also feel the same. Your best is always good enough for this girl..

See ya after work, sending love and positivity your way man✌️

Thanks Newty, just trying to keep it real, I know you know what I mean .

Appreciate all the support, sending love and good vibes back your way! <3 hope your coco babies are thriving! I have been floating around checking on people n I think I saw some real nice growth in your tent ;P also congrats on the bonus! I'm glad your being taken care of :3
Plants are looking good dude. Glad you're ok. Definitely take a break from the site and try not to worry about missing other people's journals. I got burnt out a little while ago and i dont follow half as many as you. You've been a huge help with my grow as well as keeping me positive on the down days. :thanks:
Thanks man! After seeing your autos turn up so bushy so fast I got jealous n knew I had to work twice as hard to get them to look that good XD

Anyways your buds are coming along beautifully man, I'll drop back in soon man, keep chugging along .
Okay, I got my fix. You can disappear again... :tokin:
Lol thanks Grandpa ;P <3

:passitleft: been smoking that glue lately, I gotta try my hand at it, it's beautiful .

Some of the pineapple express from summer that's been curing away! Super sticky, like my fingers get sticky from breaking it apart lol nice fresh fruity scent at first then a skunky peaty smell undertone hits you. The flavour out of the bong is fresh, piney, a little hint of sweet citrus from pineapple and then leaves a nice clean fruity skunk flavor in the mouth, just brings back visions of the beautiful summer :3

I only had one hoot, after smoking Afghan haze earlier, but the effect seems to be pretty balanced between head and body, nice and relaxed, clear headed but low? Lol and a decent body buzz in the background, harvested a little early so leaning towards a head high for sure

Turned out pretty nice! Busts clean, not very dense nugs but frosty as can be, terpy and loaded with love lol that's all that matters to me .


Hard to see in the pic but there isn't a spot that isn't covered with gorgeous trichromes <3
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