BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Just popping in to see what is up. The girls are in slow motion... why can't I be? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Word Holmes!
Hey bid, pvc pipe, dowell, and a big c clamp= mini bro makes it and it's the best hash I ever had. Heat it, pinch of a piece while it's still hot and it feathers....real hash!
Nice I have all that stuff,IM gonna make some oil too,I have almond oil so it should work well
What up BID? Good weed sir.
Please Vote in the 420 Contests!! Only a few days left.
hey bud sup be Careful spamming the contests it can get you disqualified I only mention it once in my journal right after I enter my stuff, I already voted ,first day, I have some in too:high-five:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

hey bud sup be Careful spamming the contests it can get you disqualified I only mention it once in my journal right after I enter my stuff, I already voted ,first day, I have some in too:high-five:

If you put it in your sig do the mods care?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Word Holmes!

Nice I have all that stuff,IM gonna make some oil too,I have almond oil so it should work well
hey bud sup be Careful spamming the contests it can get you disqualified I only mention it once in my journal right after I enter my stuff, I already voted ,first day, I have some in too:high-five:

Well indeed that was not my intention so I appreciate that point of view. I hope Ive always been clear that the votes are anonymous and that I wasn plugging myself. :hmmmm: I see how it could reflect though sir. I wanted to try to get over 100 voters in every contest, not to promote. I will edit it for you sir.
My bad.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

ok cool, ill have a look around and see who does dry ice, ive never seen it in any of the big super markets or hyper markets, the kind i got near me is wall marts, well here its called asda but it says its part of the wall mart group, ill try and find some gas bottling places and see if they stock it, its not the kind of thing people use over here, the only time ive seen it used is in theatres and stuff like that, but they must buy it from somewhere unless they use something else to create the fog they use.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

@Spimp, you certainly got the votes to increase this month, its ok to have the contests in your sig but after reading what bid said i guess they could take it the wrong way if you have something entered in the contest or have been nominated, but your not asking for growers to vote for certain people so im sure the mods can see that your just trying to drum up some interest in the contest,
i got to admit their has been a lot more votes this time round compared with other months contests, so your word is doing the job,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yo weed thugs I got some new shizzle fo you to scope on check it ! Word yo!

So I am at a tricky spot with the LED tent the durples are continuing to stretch and are getting to tall for the recommend distance for the LED,I took a few big fans off them in hopes it will slow or stop them,they have had both mistings of the flower slam and still they gain height, I don't want to bend em I want them untrained for the first 2 of this cross so I can see them natural,and I really don't have anymore headroom to raise the light maybe 3-4 inches the cool thing is all the plants seem to really love the LED as you can see the look great and even deep in the foliage there's no yellowing leaves ,indicating good penetration, ,the Scrogg is doing good so far some are reaching for the light some seem happy to just grow straight, the major defol and pm treatment on the chemdawg has upset her alot and she's developed some yellow leaves and slowed/stopped growing for a week,but seems to be turning around,the Urkle got a but too dry and clawed a but,but nothing major,and in veg town things seem to be doing real well I wanna make a tree out of the blueberry headband so IM letting her get big, I fimmed her a but back and she took a but to respond but has multiple tops now I wanna bush her out and might do a Mr. Smith style tree and use 2 Vert 600s on either side of her, or not IM not sure but big for sure ,will these 100% or close continue to grow beyond their typical size if you extend the veg season beyond mother natures, it seemed the GDP hit a point and slowed way down and started showing more preflowers than before when it hit the 90 day mark, or does it have to do with enviro like space,pot size,co2 etc.? I was also gonna air later a large branch or two,so I could have some big clones to have ready to flower sooner? IM having the itch to grow less but bigger plants lately,I see no reason not to since I have the light power now. Anyway just stuff I've been thinking about:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

If you put it in your sig do the mods care?
I don't think so as long as it's not done in a self promoting way
Well indeed that was not my intention so I appreciate that point of view. I hope Ive always been clear that the votes are anonymous and that I wasn plugging myself. :hmmmm: I see how it could reflect though sir. I wanted to try to get over 100 voters in every contest, not to promote. I will edit it for you sir.
My bad.
oh it's not a big deal just letting you know to be careful I'd hate to see you get your win yanked over simple enthusiasm, I've seen it happen in the past, I personally don't mind if you wanna promote your nug or anybody else,way I see it ppl will vote for the thing they like best regardless how they got to the contest page, not a biggie lol

ok cool, ill have a look around and see who does dry ice, ive never seen it in any of the big super markets or hyper markets, the kind i got near me is wall marts, well here its called asda but it says its part of the wall mart group, ill try and find some gas bottling places and see if they stock it, its not the kind of thing people use over here, the only time ive seen it used is in theatres and stuff like that, but they must buy it from somewhere unless they use something else to create the fog they use.
do dry ice extraction 1 time you'll be sold for good I promise,turns hours & hours of work and compacts it to 1-2 hours,and it yeilds more and more pure:high-five:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

very nice, looks like the led is doing a good job,

its funny you mention about the preflowers in veg, some plants when mature just show a few pre flowers, but a while back i had a plant that was a good few weeks ahead of the others and i thought it was going into flower, it just kept showing more and more preflowers, it never went into flower but it did go crazy with the preflowers, that was one of the sour diesels i grew a while back,

when ive needed to slow upwards growth i remove the top set of fan leaves and also the new set of fan leaves that are starting to grow, i dont damage the main stem i just take the very 2 top sets of fan leaves, the big set thats fully grown the the new set thats just growing, i find this really slows upwards growth for a week or 2, i only do it to let the rest of the plant catch up and get more bushy, ive got one in veg now and as my flowering plants are taking longer to reach harvest ive had to try and keep the veg plants as small as i can as i dont have a big room to put them in, so ive been removing the fan leaves at the top of the stem and end of branches, so now my sensi star has got 6 nodes with node spacing of less then 1cm at the top of the plant, the same with the branches, the nodes spacing was normal early on in growth but as i wanted to slow it down i just removed the fan leaves at end o branch then any new set that grow i removed them as well, so node spacing is crazy tight, should make a very nice main cola when its had more veg time,

just got to wait for my flower plants to finish then they veg plants can go in the grow room.

ive also tried growing the ken estes gdp a few time but everytime i bought some i kept getting males, so i collected pollen from the best male of the bunch and used it to produce some seeds, so i used the pollen and a purple cheese auto, so hopefully 1/4 of the seeds will be auto so ill pick a male and fem and cross them to give me a gdp cheese auto to play around with and it will give me a none auto version so regular gdp cheese, so ill work with the pheno types and see what happens, its going to be interesting to see how the gdp cross purple cheese auto turns out, the buds from the auto was very nice so im hoping the none auto version of gdp cheese will be very nice, but ive not been lucky enough to get a female gdp yet.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Thank for the good words guys, don IM working on an auto GDP but IM keeping the breeding between GDP and Himalayan blue diesel auto ,right now just crossing & re crossing between the 2 till I get a solid auto out of 75% or more of the seeds then I will breed for other traits,but it won't be too hard since I like both strains as, they are and I have both in regular so I can breed males & females from both strains
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Vegtown looks seriously fine, BID. You do know how to grow this stuff!


Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Looking great BID, I would not worry so much about distance from LED from my limited experience, mine have been with in 10" for weeks now and no bleaching.....yet. But yours has 5 W diodes and mine 3 W. The thing I notice most as they get closer is if they even off to side at all they get no light.

Just my 2 cents, please do not take as gospel. I am a noob :)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

sounds like you got your own strains going on then.

i just never got a fem gdp so collected pollen from the best one so i could at least use that to produce seeds, so the purple cheese auto got the pollen, it will give me an auto and none auto gdp cheese to work with, autos are a bit harder to work with as you cant keep clones, but what your doing is keep back crossing it to get a higher auto %, as i had no female none auto to do this with my only option is to cross a male and female from the cross that turns out auto, that will then give me a gdp cheese auto, if the results are not good then ive got a true uk cheese to cross it with and also a big kc45 auto strain to cross it with if need be, it just depends on who the first cross turns out,

ill buy more gdp seeds next week and hopefully get a female so i can keep it in clone form so i can work with this gdp cheese auto as ill at least be able to back cross it with that to bring out more of the gdp, the purple cheese auto i crossed the male gdp with was a really nice stinky auto so all i can do is see how it works out, im really keen on the none auto seeds that came from that cross, it will be interesting to see how the gdp does with the purple cheese but without the auto gene, ive not tried gdp but the purple cheese was nice but as it was auto i could veg long and produce lost of buds, so im hoping the gdp and purple cheese none auto will produce a really nice strain so i can then work with the pheno types,

ive been crossing strains for a while now, i got a really nice ak47 x uk cherry cheese and ive used that as a base for a lot of the crosses i have made, so ive got a few thousand seeds from several crosses but i keep getting side tracked with growing new seeds i buy, but ive decided i need to keep on track so i picked the gdp seeds to work with and im also working on my own auto strain,

ive been growing kc45 autos for a while now so got the best male and been collecting pollen from it, its a big male auto so ideal for good genetics from a male plant, im growing a kc45 auto fem thats just showed sex but again will be a big auto so ill cross that to produce more auto kc45s, but ive also got a auto bubble fem and northern lights auto fem as well, so if these grow well ive be crossing the pollen with these as well to produce a new auto strain to work with,

ive also got some big buddha cheese fem growing which is suppose to be the same as the true uk clone only cheese strain as big buddha got a clone and produced seeds from the clone only strain, so if this does turn out to be the true uk cheese then i may even cross this into the gdp cheese strain ive got growing, it really depends how the first cross turns out and how many different pheno types i got, ive got a good few of the seeds growing of the gdp cross and i know only 1/4 will turn out auto or so im told, as i crossed a none auto with an auto then im told ill have 1/4 of them turning out auto, the rest will be regular so ill need to see what pheno types i get as im not sure how crossing an auto with a none auto will do.

so i wont get side tracked this time, ill work with the gdp cheese auto and none auto and see if i can produce a nice gdp cheese strain, ill get some more gdp seeds so i can hopefully get a female, my probem is i got lots of seeds as i keep finding a nice male to cross with or a very nice female so i produce seeds and dont end up growing any, but this time i stick with what im doing and work on the gdp cheese auto and none auto and the big yielding auto which im also working on, its a slow process but when you start you soon notice the different pheno types, when i first started crossing i did it to produce seeds, but now im crossing pheno types and back crossing to make a certain pheno type stronger, its just autos are not that easy to get right as you just cant back cross,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

plus if you remember its only because of you i went with the gdp, i seen the results you was getting from ken estes gdp so i went with it, i was trying to get a purple strain if you remember and you suggested the gdp, so im going off your results and thats why i chose to use the gdp male, plus a lot of growers love the gdp strain so i just used the male, at least it gives me something to work with, i just got to stop growing all these other strains and stay focussed on producing a good stable strain with good pheno types
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Vegtown looks seriously fine, BID. You do know how to grow this stuff!


Thanks man I try tho sometimes I feel like a noob the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know:thumb:
Looking great BID, I would not worry so much about distance from LED from my limited experience, mine have been with in 10" for weeks now and no bleaching.....yet. But yours has 5 W diodes and mine 3 W. The thing I notice most as they get closer is if they even off to side at all they get no light.

Just my 2 cents, please do not take as gospel. I am a noob :)
yeah IM not seeing anything negative at all the plants look really happy:high-five:

plus if you remember its only because of you i went with the gdp, i seen the results you was getting from ken estes gdp so i went with it, i was trying to get a purple strain if you remember and you suggested the gdp, so im going off your results and thats why i chose to use the gdp male, plus a lot of growers love the gdp strain so i just used the male, at least it gives me something to work with, i just got to stop growing all these other strains and stay focussed on producing a good stable strain with good pheno types
yeah it's easy to get sidetracked and distracted with all the yummy seeds coming out all the time, IM just working on 2 Crosses right now and just growing others for fun
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My topled 80x5 just turned up, can't wait to get the sucker up. Very quick from china to oz, and Sara is an attractive lass. I got a an extender cable along with the standard kettle plug so I won't have any cable length issues. I hope I can get half as good looking plants as yours BID.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Weednsday to ya BID
I have the same problem with some strains
like atm the nycd is about 5 inches away from the light I may just soften the stem a bit and let em flop over ive done it in mid flower before with no issues I may have to again lol
some plants just like to stretch:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My topled 80x5 just turned up, can't wait to get the sucker up. Very quick from china to oz, and Sara is an attractive lass. I got a an extender cable along with the standard kettle plug so I won't have any cable length issues. I hope I can get half as good looking plants as yours BID.
Awesome,you gonna run a journal? So you saw Sara ?did she deliver it? Lol
Happy Weednsday to ya BID
I have the same problem with some strains
like atm the nycd is about 5 inches away from the light I may just soften the stem a bit and let em flop over ive done it in mid flower before with no issues I may have to again lol
some plants just like to stretch:thumb:
IM not gonna worry till I see some kind of I'll effect, I really don't have room to bend em over so it's a last ditch if need be
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Awesome,you gonna run a journal? So you saw Sara ?did she deliver it? Lol

I was thinking about it, never been big on that kind of thing but I was already considering it before I found this site. There was a link to her facebook page in the footer in the email she sent with the tracking number. It wasn't a creepy stalker thing :)
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