BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Outdoor Grow 2019: White Widow, Northern Lights & CBD Lemon Potion

You could try back-building.
I don't think I could bring myself to snip off parts of my buds! :nervous-guy:
I'm wondering whether to give this another shot when the sun comes out.
I think the wheater had a large impact on this gal. She was put outside pretty early while the weather was still cool, wet, and grey. LPa2 has had much better growing conditions and looks more normal so far.
I think this is maybe connected to autos outdoors.
It's my first auto to grow so I have nothing personally to compare it to here so far. Yours did look similar. I'm hoping this isn't the case, cuz I like the idea of growing more autos in the future. The two others I've got going seem to be OK so far... fingers crossed.
All my autos are outside and I haven't had one like that.
Yeeeeaaahh... that too ... :hmmmm: Were you supplementing any of them with more light at nighttimes? I cant remember who, but someone suggested it to me originally... that autos can be weird outside. Would be strain related as well I agree. Maybe autos are just weird...anywhere lol!
They're better off out of the humidity at night.
I'm fortunate to be a little further from the coast than you are, so the humidity at night, while high at times, doesn't get as bad as your neighborhood. That said, today the fog has not yet burned off at 8:20am.
Just come across this. Very cool grow. I'm going to hang around here for a bit
:welcome: Glad you found us - welcome!!
This year I plan to grow them in some small airports that I can easily bring in to my room overnight. Always refining the approach :D
My two "lab-rat" plants were intentionally kept in small pots. This has made moving them into and out of the shed quite manageable, and the blooming has been looking great on these. (I'll post an update on these soon.)
Very interesting plant. I bet she smokes good for you.
I hope so, just don't know what to expect at this point. Got them drying in the shed now.

My other two auto seem to be doing ok for now. LPa2 looks more typical than her sister did, but she is now starting to fill in similar to LPa1.

And LSD-25 auto is tall and lanky but starting to fill in nicely. Good for air flow and mold prevention, I guess.

I'm loving the colors on that one. Had I anticipated it would grow so quickly and so tall (approx 3 ft), I might have topped it once before flowering started.
Is the LSD related to MK Ultra? No, seriously
It doesn't appear to be. The Fast Buds site doesn't share the genetics other than it's an LSD bred with an auto flower. However, looking up LSD: Mazar-I-Shariff (indica) x Shunk No.1 (hybrid). Where as MK Ultra: OG Kush (hybrid) x G13 (indica). MK Ultra does sounds interesting though. I might have to put it on my wish list for future grows. :idea:
Is it photoperiod? If so I will be very interested to watch. We're considering doing the photoperiod version in the next season or two. :popcorn:
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