BeezLuiz & LiquidIntel Outdoor Grow 2019: White Widow, Northern Lights & CBD Lemon Potion

I'd wait on the LPa but it is hard to tell with all the weirdness going on.
Thanks Shed. We're waiting until Wednesday evening. Otherwise our next opportunity is probably a full week after that (due to birthdays, anniversaries, and fishing trips).
I tracked the same thing with my son but still couldn't predict when he would outgrow his pants so I gave up.
I'm anticipating flowering to start in maybe 3 weeks
I tend to just figure mid-July, but I also figure it doesn't matter outside :).
Well, guess what -- Yesterday I'm checking out my plants and I see that White Widow has this!
I guess flowering will be starting in less than 3 weeks. :rolleyes:
Won't be long now.
I guess I'm fine with an early bloomer - usually means an early harvester. Just was hoping for a tad bit more growth first.
White Widow is currently 43 inches tall. I feel like being optimistic today, so I'll go with the 28% stretch rate. It should get to 55 inches tall. That's about what Dream Queen and Blackberry Fire did last year and they each gave me about one pound of cured bud, so I'll be happy with that! :cheesygrinsmiley: Probably a big difference between this year and last year that could affect yield... Last year's plants were started with clones and received zero topping. This year, started from seed and topped twice.
Last year was sunnier too! I'm sticking with step-stool for harvest...
So true. This year's weather has certainly been less optimal than last year, although my weather lately has been pretty nice. Your current weather seems to be sticking to the southern portion of the state. :sorry:
Trellis them and open them up so the interior can grow out.
Good suggestion! I was looking at the two big plants and thinking they needed a little more pruning/thinning. :thanks:
I'll see what I have in my shed and take some pics when I come up with something. It can't be too elaborate because the pots need to be movable, but I think I can come up with something.
Like Rooster's scrog in a pot!
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