Beemerbill's Indoor/Outdoor Multible Strains Grow Journal

Happy Independence Day bee and get skunked:)
Happy Independence Day bee and get skunked:)

Happy day fishy. You know about me and getting skunked. We over to the kids house last night to hear about their trip to Kauai and i took a couple of oz over there so at least someone can get skunked. it was well received and everyone there got Skunked. Took a couple of pictures this morning.

The greenhouse

My little auto

and another plant I love
aw you went to Kauai and didn't come to Oahu to visit omm and the guys?
my bad your kids
oh well maybe some day
sorry about you not partaking:/
good weed Bee:)
A Fine Sativaday to you and yours Bee:circle-of-love:
Hey Bill, hope your weekend is going good :)

Thanks rune, it's going ok. haven't done a lot today. Kind of healing, Getting old and the job is kicking my ass so I finding that I have to slow down at least one of the weekend days. How's your weekend going? Hope you are able to fight off the pain that you have been having. :Namaste:
I know that feeling... doing a little better today, but having to take it a bit slowly. We're just taking it easy around the house tonight, but we're slowly rearranging the house to see if we can balance out our physical space best for our comforts and needs. Good thing is, it gives me a couple windows for plants this winter :)
Lester how the heck are you? How's the grow going? Hope you are skunked tonight.
Lester how the heck are you? How's the grow going? Hope you are skunked tonight.

All is well mate, taking is easy as well, needed the weekend to Relax :). Humidity been at a minimum of 80% and typically around 95% and lowers to 80 in the day... real terrible when u add the heat. The vegging plants are enjoying it a lot, but not good for harvesting, heh. Other than that, the curing buds keep getting better and better, and hash doing me right.
Skunky McSkunkyton! :Rasta::allgood:

PS Hope all is well in your garden too!:Namaste:
Humidity!!!! I hate humidity. The last few year we have had a little but most of the time it's are 50 to 60%. I can handle that amount. The garden is doing good. The girls are liking the heat and are looking good. My little auto in the greenhouse is really getting cover with trichroms. the buds are filling out nicely. I need to retire and get rid of the CDL so I can partake more often.
Good Weed and A Fine Skunkday to you Bee:)
Good Skunkday to everyone and you too fishy :cheesygrinsmiley:
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