Beemerbill's Indoor/Outdoor Multible Strains Grow Journal

looking good Bill... thanks for the pics and further information. I know there is a kid, I think he's in Hawaii, who is making archery bows out of molded PVC with decent success, but the thing that brings him up, is he gets fiberglass poles, I believe he said from a farm or hardware store, and places them inside to reinforce the PVC (so it doesn't overbend) and to of course provide the springy kinetic energy to fire an arrow at a moderately high velocity. Well, what I was originally thinking was 2 - 3' pieces of rebar driven into ground leaving a foot above, then the fiberglass inside th pvc, then that slid down over the rebar. I may have been overthinking it, but after seeing some PVC hoop houses get smashed with 40mph+ gusts, I was worried, hence thinking about the fiberglass poles, lol.
These auto's really flower fast. I noticed about 10 days ago that my auto Bubblelicous was starting to flower. Here's a picture from then and one today. The stem is already really stiff with buds. NICE :circle-of-love:
Yumolicuos YAY!!!
good weed to you bee:)
Good weed day to all. It's been a week since we looked at the girls. Here are some pictures taken a few minutes ago.
Here's the tent girls showing flowering

This week was raining and not to warm but yesterday and today it's in the 80s
My sweethearts outside

Now for the pampered girls in the greenhouse

there is one more but I forgot to take of picture of her.
Bee you are one fine Gardener! Frankly I dont think you could kill a plant unless it was to harvest it:bravo:
Reps :)
Thanks for the kind words fishy. Oh I can kill.... I just don't want to until it is time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks for the reps.
I really like your greenhouse mate. + Reps

Cheers and Happy Growing, Don't we just LOVE watching these things grow? Side by side with our food and it's even more amazing!!!

Thanks Relaxed Lester. I was tied of bud rot in the late fall so that is one reason I built it and I want good ripe tomato's this year
and reps back at you
Happy Skunkday bee:)
Girls lookin sweet and lovely there Bill :) +reps

Morning neighbor and thanks for the nice words and reps. With the weather from one extreme to another it's a wonder they are doing as good as they are. It was 90 out here yesterday and it is suppose to get that hot today. The sweeties just don't know what to do. :kisstwo::icon_cool
Yeah, the weather made a sudden turn yesterday, didn't it?

Hard to get used to around here. 60 then 90 then 60 and so on and so on. Sucks
my air has been on every day for a while. been a great year. cherry trees are full. Red raspberries are full. And wild apple trees are loaded. Won't have to buy deer corn this year. Got golf ball size tomato's already. same size buds.Damn I don't think it can get any better
my air has been on every day for a while. been a great year. cherry trees are full. Red raspberries are full. And wild apple trees are loaded. Won't have to buy deer corn this year. Got golf ball size tomato's already. same size buds.Damn I don't think it can get any better

OH sure....... If I have to have the air on for a few weeks a person can get used to it. :surrender: BUT i think I have 5 cherry's on my tree because when it bloomed we had a frost, But then again my Italian plum has a bumper crop on and my tomato's are starting to show. I saw a blossom on the peas today so they may make it AND I'm hoping for big buds on the auto. It sounds like you are about to have a bountiful harvest this year. :circle-of-love::cheer::high-five::party:
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