Becca Buries a Bean

The S bend looks kinda cool, almost like she's dancing!
That forbidden fruit is gonna be one amazing producer I reckon 😉
She does look like she's dancing, & seems happy with my adjustments so far. :nerd-with-glasses:The Tahoe is def getting a better start than the Forbidden Fruit got- it was in soggy soil and it slowed it way down. Lucky it made it at all.
It's good now though, and if I recall right, last time I grew Forbidden Fruit, I got 5 ounces, and it looks like the yield this time will be similar. Not a huge pile but really, really tasty and plenty potent. :woohoo:
The Forbidden Fruit is 29 days into flowering today and is growing fast. Trimmed some larf from the bottom that had some small flowers. It will make a nice taste test. Res is 2-3/4" deep.



The little Tahoe Triploid, now 10 days old, is past it's funky start and is growing normally now. The 2nd set of true leaves are developing already. She's coming on strong!

Just gave the Tahoe 60mL of 1/4 strength nutrient solution. Yesterday her leaves got wavy looking and growth sort of jumped a bit and it's still going strong after the nutes. Kudos :bravo:to Satdica Seeds & @Freedom of Seeds for these awesome genetics.


The Forbidden Fruit is getting really dank. Smells wonderful and is turning very frosty. :ganjamon: Yum! Had some fungus gnats so I put out 2 more sticky traps and some more Mosquito Bits atop the soil are due. If the gnats get into my shrooms it would be the end of the shroom grow 'til I get rid of the bugs. :( Res is at 1-7/8" today. Getting a gallon of water ready with some Jones Juice & Purpinator added.


Both plants looking good except for the dam fungus gnats in the SIP. My 4-gallon DIY SIP container seems to breed the bugs, and I am reasonably certain it is because I drilled 15 holes in each side of the pot to aerate the soil, holes they are using to breed in the soil. So much for airy soil, lol! My Mosquito Bits must be getting old- the BT in it should be helping more. Res at 1-3/4" today. Deployed more sticky traps around the Forbidden Fruit SIP. At least there's no sign of bugs in the Tahoe pot!



The Forbidden Fruit is 33 days into flowering, about a month to go. The buds are looking spectacular! I top-fed her a half cup of Geoflora Bloom, mulched it in and sprinkled several tablespoons of Mosquito Bits across the soil to try and reduce the gnats. I've got a gallon of water with 30mL of Jones Juice in it, ready to go, however, I found the soil was wetter than I expected and there is still an inch in the res, so I'm going to wait a day or two before watering in the Geoflora.




Damnnnn girl! That forbidden fruit is looking amazing 👏
She'll be a lovely harvest!
The Tahoe looks like she's made a full recovery also, hopefully it's all smooth sailing from here 😀
Wait til you see it in a month. I'm stocking up on paper towels for the drool. :rofl:
It's been15 days since the Tahoe seed cracked open. The plant is healthy and growing fast but still needs support and probably will until I get it buried deeper. Not much branching so far in this one- 4th leaf set is forming now and not a single branch. Kinda stretchy, too. I had to move the light up as she was showing signs of light stress. Yesterday it got another 60mL of 1/4 strength MaxiGro.

Earlier today, the reservoir in the Forbidden Fruit SIP was at 1/2" and read empty when I took pictures, so I'll water in the Geoflora Bloom with the Jones Juice treated water tomorrow morning. Aside from the (controlled) fungus gnats, all is good on day 35 of flowering, the beginning of week 6. I think I'm going to shoot for a droughting event next week, so going to do limited top watering this week to keep the res drained.





Top-watered 2.1L of Jones water into the Forbidden Fruit SIP after checking and finding reservoir empty. When I uncovered the top soil I found it covered with strands of BT growing from the Mosquito Bits I spread several days ago. Perfect! Die Fungus Gnats!
After using the garden sprayer to water the plant, and waiting some 30 minutes, res measured 1-1/4" deep so I dumped in another liter. Res is now at 2-1/8" this day 36 of week 6 of flowering. After I dump the rest of this jug in the res, that's it for watering until the end of week 7. I'm trying to time it so that the res is empty by the start of week 7. I'm really not sure if droughting is possible given how wet SIP's run, so I'm going to find out!




Added another support for the Tahoe. She's getting big enough to need something more sturdy than the twist tie alone.

Top-watered 2.1L of Jones water into the Forbidden Fruit SIP after checking and finding reservoir empty. When I uncovered the top soil I found it covered with strands of BT growing from the Mosquito Bits I spread several days ago. Perfect! Die Fungus Gnats!
After using the garden sprayer to water the plant, and waiting some 30 minutes, res measured 1-1/4" deep so I dumped in another liter. Res is now at 2-1/8" this day 36 of week 6 of flowering. After I dump the rest of this jug in the res, that's it for watering until the end of week 7. I'm trying to time it so that the res is empty by the start of week 7. I'm really not sure if droughting is possible given how wet SIP's run, so I'm going to find out!




Added another support for the Tahoe. She's getting big enough to need something more sturdy than the twist tie alone.

Really looking nice!
Heya Becca!!! That big girl is stackin up nicely!! The young one is chugging right along too. Hope you annihilate the gnats. Happy Monday girl!! 😎✌️
I'd like to be rid of the dam gnats, too, but I'm probably going to have to settle for keeping them in control. I don't want to use SNS203 because it's also a fungicide. I'd rather not kill the shroom compost so control it is...

Here's a photo of the FF I grew last year, right before harvest. This is what I'm hoping for again this time! :yummy:

Day 38 of flowering for the Forbidden Fruit, day 18 of veg for the Tahoe seedling. Did some trimming of large FF feeder leaves that were shading buds. Poured the rest of the Jones water into the reservoir, now at 2-1/2". Before I did that, I poured 100mL of the Jones water into the Tahoe pot, which conveniently needed watering. The Tahoe is developing it's 5th leaf set now and barely beginning to show signs of branches at older nodes.



The Forbidden Fruit's SIP reservoir is at 1-7/8" today and dropped 5/8" since yesterday. Buds are building nicely after her feeding of Geoflora Bloom. Projecting forward, the res will be empty Sunday, Nov. 24, day 42/week 7 of flowering. Perfect! If this SIP can be droughted, it will. I have my doubts the soil will get dry enough to droop the leaves in just one week, but she is using lots of water, and is getting bigger. We'll see! :cool:

The Tahoe is just now starting to form branches, much later than most hybrids I've grown, and wants to be awfully leggy.



FF Res was at 1-1/4" this afternoon, looks like it won't empty til Monday, so that's the official start of drought. Gave the Tahoe 100mL of half-strength MaxiGro. She's growing really fast! Time to start thinking about training. Probably quadline again...


FF res is at 13/16" this afternoon and it's topsoil is notably drier. Starting to get a few red hairs on her dense, swelling buds now. Her smell seems to have changed subtly, too. Today is her 42nd day in flowering, the beginning of week 7.

The Tahoe is 8" tall today, 6th and 7th leaf nodes developing. She's outgrown her need for support but had a tilt so I reoriented the bamboo/twist tie so she isn't leaning. Could probably not bother since I can fix it on repot but whatever, lol.



Reservoir in the Forbidden Fruit SIP is finally empty and the topsoil is much dryer than while it was SIPing. Leaf droop is still far off in the future and I'm still not certain it will even occur within the week 7 window. It occurs to me though that the change in the wetness of the soil is pretty major. The question is has the plant noticed it and begun to respond to a potential drought event? Not that I 👀 can see yet...
Tahoe is merrily growing through the ceiling (joking). She is a leggy one, though. Ten inches tall now and barely beginning to branch. Growth pattern is like a male plant... Gave her another 100mL of 1/2 strength MaxiGro.





A look in the mirror
a holiday passed
a brand new year
rolling up fast
so I twisted a fattie
and got a little gassed
Happy Thanksgiving to all
leaving dieting til last...​

The Tahoe is almost a month old today, and the FF is at day 47 of flowering. Gave the TT 150mL of 50% MaxiGro. FF still no noteworthy droop in it's leaves 9 days after last watering.






The topsoil in the Forbidden Fruit pot is dried out now, 4 days after the reservoir emptied, but there is no sign of leaf droop yet. Going to hold out until she shows she needs water, then she gets a half-cup of Geoflora Bloom mulched in and watered with some Jones Juice, likely her last major feeding. The buds are looking wicked tasty and getting bigger by the day.

The Tahoe has outgrown the seedling stage and is assuming the classic christmas tree shape of a Sativa dominant variety. Since I'm new to it, I think I'll leave it be for now. She's ready for transplant as soon as possible- her little 4" pot needs watering every day now!




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