Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

Update on day 53 of flowering, this is my Wild Child. I can't believe how far this weird sister has come. It's kind of hard to see but her colas are getting really thick and dense.... I'm going to get much more from her than I ever would have thought. :)






Thanks for looking!

Now I had a thought I'd like to get opinions on.... The only data I have is for my Lemon Kush and she is supposed to go 70 days flowering. I'm now at 53 days. My other girls, with the exception of the Sleestack Skunk, look like they're pretty much keeping pace with each other. That would give me 17 days left. I was thinking about stopping all nutes now and just giving straight water? The reason is that none of my plant's leaves have even started to turn yellow yet. I also thought I'd do 2 flushes between now and harvest. What does everyone think about that? The reason I say the Skunk is lagging behind is because she has relatively few trichomes compared to the others... they all look like they're covered in frost. :) :peace:
Those pictures are excellent Beateo and Wild Child already looks like she would melt in your mouth. Have you snuck any tasters yet? :) I agree with Dusty on the flushing.
I over fertilized my current crop and have been watering/flushing w/ straight tap water (each plant has it's own plastic catch tray) for three+ weeks now. Getting a lot of yellowing the past couple of days but I'm now days from harvesting the majority of the upper canopy. So I think if you flushed the last 10-17 days you would be good - given the plant was also showing you that she's going to be done in that similar amount of time. Looking fantastik B! Cheers

:yummy: :blunt:
colorfuldayze, Thank you. Haven't snuck any yet but it sure is tempting. :) The photos are actually a little deceptive... the colas on the top of Wild Child are really THICK! I'm amazed at how much mass she put on the nugs considering how spindly she is. Thanks for the opinion (Dusty too) on the flush.... I decided to stop the nutes and start flushing on Christmas day. Not thrilled about that since I have to tote the water up 2 flights of stairs.... the things we do for love! lol

Those pictures are excellent Beateo and Wild Child already looks like she would melt in your mouth. Have you snuck any tasters yet? :) I agree with Dusty on the flushing.
I over fertilized my current crop and have been watering/flushing w/ straight tap water (each plant has it's own plastic catch tray) for three+ weeks now. Getting a lot of yellowing the past couple of days but I'm now days from harvesting the majority of the upper canopy. So I think if you flushed the last 10-17 days you would be good - given the plant was also showing you that she's going to be done in that similar amount of time. Looking fantastik B! Cheers

:yummy: :blunt:

nhteatime, Thanks... I have progressed from looking at her and wondering what the hell kind of a mess is this plant? To smiling every time I look at her! :) :peace:

Yay Wild Child, she looks Awesome! :goodjob: :peace:
Day 55 of Flowering, this is my Lemon Kush! :love: Her top two colas are really thick... I can't close my hand around them. :) There are bunches of smaller buds that have plenty of bulk too. Temp this morning (two hours after lights on.... I slept in :) ) was 75F and humidity was 36% in the room. I have adjusted the heater to get the room to about 82F as the lights help out and it warms during the day. Staying mostly between the low of 72F and high has been 84F over the past few weeks. The humidity is staying low without my doing anything at all. I'm sure this is because it's wood burning season.





Thanks for looking! :) :peace:
Very nice, very motivating -- I feel like I have a good strain in the LK. Thinking about placing an order soon for the summer and next fall, and I might get a few more if them. I got some time still, but I hope I can grow something that nice. Good job, not easy to get that far my friend! :)
Thank you petergreen! I'm very impressed with the Lemon Kush. You absolutely can grow something that nice.... I knew ZERO just a few short months ago and if anyone ever asked me, I'd tell them the number one most important advice I followed to allow success was not to overdo things. Merry Christmas my friend! :peace: :Namaste:

Very nice, very motivating -- I feel like I have a good strain in the LK. Thinking about placing an order soon for the summer and next fall, and I might get a few more if them. I got some time still, but I hope I can grow something that nice. Good job, not easy to get that far my friend! :)

Ranger275, Thank you! Merry Christmas to you my friend! :peace: :Namaste:

Beautiful Buds BEATEO,
If I was a bee, I know where I'd want to land! Yum!
Happy Holidays.
Hey B - just catching up on journals. Lot of reading tonight. Girls look wonderful. Getting anxious? Will catch up later, more reading to do. Take care.
too old, thanks! I am getting anxious... can't wait. I'm like a kid at Christmas.... OK... an old guy at Christmas. lol :peace:

Hey B - just catching up on journals. Lot of reading tonight. Girls look wonderful. Getting anxious? Will catch up later, more reading to do. Take care.
Being only about 2 weeks from harvest and a really, really, cheap guy..... I built my own drying box from cardboard, tape, and a fan. :)
Overall dimensions are 24" X 30". This gives, believe it or not, 15 whole feet of hanging space! I positioned the fan so that it's close enough to the heater to push warm, dry (32% RH) air up through the box. This "should" work?? :) :peace:
Here are some pictures:


This next one is a panel I put in as a bottom with slots cut in it to cut down a little on the direct air. It's about 10" up from the bottom just above where the fan slides in.



In addition to this, I carried a ton of water up to the room and will flush all of my girls today. Merry Christmas to everyone!! :love:
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