Inkdots Indian Cannabis Milk drink:
Last nite, I took some trim with tiny popcorn larf out of the freezer (not dried) and made a batch of Bhang as it's called to try out on mom for her Alzheimer's.
Boiled water for just a couple mins over the leaves/trim/larf and let it steep for 10 mins. Strain out the water. Placed the material back in a pot, added heavy cream to just cover, mixed in about 1/3rd more milk. Added some Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Ginger powder, 100% maple syrup to sweeten. Stewed this under low heat, covered, stirring occasionally for 30-40 mins or so. Added some ghee about 1/2 way through. Took a couple little tastes to make sure it was sweet enough for flavor for her and palatable.
Strained it all through cheesecloth again and gave mom maybe 3-4 oz to try (warm). She liked the flavor, said it was a really nice interesting flavor. 45 mins later it didn't seem to have any effect yet and I was falling asleep. That was 3:45am. I wake up at 8:30 am, go downstairs and she's crashed out in her recliner where I left her 5 hrs ago. Looks like she hasn't moved from earlier. She wakes, and I ask her how long she's been there. She's not sure, thinks maybe one hour, but I can tell she's wasted! I even ask her if she's loaded. "OH YEA" she says.
lol, she's baked for sure.
This is good! I hate making her smoke as it makes her hack so hard. My cannabutter, just added to food hasn't seemed to have an effect, just melting it over her dinner.
But this drink seems like the thing! I have probably 16oz or so in the fridge. And since we know it's strong, I can probably dilute it 50% with milk, warm it up and she may have a weeks worth of treatment from it. We'll have to see on the dilution amount. Just a guess based on how wasted she is. Not trying to get her wasted, but if I get it to where I know it gets her a little high, than I'll know the thc/cbn/cbd's are treating the brain. This is a really good step forward for us and her treatment!
MANY MANY thanks to Inkdot! I'm hoping I can pass some reps to him, and I'm asking others to do the same for me and mom and pass him some!