Hi Bassman -
This is just my own thoughts/opinion, but it works for me: I don't think you should bother adjusting the PH in your RO water before adding nutes - in fact that's actually a really difficult thing to do in the sense of the PH up/down has nothing in the water to bond to. (Personally, I don't wait 15 minutes between adding part a and part b, but that may be a very good thing to do as 4twenty4all mentioned). However, I do thoroughly mix between each thing I add and let it all sit after mixing before I adjust PH.
As far as adjusting PH - you are over-thinking the mag issue in my opinion, and I would encourage you to take the following approach to adjusting PH as it's never once let me down yet:
After mixing up your nutes and letting it rest for 10-15 (honestly I don't always wait - hasn't been a problem), adjust your PH to
roughly 5.5. If you get to 5.6 or 5.7, don't keep adjusting to 5.5 -- it's just not that critical, and you don't want to shoot past it and have to PH back up. Just think of 5.5 as your target and get it close to there if you can (again, within a point or two).
Over the course of a week or so it will typically rise. Let it get to about 6.1 or 6.2, then adjust back down to that 5.5 range again. The idea is to let it gradually rise through the range until adjusting again.
I find with my nutrients that there are phases during bloom where the PH will stay pretty steady, and can even go down some instead of up. No worries, just PH up instead of down. In that situation I typically don't set it high with the hopes of going down, I just shoot for a middle number like 5.8 and adjust if it gets below 5.5 or above 6.1. It's MUCH more common for your nutrient solution to rise in PH over the course of a week.
Keep it that simple, always, and you shouldn't have to ever worry more about it. As interesting and valuable as that chart is, you'll be much better off taking the approach I'm recommending then trying to cater toward a deficiency, especially at this stage of your growing experience. At least that's what's always worked for me...
Sorry for being so wordy, but I hope this helps some!