Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Here is my GZ. I think she's trying to go back underground.:hmmmm:

One side of her stem must be growing faster perhaps?
i would put a toothpick next to her for a little encouragement support. I diskike this stage so much. too easy to see them go thin from the bottom up. fingers well crossed for you VG
i would put a toothpick next to her for a little encouragement support. I diskike this stage so much. too easy to see them go thin from the bottom up. fingers well crossed for you VG
I think she just a bit confused, I could see her coming out of the perlite all funky. One of the girls from my last grow did this as well. Chris Scorpio had one kinda jump out of the perlite in the hempy cup and he had to replant it. I think they grow so fast and there isn't much holding them in the perlite that they can wiggle their way out. Her stalk looks really strong so I'll prop her up a bit and add more perlite. I'm sure she'll be fine, she's just being a little green idiot.
Hey Prof, awesome updates and your pics are always so good :bravo: I’m looking forward to moving away from HPS. I get great results but it’s frustrating trying to get a good snap of my plants with the HPS glare. :yummy:
POG is looking boss as usual, she’s going to produce loads of flowers by the look of it. The colours seems to be developing quickly on the GZ. Those pistils are just something else on the OS, they’re so big and healthy. Good to see the Blue Gelato’s breaking grownd. Damn you know what you’re doing Prof :ganjamon::high-five::passitleft:
I need to stop falling behind with your journal mate. Good job I had the day off! That Phantom og is picture perfect. She’ll look nuts in a months time. The other two are looking great as well. How does your GZ smell? I had some time to pull the two Barneys plants out of the tent for a few shots.
Day 30 since flip

Pink kush

Gorilla Zkittles
Lol, I actually got a good nights sleep last night then we got a full days work in. Now I'm behind on my own journal! I'd take 420 to work with me but there no internet where I often work. The GZ smells a bit earthy with a diesel or chem hint. If she smells like this now then I can't wait to see what she's like closer to harvest. I can see some similarity between our GZ although at first I thought the pink Kush was the GZ lol
Hi all , heres a quick update today. all growing nicely. after snapping 2 tips off the BG41 and crying for a while. she is moe showing nodes where they snapped off. yay. back on plan for the quads. The phantom is doing amazing and putting on a little size now. Orange Sherbet is a mutant looking girl with her crinkly leaves ??????
Cookie is good and the Gz are impressing me too. one is particularly bigger and different for sure.
heres the girls for your perusal

your OS is reminding me of the Currylato I grew not too long ago. Let's pray that she doesn't go like her lol. Things are looking great GG! I can't remember if you've said how long you intend to veg for. I know that they're quads but how long does it take to sculpt a plant to your liking?
Here is my GZ. I think she's trying to go back underground.:hmmmm:

One side of her stem must be growing faster perhaps?
I like what you did with her the Dinosaur/lizard/hell beast is a great support lol. I used to use a cocktail umbrella. Made it look summery lol. I've got some that can tag along with yours now :)
Hey Prof, awesome updates and your pics are always so good :bravo: I’m looking forward to moving away from HPS. I get great results but it’s frustrating trying to get a good snap of my plants with the HPS glare. :yummy:
POG is looking boss as usual, she’s going to produce loads of flowers by the look of it. The colours seems to be developing quickly on the GZ. Those pistils are just something else on the OS, they’re so big and healthy. Good to see the Blue Gelato’s breaking grownd. Damn you know what you’re doing Prof :ganjamon::high-five::passitleft:
Thanks Irie! I did used to use hps a lot in the past but the problem was heat and sound. In fact the sound generated by large extraction units was way more of a problem than the heat. Stealth is vital where I am and my Rhino fan can be heard in the next town if you listen closely on a still night lol. I ended up buying a silent can fan but the extraction power is much lower. It can only just keep up with the leds.
Talk about blink then miss it. I went to bed last night and our daughter actually let us sleep for 5+ hours. I remembered that the seedlings were starting to spout so I went in to check on them. This is what we had....

BG41 1....

BG41 2....

SL 1....

SL 2....

Then I has to go out in the rain and stand on a roof for 6 hours! When I returned I excitedly checked again....

BG41 1....

BG41 2....

SL 1....

SL 2....

This time I'm going to be nicer to them lol
Lol, I actually got a good nights sleep last night then we got a full days work in. Now I'm behind on my own journal! I'd take 420 to work with me but there no internet where I often work. The GZ smells a bit earthy with a diesel or chem hint. If she smells like this now then I can't wait to see what she's like closer to harvest. I can see some similarity between our GZ although at first I thought the pink Kush was the GZ lol

That’s exactly what my GZ smells like, really earthy and pungent, not what I was expecting. I think with Zkittles in name I thought it was going to be fruity? You need to try the Pink kush mate. I think you’d love it, when you rub the leaf trichomes it stinks of candy. Looks like we’re in for some more rain for the next two days.
That’s exactly what my GZ smells like, really earthy and pungent, not what I was expecting. I think with Zkittles in name I thought it was going to be fruity? You need to try the Pink kush mate. I think you’d love it, when you rub the leaf trichomes it stinks of candy. Looks like we’re in for some more rain for the next two days.
I like the sound of that Pink Kush. The Orange Sherbet doesn't smell quite as much as the GZ yet but I think that'll all change soon. I haven't seen her today though as the lights went out in the tent before I had a chance to check them. That means no pics today as well. My daughter decided to kick off so I was preoccupied with that. The POG needed a watering as well which means I'll have to do it in the morning before work. Tomorrow doesn't too bad down this way but Friday looks terrible. Looks like it might be another day gardening...if Mrs F let's me that is
Thanks Irie! I did used to use hps a lot in the past but the problem was heat and sound. In fact the sound generated by large extraction units was way more of a problem than the heat. Stealth is vital where I am and my Rhino fan can be heard in the next town if you listen closely on a still night lol. I ended up buying a silent can fan but the extraction power is much lower. It can only just keep up with the leds.
my next step is the acoustic ducting prof. It does sound like a jet warming up if not baffled somehow. i use a kingsize very thick quilt against next doors wall and tent is away from it too. I do hear it and on my first grow in this house( and here) she reported me to council who rang us the next day to saybthere had been a noise complaint. loud rumbling , only late at night( summer grow so using cooler night period as day). I was livid she hadnt even mentioned it to us but the twat thought the council would not mention her name. We nkw have her believing it was a pump for my sleep apnea while i sleep ( dont have it but a family member did so had exp) She felt like shit for being so cruel. lol Now agreed any issues at all she would happily pop round now rather than cause me stress. phew. I am so trapped now over going led route. would love a few PM's with honest opinions so as not to upset any sponsors or mods @Dutchmann1990 , Prof , irie , @InTheinthe, so many people to list bit repect all of your honest opinions. My intention is to try to lower heat , cost for the Autogrow run and beyond. My knowledge of Led is shit and i cannot get it together over what i need to get results worth the outlay. I know i can search for hours and go to sponsors but... I need honest opinions over whether the change over is worth it. I will only have about £500 ( might be less if doesnt go my way) so know i can go mars route for their new lights and sp ts series combos but i dont get what the big difference between even them is ?? . Hope that all makes sense.
I don't have a lot of experience with LEDs, but I can recommend the Mars Hydro SP-250, which draws 230w at the wall. Preston has three SP-250s in his temple and he's killing it in there. I've got one SP-250 in a 2x4 and it's plenty bright. Dutch has the 150s and he seems to be liking them as well, to the extent that he bought more!

I also built a light from Samsung strips and a MeanWell driver. It's 13 strips on a 2x4 frame and it will draw 380 watts when maxed out. I don't run them much over 320 watts though for better efficiency.

You will get so many recommendations it will make your head spin though!
I don't have a lot of experience with LEDs, but I can recommend the Mars Hydro SP-250, which draws 230w at the wall. Preston has three SP-250s in his temple and he's killing it in there. I've got one SP-250 in a 2x4 and it's plenty bright. Dutch has the 150s and he seems to be liking them as well, to the extent that he bought more!

I also built a light from Samsung strips and a MeanWell driver. It's 13 strips on a 2x4 frame and it will draw 380 watts when maxed out. I don't run them much over 320 watts though for better efficiency.

You will get so many recommendations it will make your head spin though!
thankyou for that reply mate. i know what you mean too. it is a head spinner. i have been hps so long now but seeing the comp winners and their grows from them has me bit somehow. i am able to build with suggested parts but dont understsnd most of what they are or Drivers are car occupants or speaker parts to my ancient ass. and the K system is the power they pump out !!!. Appreciate the 250's comment as these have my eye but catch me on coverage until i actually look at " real" footprint of all my ladies sat together. it is less than i take into account. even a good 4x4 coverage could work with 1 plant per ft ? 15 would be great for the auto runs too. I know hps can do it no problem but have reservations with Led.
my next step is the acoustic ducting prof. It does sound like a jet warming up if not baffled somehow. i use a kingsize very thick quilt against next doors wall and tent is away from it too. I do hear it and on my first grow in this house( and here) she reported me to council who rang us the next day to saybthere had been a noise complaint. loud rumbling , only late at night( summer grow so using cooler night period as day). I was livid she hadnt even mentioned it to us but the twat thought the council would not mention her name. We nkw have her believing it was a pump for my sleep apnea while i sleep ( dont have it but a family member did so had exp) She felt like shit for being so cruel. lol Now agreed any issues at all she would happily pop round now rather than cause me stress. phew. I am so trapped now over going led route. would love a few PM's with honest opinions so as not to upset any sponsors or mods @Dutchmann1990 , Prof , irie , @InTheinthe, so many people to list bit repect all of your honest opinions. My intention is to try to lower heat , cost for the Autogrow run and beyond. My knowledge of Led is shit and i cannot get it together over what i need to get results worth the outlay. I know i can search for hours and go to sponsors but... I need honest opinions over whether the change over is worth it. I will only have about £500 ( might be less if doesnt go my way) so know i can go mars route for their new lights and sp ts series combos but i dont get what the big difference between even them is ?? . Hope that all makes sense.
I would say that the change is worth it. The problem that I've found is covering large areas cheaply without going down the diy route. I'm no good at that sort of thing so I ended up buying multiple units to cover my 3 tents. The lights I'm using at the moment for the GZ and OS only have a 60x60 coverage area. They also cost £500 for the two of them which is a little bit too much lol. The new Mars models offer better coverage at a much more affordable price. I agree with what Shed said and would recommend the new Mars models. My advice based on experience is don't get any models that have fans or cheap models that use UV and IR diodes. Fans are loud as hell and come loose eventually sometimes damaging your light. The cheap models can't cool the UV and IR diodes properly and they will almost certainly burn out long before their shelf life expire. I've had 4 different units burn out on me and 2 fans break. I agree with you in that the LED world is too complicated. There's so much crap that you have to negotiate to find out any real information. It does make me laugh when I see a model on amazon or eBay that is 150w yet claimes to have the power of a DE 1000w HPS!
Hey 420! My plan for these is to grow them in these 1ltr pots for about 2 weeks then I'll transplant them into some fabric 5ltr pots in which they'll stay for a further 2 or 3 weeks. Then they'll go into their final pot which will be the 11ltr plastic pots which come with the Wilma system. I don't intend on vegging these 4 for as long as I did with the previous 3. They will receive a topping but not much else up until they're to be flowered. Then I'll give them a good trim and remove a lot of the lower growth. They'll be less wild but also less natural looking than the others. Here we are 2 days above ground....

Blue gelato 41.1....

Blue Gelato 41.2....

Strawberry lemonade 1....

Strawberry lemonade 2....
Hey 420! My plan for these is to grow them in these 1ltr pots for about 2 weeks then I'll transplant them into some fabric 5ltr pots in which they'll stay for a further 2 or 3 weeks. Then they'll go into their final pot which will be the 11ltr plastic pots which come with the Wilma system. I don't intend on vegging these 4 for as long as I did with the previous 3. They will receive a topping but not much else up until they're to be flowered. Then I'll give them a good trim and remove a lot of the lower growth. They'll be less wild but also less natural looking than the others. Here we are 2 days above ground....

Blue gelato 41.1....

Blue Gelato 41.2....

Strawberry lemonade 1....

Strawberry lemonade 2....
yay life and happiness abound now prof. great job
I get great even 2x4 coverage with the strips and the cost was around $300 without the frame. The driver is just the converter that powers the LEDs.

The Mars SP series is definitely hotter in the middle (because it's only 6" wide or so), but like I said, Preston is growing amazing plants with three of them in his big temple.
Thanks shed. this is my thinking at the moment. like the idea of 2 sp250. I still dont get the difference besides draw power , between them and the ts ??
Great advice thank you.
Flowering Day 17...

This baby continues to impress. Only a couple days until her trim and tidying up session which I'm very much looking forward to. I fed her this morning with 25g of MegaCrop in 10ltrs of water. It may have been a bit too much but I think she'll be able to handle it. I want to push this one as much as we can. I'm still considering getting a HPS set up in there but am still a little undecided....
I so need to clean out the middle of that POG that I am reaching my scissors to my screen! Congrats on the babies, healthy and happy :).
Not long now Shed. I'm finding it difficult myself lol
Not sure what the ts is, but that might be because I didn't sleep well last night
It's Mars's new square light. I'm not sure how it's different from the SP's but it looks like it maybe has warmer light.
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