Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Feel better soon prof. Sounds like me stayed home from work yesterday to nurse the little one back to health guess who is sick today

Everything looking great in the garden hopefully you get your root issues sorted.

After that strip there is nowhere for those nasty little seeds to hide
Hope you feel better fast Prof! :hug:
Thanks HH. The grow lighting was absolutely horrifying to look at when I came home from work. I think I took some ok pics. I wasn't looking at the camera screen when I was taking them lol
What double H said, doubly!
Does that mean I have to thank HH again for this one? Twice? One thanks for each H :)
good to hear mostly well again mate. threefold return on the nursing hopefully
Never spotted nanners within the structure but that odd bud that grew seems to be the culprit. I left some of the curled leaf over the seed but they look viable!!. I am convinced she did it herself genetically and not from stress. very odd as never had a hermie ever. I think my girl has not lived up to the Barneys standard so far with the node spacing and lankyness. Buds do look so nice though. We will see. Had to move the light up for 1st time too as i burnt the Pog with it in just two days.!!! ffs. lol. Halfway with the Gz now and they look great. i can only imagine their finished size with still so long to grow and the budswell to come in final weeks with added Shogun dragon force too. All going great guns now.
Looking forward to pogs numbers too mate. dont keep us in suspense too long. lol
have a good one. Hope the roots issue is on the wy to a resolve too.
lightburn 101 on Pog .doh!!!
I don't think that the BG's do as well in small spaces though I think they may be a good candidate for an outdoor grow. Provided they don't hermie all over the place that is lol. I still have one who's playing ball so hopefully she'll prove that it's no time all bad. Now that you mention it I did notice that one of the very lowest bud sites which I removed on BG 2 looked a bit odd. I wish I had left it now to see what it did. I've no time had any seeds but a fair few pollen sacks lower down. If I see nanas then depending on how bad it is I'll remove her from the tent. Would you like a little sample of the POG? Does the pope shit in the woods? He does when he's camping!....

Feel better soon prof. Sounds like me stayed home from work yesterday to nurse the little one back to health guess who is sick today

Everything looking great in the garden hopefully you get your root issues sorted.

After that strip there is nowhere for those nasty little seeds to hide
Thanks N! Hope you get better yourself.
I've done a bit in the garden and things are looking good at the moment. Fingers crossed for the Purple Punch. I'll show you what I mean in a moment but I think she'll be ok. Her roots don't look too bad but she's going a bit like lettuce lol. It may be because she needs more nutes or something else though.

There's nowhere for the thrips to hide anymore either. Time for some updates!

Hope you feel better soon Professor. Maybe this will cheer you up.
I went camping with Poop John Paul, and even though he had that nickname he never pooped in the forest as you stated above. As a close friend we would always rib him about the white clothes, so he would always wait until we got to a real Johnny on the Spot. True story.
What double H said, doubly!
lol, threw me for a loopy there Shed! All of the sudden I couldn’t figure out what thread I was in! o_O :laughtwo:

@ProfessorFlora Shed wrote the same thing in Preston’s journal. Basically he’s going around copying me all day ;)
Hi Prof. Hope all good in your neck of the woods anf Mrs Prof is feeling better . Missing your banter already.
A quick heads up on the Bg41. Took 2 more lower center stem budlets full of seeds today. No signs of any others so far but being very vigilant and close to pulling her out if any more arrive.
Take it easy mate. see you soon
If that were me GG and kept pulling seedpods I would just remove her all together! I removed my Wedding Cake because of her naughty boy parts and she’s been banished to the outside for finishing! Letting her stay in there there is clearly pollen that has been released and has the potential to continue spreading and seeding the lot as time progresses. Every branch that is seeded focuses on the seed production rather than bulking and Trichome production so just a heads up!!

good to hear mostly well again mate. threefold return on the nursing hopefully
Never spotted nanners within the structure but that odd bud that grew seems to be the culprit. I left some of the curled leaf over the seed but they look viable!!. I am convinced she did it herself genetically and not from stress. very odd as never had a hermie ever. I think my girl has not lived up to the Barneys standard so far with the node spacing and lankyness. Buds do look so nice though. We will see. Had to move the light up for 1st time too as i burnt the Pog with it in just two days.!!! ffs. lol. Halfway with the Gz now and they look great. i can only imagine their finished size with still so long to grow and the budswell to come in final weeks with added Shogun dragon force too. All going great guns now.
Looking forward to pogs numbers too mate. dont keep us in suspense too long. lol
have a good one. Hope the roots issue is on the wy to a resolve too.
lightburn 101 on Pog .doh!!!

That looks a lot more like Cal deficiency than light burn. Light burn would be noticeable on all the uppers closest to the light but those spots are lower down as well! What’s your plan of action for recovery!
Veg Tent Update....

Hey 420! It's been a couple of days since the last real update so things have changed a little in the grow room. The veg tent is for the most part doing well. The toppings I gave them have gone well it seems. The Vanilla Kush looks a little out of place but she'll catch up. I may have to slow the Shishkaberry down as she's growing so fast and will leave the others behind. The Ayahuasca Purple is no longer the centre of attention with her odd markings which are disappearing.....

Look how big the Purple Punch is now....

More pics of each plant on the way....
Hope you feel better soon Professor. Maybe this will cheer you up.
I went camping with Poop John Paul, and even though he had that nickname he never pooped in the forest as you stated above. As a close friend we would always rib him about the white clothes, so he would always wait until we got to a real Johnny on the Spot. True story.
I must have meant Benedict the 13th or XIII if you don't want to upset him. He wasn't like Poop John. He was what we call a "Wrong'un". Never took enough TP! That's why the smoke changes colour in the Vatican when they're growing a new pope. They're burning all the previous ones clothes!
lol, threw me for a loopy there Shed! All of the sudden I couldn’t figure out what thread I was in! o_O:laughtwo:

@ProfessorFlora Shed wrote the same thing in Preston’s journal. Basically he’s going around copying me all day ;)
That's our Shed! He's like the Loki of 420!
Beautiful Dutch! And am I right in thinking that these have the potential to turn pink? @Lewydeville did you see any similarities between Dutchmans and your Pink Kush?

It’s hard to tell this early. I’m very impressed with the Pink Kush and I’ll probably buy some beans and run it again soon. Crazy amount of trichomes, just covered with them all over the plant. I think the heat got to mine a little this summer but kush can be a little straggly so I’ll be interested to see how Dutch’s turn out. Mine was sweet smelling of candy whilst growing but now it’s starting it’s cure the strong kush flavour has come through.
Purple Punch....

I'm at that moment where I'm not sure if a plant is doing well or not. She's growing very well but has a rumpled appearance on her new growth. A little bit like lettuce. I may be being paranoid because I know that there are troubles at the root zone but it may just be that the nutes are a little off. She's way bigger than her 3 friends in every way. Her stem is becoming chunky already and she is so squat that she's making the OS look tall in comparison. Her roots are clearly in trouble but they're not slowing down at all. The new roots are clean and white but turn darker shortly after sprouting. I'll be getting something for the res tomorrow so hopefully she'll be ok until it arrives. Ive changed the res twice already and will do another tomorrow. I'll change it again when the peroxide turns up. I think we'll be in for a bit of a show with this one if she doesn't melt from within first that is lol....
It’s hard to tell this early. I’m very impressed with the Pink Kush and I’ll probably buy some beans and run it again soon. Crazy amount of trichomes, just covered with them all over the plant. I think the heat got to mine a little this summer but kush can be a little straggly so I’ll be interested to see how Dutch’s turn out. Mine was sweet smelling of candy whilst growing but now it’s starting it’s cure the strong kush flavour has come through.
That looks as greasy as a mechanic in a massage parlour! How many days flower is that now? So many questions! Lol

I'm very impressed with this little lady. She's easily the strongest out of the soil plants. I'll definitely have to slow her down if I'm to maintain any kind of order for the next round of plants. Because of what I did to the VK I'm going to have to change my original plan slightly. My plans aren't known for their success rate lol. I'm looking forward to some more Blueberry and I have this one and the Blue Gelato to win me over. I think that this one will be one to watch....
Ayahuasca Purple....

This plant has started to look a little better but as you can see she'll need to up her game in order to keep up with the Shishkaberry. She's pretty good looking though and promises to be something special in flower....
That looks as greasy as a mechanic in a massage parlour! How many days flower is that now? So many questions! Lol

It’s down already and went into turkey bags about a week ago. I’ve had a cheeky tester bud in with my daily stash that I’ve just had a vape on and it’s very good. I feel really relaxed and the twinge of pain I’ve had in my back all day isn’t there for now. I’d definitely add it to your list Professor it’s a good one.
Looking good Prof.
Glad the AP is getting greener.
Hey VG! Looks like she'll be fine now. She has some really purple leaf stems. I'm hoping she has early some early colour
It’s down already and went into turkey bags about a week ago. I’ve had a cheeky tester bud in with my daily stash that I’ve just had a vape on and it’s very good. I feel really relaxed and the twinge of pain I’ve had in my back all day isn’t there for now. I’d definitely add it to your list Professor it’s a good one.
I see. I may just do that. The PK was one that somehow slipped by me but I'll definitely had a go at some point.
Vanilla Kush....

This one is a reminder to me that mistakes can be made even if you've done something hundreds of times and think you know what you're doing. She'll be ok though and will be up and running as per usual in a week or so. She will look good again, I promise lol....
Hey Prof, did you have any issue with pollination or nanners? Or was that GGD?
I've had some pollen sacks appear on one of my Blue Gelato 41's. GG is having Seeds develop within some lower buds which is more unusual. I've managed to pick off every pollen sack I can find and will continue to look out for them throughout the rest of the grow. One tip I can give for removing pollen sacks is to do it with wet fingers. Moisture rapidly degrades pollen spores so if you lick your finger then remove the sack with a tight pinch it reduces how much pollen escapes. I almost went into a ramble again but I deleted 3 quarters of this post to spare you the pain lol
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