Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Flowering Tent Update....

Day 13 of flower, 12g of MegaCrop, 400w of mixed led and growing lovely. The stretch continues for 3 of them and so does the bud production. There's a bit of tip burn on the BG41's but other than that the plants look very healthy. I'm stretching my head a little and wondering how I'm going to get these tall plants opened up. I'm going to remove them from the tent next weekend and trim them up. It's looking likely that I'll have to do a bit of criss crossing and tying the tall plants down across each other. I'm not sure yet but I'll know after they've finished stretching which will be soon....I hope....

Blue Gelato's....

Strawberry Lemonade's....

Blue Gelato 41 1....

Blue Gelato 41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
They might be good on tomatoe rings to guide them round. Long nodes are just not desirable for me.
Right, I just posted these 2 pics in plant of the month because I'm an idiot lol. It's not the first time it's happened. I'll try again. Here's a sneak peak at the POG who's almost ready to go in the jar lol....
nom nom
They look beautiful prof. nicely done
Him mate . only just seen this. The product for sterile res is caled " silver bullet roots" . i used hydroguard before in my rdwc. worked a treat but the silver bullets is bang on for treating as well as prevention. hope it helps. is widely available too in grow shops online.
Thanks GG. I'll be getting some asap. I'm not loosing another one to root rot
They might be good on tomatoe rings to guide them round. Long nodes are just not desirable for me.
It's gonna be interesting to see how they look next week lol
well look at those! Turns out that the Badazz Kush is bad ass lol. You any closer to having a favourite?
Thanks GG. I'll be getting some asap. I'm not loosing another one to root rot

It's gonna be interesting to see how they look next week lol

well look at those! Turns out that the Badazz Kush is bad ass lol. You any closer to having a favourite?
I’m still pretty torn between Pheno 1/2! They both have some serious nugs building up with a crazy strong kush smell and both have good Trichome coverage! It may come down to a smoke and sample test to really pic the winner!

How are you on this fine day Prof!!
Here's a little bud porn to start your week. The Gorilla Zkittles is curing nicely and I'll be doing a smoke report soon....
Love it. looks so moreish too. so envious , smoking bought in Armageddon of mediocre quality with a few seeds here and there and tiny " quick its seeding" nugs from early harvest. . !!!
Found this sneaky bastard in the Blue Gelato 41. think it was that special little git and it has a twin on the opposite bract. About 7-8seeds in it. a little young but podgy enough !!. Will save them for a very rainy day. sadly wont be in a hurry to go with this strain anytime soon , way too lanky for my environment .
I’m still pretty torn between Pheno 1/2! They both have some serious nugs building up with a crazy strong kush smell and both have good Trichome coverage! It may come down to a smoke and sample test to really pic the winner!

How are you on this fine day Prof!!
I have a day off as the misses is ill today. We've not had much luck recently. I'm pretty good though. How about you buddy?
Love it. looks so moreish too. so envious , smoking bought in Armageddon of mediocre quality with a few seeds here and there and tiny " quick its seeding" nugs from early harvest. . !!!
Found this sneaky bastard in the Blue Gelato 41. think it was that special little git and it has a twin on the opposite bract. About 7-8seeds in it. a little young but podgy enough !!. Will save them for a very rainy day. sadly wont be in a hurry to go with this strain anytime soon , way too lanky for my environment .
What's happening in that pic where it looks like you can see a tap root? It looks a bit like a seed cut perfectly in half. I'll keep an eye out with mine as I'm certain that I've stressed them out a few times. There's not many places they can hide as I've not done monstrous, bushy plants this time. I'm thinking about giving them a good trim down low for better air circulation and to avoid too much fluff this time around so I'll be able to spot any funny business then.
Veg Tent Update....

Hey 420! First off I think that the Purple Punch may have some problems with her roots. Some are looking a bit brown and not very appealing. Would adding plant enzymes to the res help to sort this problem out before it gets out of control. What was that product that you were using GG? I can't remember what it was called. It may be because the res is too warm or something to do with the pebbles or the DWC pot being dirty though I cleaned them well with ISO. Other than that we are ticking along just fine. The 3 soil plants have woken up a little since their watering and I'll be doing a transplant soon. Shishkaberry looks like she may have some good roots developing as she's growing very well. I've taken some pics of the AP's leaves though I think that she may be growing out of it now. I'll be thinking about introducing some nutrients to these 3 soon as the soil is designed for cuttings and I don't think that it'll have sufficient feed for hungry cannabis plants for very long. The Vanilla Kush is already starting to show some signs of hunger. Here we are today....

Purple Punch....


Vanilla Kush....

Ayahuasca Purple....
Ok Prof. I spent a bit of time looking at that pic of the AP. Enough that I fell to sleep. Lol.
I can't tell for sure after all of that starting. She looks like it is effecting her less than it was. She doesn't seem to be having problems growing.

Well wishes too the wifey.
I have a day off as the misses is ill today. We've not had much luck recently. I'm pretty good though. How about you buddy?

Glad you had a day off but a day of is good none the less and sorry to hear about Mrs.flora hopefully things clear up again for you soon!

I’m well busy busy but well!!
Veg Tent Update....

Today's updates are examples of the phrase "what a difference a day makes" but working against me lol. The first problem would be the PP and her roots. They have gotten worse rapidly so it looks like I'm going to have to grudgingly spend some money. The Silver Bullet Roots looks like it'll do the job but if anyone else has any suggestions I'm all ears. I also decided that I'd top the soil plants as well with mixed results. The AP went fine. I topped her and that was that. Then it was time for the VK. I must have been stoned as shit lol. I topped her the node below where I wanted to and remove s some of her lowers so I was left with 4 tips. The Shishkaberry ended up with only 4 growth tips as well. She's growing really fast though so I'm not too worried about her. I've got plenty of time to mess around with these as they won't be flowered until the Blue Gelato's and Strawberry Lemonade's are finished....

The Purple Punch looks good up top. I haven't done anything to this one as I'm waiting for there to be enough growth to remove as a clone just in case....

Not so good down below. I've removed some roots from her already....

The Shishkaberry could become a quad now....

The Ayahuasca Purple is the only thing that went to plan....

Now WTF happened here I don't know lol. I should have just gone to bed. Here's the Vanilla Kush lol....
Flowering Tent Update....

So the veg tent is being a little stressful today. I know. I'll come over and relax in the flowering tent. It's been great in there....

Things are getting pretty stretchy....

Not so bad on the SL 1....

Got some nice views in here. Perfect for relieving stress....

Despite being more sativa than the BG's they are considerably shorter....

More relaxing moments gazing at the tops of these 4 lovely ladies....

It was at this moment that I had fully let my guard down....

Then I remembered what GG had said earlier on today so I thought I'd have a closer look at the Blue Gelato's....

I pulled these pollen sacks from Blue Gelato 41 number 2....

The plants are all going into flower and I don't want to risk pollen sacks bursting. At the same time I don't want to be throwing any plants away so I moved my plans ahead slightly also changing them. Here's what we're looking at now....

I decided to strip them almost bare so I can observe them more clearly. I'm certain that I have all the sacks for now but I'll remain vigilant....

Now I can move ahead with the training which I was hoping to keep to a minimal. It looks like I'll have to bend them about all over the place though to get the best out of them....

Oh well. At least there is excellent light penetration now....

Now we get to see how well these will recover from such a harsh trim. They'll be fine :)
I hope you get the root thing handled soon as I hear things can go south fast in hydro. Cooler water should help a bunch along with Z7 or hydroguard or even some H2O2 in a pinch.

The flowering plants are stretchy AF! Holy cow :eek: . Good thing you have room to lean then our or even supercrop in if you have to.

Now WTF happened here I don't know lol. I should have just gone to bed. Here's the Vanilla Kush lol....
That looks like what Amy is using: Uncle Ben's Topping method though I don't remember if you let it get to 5 nodes first:
I plan to employ the Uncle Bens Topping method on both plants. This involves letting them grow to 5 nodes and then topping it back to 2 nodes, for 4 main colas and any number of central smaller ones. It’s early days in my ‘career’ doing much training to plants and this method seems a good fit for this grow.

Tell the Ms we wish her better!
Wow, I went straight to the bath after seeing those buds Professor. Made me use my left hand. Thanks my friend. Nice looking shots.
Thanks Mr S!....I think. Maybe I could cool you off a bit with this next pic....

That my friend is 2 slugs having sex in my porch!
I hope you get the root thing handled soon as I hear things can go south fast in hydro. Cooler water should help a bunch along with Z7 or hydroguard or even some H2O2 in a pinch.

The flowering plants are stretchy AF! Holy cow :eek: . Good thing you have room to lean then our or even supercrop in if you have to.

That looks like what Amy is using: Uncle Ben's Topping method though I don't remember if you let it get to 5 nodes first:

Tell the Ms we wish her better!
Lol things are going south faster than I'd like. I've been looking at a few products and it seems like there are a few good ones. Not heard of the Z7. Most of them seem to share one thing in common and that is they're all expensive. It's almost like they're praying on our desperation lol.

I'll probably have to move the plants about a bit to make better use of the space. I think I'll have to order them something like BG, SL, BG and then SL again. Then I can bend them around each other more effectively.

I'm not sure about the Uncles Bens reference though that stuff reminds me of being a kid lol

Mrs.F says thanks
That my friend is 2 slugs having sex in my porch!
Nature at it's finest! I watched two beetles doing the nasty on the tree out back, while another watched them. It was weird, me watching the one watching the two making out. I bet he had a little helmet cam. That or he was waiting to be tagged.
What's happening in that pic where it looks like you can see a tap root? It looks a bit like a seed cut perfectly in half. I'll keep an eye out with mine as I'm certain that I've stressed them out a few times. There's not many places they can hide as I've not done monstrous, bushy plants this time. I'm thinking about giving them a good trim down low for better air circulation and to avoid too much fluff this time around so I'll be able to spot any funny business then.
The seed popped out of it and left that behind . felt the budlet as it looked a little too rounded to be pistils waiting to pop amd the seed poked up and out when i squeezed it. Besides early rtaini g i have not stressed her since flip, her defol was light in comparison. ??? watching her like an hawk now. Might be a bin bag in the night kidnap if she puts anymore out .
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