Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Flowering Tent Update....

We're currently on day 12 of flowering for these 4. I nearly missed lights out so I grabbed the tablet for pics today. The plants look nice and green and are transitioning into flower at a good pace. The half waterings seem to be keeping them happy and we haven't had any floods or accidents with the pots drying up recently. They're still on 10g of MegaCrop in 10ltrs of water and I'll be raising it soon to 12g. We've had some weird weather recently so the plants haven't been getting consistent lighting. I did try to up the wattage to 600 but my environment said no! It's been mostly at 400w but I've put it back down to 200w several times because of random hot days we keep getting. I'm trying to keep the temps below 27C which isn't too difficult on most days but there have been a couple times when I've arrived home after work to find it around 29C-30C which I don't like. In around a weeks time I'll make a decision on how many leaves to remove and get them opened up a bit more. Hope everyone's having a great weekend....

BG41 1....

BG41 2....

SL 1....

SL 2....

Some more random pics....
Veg Tent Update....

Remember when I was a little concerned that the 3 soil plants were growing faster and more vigorously than the Purple Punch in the DWC? Well things have changed over the last couple days. The Purple Punch looks great. She's growing much faster now and feels big even though she's just a little veg plant. The other 3 are still doing well though I must apologise as they needed watering when I took the pics so they're not at their best looking. I've not decided quite what I'm doing with these in regards to training. There is still quite a long time before I intend to flower them so we have options. The Purple Punch is going to get the monster treatment and I'm just going for size. I'll give her another month in veg and decide if it's worth flipping her. The DWC will likely make her stretch more than the soil plants so I won't need as long in veg as I did with the POG. The other 3 plants will have something done to them I'm just not sure what quite yet. Here's the new gang....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
Hey Prof.
Was wondering how much your Gorilla Zkittlez stretched? 2 or 3 times the height? Mine is 10-12" now, although I haven't really measured her. Flipped today.
i have 3 different phenos of tje Gz going. one is very squat and barely stretched , 2 went crazy with stretch and easily doubled and some. ended at 2ft each main on a quadline !!! Had to supercrop main of one of them to keep her from tickling the light. I did get the fans on them , pushing them during stretch to strengthen their limbs a little as they tend to flop with weight when they bud up fully. Amazingly beautiful buds on this strain Vg. great choice.
Veg Tent Update....

Hey 420! Hope you've all had a good week. I've had one of those where you just can't wait for it to end. Work has been difficult and the family have were still ill so it's not been the best. Things are looking a bit better now though. I've gotta lot of catching up to do on here lol. First up today is the veg tent. It's one of those no news is good news things I'm afraid. One thing worth mentioning was that yesterday the soil plants all started to droop at the same time. I assumed that it was because they needed watering but the pots felt fine. I next put the plants down on the floor away from the light and they perked up later that day. The Purple Punch in the DWC was unaffected. She's due a res change which I'll do tomorrow. The Shishkaberry is the strongest looking plant so far....

From left to right. Shishkaberry, Ayahuasca Purple and Vanilla Kush....

Purple Punch....
Had a feeling the shiska would be this good mate. had me from the 1st email about release.
Thanks for the feedback Prof.
I have a tomato cage around my GZ just in case she goes wild.
It may not help but I'll try it anyway.
very good call Vg. they will be perfect for a cage for support
Veg Tent Update....

Remember when I was a little concerned that the 3 soil plants were growing faster and more vigorously than the Purple Punch in the DWC? Well things have changed over the last couple days. The Purple Punch looks great. She's growing much faster now and feels big even though she's just a little veg plant. The other 3 are still doing well though I must apologise as they needed watering when I took the pics so they're not at their best looking. I've not decided quite what I'm doing with these in regards to training. There is still quite a long time before I intend to flower them so we have options. The Purple Punch is going to get the monster treatment and I'm just going for size. I'll give her another month in veg and decide if it's worth flipping her. The DWC will likely make her stretch more than the soil plants so I won't need as long in veg as I did with the POG. The other 3 plants will have something done to them I'm just not sure what quite yet. Here's the new gang....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
Holy batshit. as you said in my thread Prof , so much can happen i a short time, jeebus clipes!! You have been a busy chap and with poorly fam on top too. Hope things settling for you now mate. Plants certainly havent suffered any.. All looking beautiful and productive. The Bg 41 are sadly too lanky for me but beautifully budded when they form. so like a white flame ( you will see what i mean up close mate. beautiful and unique. photos i take cant do it justice ) I would imagine a natural grow would be huge but would allow her to do some amazing things within her structures but quadline is not doing her justice in mine.( could be me!) Heres a few quickies.
Nice stacking for 12 days into flower, and figure that days at 200 watts are just overcast :).

It kinda looks like something is in the Ayahuasca Purple leaves, like some kind of miner?
Lol. I do get a bit jealous of you outdoor growers when I look out of my window and it's nice day.
The leaves on the AP have been like that since the beginning. I'll get some close up pics of it for you to scrutinise later today.
Had a feeling the shiska would be this good mate. had me from the 1st email about release.
I'm looking forward to the Shishkaberry. Afghan and Blueberry sounds good to me
Holy batshit. as you said in my thread Prof , so much can happen i a short time, jeebus clipes!! You have been a busy chap and with poorly fam on top too. Hope things settling for you now mate. Plants certainly havent suffered any.. All looking beautiful and productive. The Bg 41 are sadly too lanky for me but beautifully budded when they form. so like a white flame ( you will see what i mean up close mate. beautiful and unique. photos i take cant do it justice ) I would imagine a natural grow would be huge but would allow her to do some amazing things within her structures but quadline is not doing her justice in mine.( could be me!) Heres a few quickies.

I noticed that the leaves on yours are more sativa looking now. Did yours have wide finger leaves earlier on in flower? Mine look like a similar structure to yours but have different leaves.
A couple of Barneys Beauties at 29 days flower
orange Sherbet

Phantom og

Gorilla Zkittelz
Your OS is putting mine to shame lol. I'm glad you like her. I almost wish that it had been the POG and the GZ in the same tent and then the OS in the bigger tent under the 600w. I think she would have been a monster producer
Lol. I do get a bit jealous of you outdoor growers when I look out of my window and it's nice day.
The leaves on the AP have been like that since the beginning. I'll get some close up pics of it for you to scrutinise later today.

I'm looking forward to the Shishkaberry. Afghan and Blueberry sounds good to me

I noticed that the leaves on yours are more sativa looking now. Did yours have wide finger leaves earlier on in flower? Mine look like a similar structure to yours but have different leaves.

Your OS is putting mine to shame lol. I'm glad you like her. I almost wish that it had been the POG and the GZ in the same tent and then the OS in the bigger tent under the 600w. I think she would have been a monster producer
I doubt that mate. your girl was a beautiful example grown her intended shape. loved it. hoping to yield well but i doubt she will equal yours. I can only imagine her size with a 600 to herself. shares in mega-crop would be
My Bg started with those chubby leaves so i thought she would stay more indica but with the stretch and her length , its as though she has been stretched for real rather than grown. she didnt do it for light so has to be a genetic thing. Still beautiful buds though. you will get the best from them mate , i dont doubt it for a second.
The leaves on the AP have been like that since the beginning.
Reminds me of my Lemon Og Candy when I was finding out she's variegated. Not 100%.
She's still growing pretty well despite her coloring.
There are a couple leaves that really makes me suspect that is what's going on with her.
Prof. Can you take some more pics of that AP? Look for coloration that stops at the midrib of the leaf.
Here is a pic of a variegated clone, notice how her color stops at the midrib?
Once I started feeding this clone she looked all blotchy like your AP. You can hardly see any variegation at all after they are well fed and put under strong lights.
Like I said, I'm not 100%. More pics might help.
I doubt that mate. your girl was a beautiful example grown her intended shape. loved it. hoping to yield well but i doubt she will equal yours. I can only imagine her size with a 600 to herself. shares in mega-crop would be
My Bg started with those chubby leaves so i thought she would stay more indica but with the stretch and her length , its as though she has been stretched for real rather than grown. she didnt do it for light so has to be a genetic thing. Still beautiful buds though. you will get the best from them mate , i dont doubt it for a second.
Interesting to know. With the Strawberry Lemonade's one has a similar stretched appearance to the BG41's but the other is shorter and more stacked. It'll be time to do some training with them soon.
Prof. Can you take some more pics of that AP? Look for coloration that stops at the midrib of the leaf.
Here is a pic of a variegated clone, notice how her color stops at the midrib?
Once I started feeding this clone she looked all blotchy like your AP. You can hardly see any variegation at all after they are well fed and put under strong lights.
Like I said, I'm not 100%. More pics might help.
Will do VG! Just trying to put the kid to bed lol. It's garden time shortly!

Veg Tent Update....

Hey 420! First off I think that the Purple Punch may have some problems with her roots. Some are looking a bit brown and not very appealing. Would adding plant enzymes to the res help to sort this problem out before it gets out of control. What was that product that you were using GG? I can't remember what it was called. It may be because the res is too warm or something to do with the pebbles or the DWC pot being dirty though I cleaned them well with ISO. Other than that we are ticking along just fine. The 3 soil plants have woken up a little since their watering and I'll be doing a transplant soon. Shishkaberry looks like she may have some good roots developing as she's growing very well. I've taken some pics of the AP's leaves though I think that she may be growing out of it now. I'll be thinking about introducing some nutrients to these 3 soon as the soil is designed for cuttings and I don't think that it'll have sufficient feed for hungry cannabis plants for very long. The Vanilla Kush is already starting to show some signs of hunger. Here we are today....

Purple Punch....


Vanilla Kush....

Ayahuasca Purple....
Flowering Tent Update....

Day 13 of flower, 12g of MegaCrop, 400w of mixed led and growing lovely. The stretch continues for 3 of them and so does the bud production. There's a bit of tip burn on the BG41's but other than that the plants look very healthy. I'm stretching my head a little and wondering how I'm going to get these tall plants opened up. I'm going to remove them from the tent next weekend and trim them up. It's looking likely that I'll have to do a bit of criss crossing and tying the tall plants down across each other. I'm not sure yet but I'll know after they've finished stretching which will be soon....I hope....

Blue Gelato's....

Strawberry Lemonade's....

Blue Gelato 41 1....

Blue Gelato 41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
Right, I just posted these 2 pics in plant of the month because I'm an idiot lol. It's not the first time it's happened. I'll try again. Here's a sneak peak at the POG who's almost ready to go in the jar lol....
Veg Tent Update....

Hey 420! First off I think that the Purple Punch may have some problems with her roots. Some are looking a bit brown and not very appealing. Would adding plant enzymes to the res help to sort this problem out before it gets out of control. What was that product that you were using GG? I can't remember what it was called. It may be because the res is too warm or something to do with the pebbles or the DWC pot being dirty though I cleaned them well with ISO. Other than that we are ticking along just fine. The 3 soil plants have woken up a little since their watering and I'll be doing a transplant soon. Shishkaberry looks like she may have some good roots developing as she's growing very well. I've taken some pics of the AP's leaves though I think that she may be growing out of it now. I'll be thinking about introducing some nutrients to these 3 soon as the soil is designed for cuttings and I don't think that it'll have sufficient feed for hungry cannabis plants for very long. The Vanilla Kush is already starting to show some signs of hunger. Here we are today....

Purple Punch....


Vanilla Kush....

Ayahuasca Purple....
Him mate . only just seen this. The product for sterile res is caled " silver bullet roots" . i used hydroguard before in my rdwc. worked a treat but the silver bullets is bang on for treating as well as prevention. hope it helps. is widely available too in grow shops online.
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