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You make a good point really they are two different techniques. I just referred them as lst. Because I always do both together.

Yeah for sure, I wasn’t trying to be dick. I was just stating my reasoning brother. It’s all training. We’re splitting hairs! Lol
You can, but plants outside don't have light issues like indoors. One thing that I've seen is they plant the plant on its side, so all the branches grow the same direction.
Ok cool. Thank you. This will be my 1st outdoor. I think I will just plant them and let nature take its course this time.
So I am wondering if anyone does any spraying with baking soda or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Just as an added prevention to powder mold. My humidity is low right now, hovering around 32 to 37 percent. I have had problems in the past but likely because there where too many plants in the space. I just remember the feeling of finding it before and then realizing I could have helped to prevent it.
PW is a systemic issue. To help fight it off grow your plants as healthy as you can (duh). You can use Silica to tighten up you cell walls so the gap between them is tighter... no room for mildew to get going. Silica is probably the most underrated additive out there. It will help combat heat and cold, pathogens, it will shift your floem and xylem (circulatory system) into another gear, it also makes the plant more structurally sound as a whole. It does even more. Worth looking into.
This plant was vegged 2 months. Silica was part of that
My first time with Silica. 2 plants, DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk (I know they look vastly different, but thats what I paid for). They did pretty well 27oz. The shot with the harvest shows one plant in jars the other laying on the table. This plant went over a pound.

You can seriously lessen your yield if you do it too many times. I only top once, basically because I scrog. Not so easy with a Christmas tree.
That's what i was afraid of. I figure I am done cutting now. I will bend the odd branch to get more light. Let the smaller ones catch up. I topped the tallest.
PW is a systemic issue. To help fight it off grow your plants as healthy as you can (duh). You can use Silica to tighten up you cell walls so the gap between them is tighter... no room for mildew to get going. Silica is probably the most underrated additive out there. It will help combat heat and cold, pathogens, it will shift your floem and xylem (circulatory system) into another gear, it also makes the plant more structurally sound as a whole. It does even more. Worth looking into.
This plant was vegged 2 months. Silica was part of that
My first time with Silica. 2 plants, DNA Genetics Lemon Skunk (I know they look vastly different, but thats what I paid for). They did pretty well 27oz. The shot with the harvest shows one plant in jars the other laying on the table. This plant went over a pound.

Silica is now on the top of my list.
Is it? I wouldn’t know. That’s just my opinion. I hope I didn’t come across as confrontational @Stltoed. I’m sorry if you took it that way man.
Not at all man. I dont mean to seem like that either. I just want the newer guys to know what quadlining is... just LST.
Ok cool. Thank you. This will be my 1st outdoor. I think I will just plant them and let nature take its course this time.
Yeah. I dont think i would lay them over either, but it makes sense.
Silica is now on the top of my list.
I've used a few different kinds of Silica. Gen Hydro's version, Armor Si works but you have to Ph it before its added to the plant. Ive seen it as high as 11... not recommended.

Facilitor (spelling?) from Aptus, Is amazing. It was the additive I used for the two plants I mentioned earlier. I guess the way they make it offers a better bioavailability. BUT! Its super crazy expensive... i can't really recommend it due to the cost.

Botanicare has an offering, Silica Blast. Its cheap, it doesnt give you Ph problems... recommended.

Im using Power Si right now by HPI. The dude that made this one was part of the Facilitor project so I was told. The formulas are very similar. Its still stupid expensive, but not anywhere near Facilitors platinum pricing.
I've used a few different kinds of Silica. Gen Hydro's version, Armor Si works but you have to Ph it before its added to the plant. Ive seen it as high as 11... not recommended.

Facilitor (spelling?) from Aptus, Is amazing. It was the additive I used for the two plants I mentioned earlier. I guess the way they make it offers a better bioavailability. BUT! Its super crazy expensive... i can't really recommend it due to the cost.

Botanicare has an offering, Silica Blast. Its cheap, it doesnt give you Ph problems... recommended.

Im using Power Si right now by HPI. The dude that made this one was part of the Facilitor project so I was told. The formulas are very similar. Its still stupid expensive, but not anywhere near Facilitors platinum pricing.
Yes i was reading about some of them upping the ph a little. I am not sure what brands they have in stock here. I am going to check it out thou this weekend.
Yes i was reading about some of them upping the ph a little. I am not sure what brands they have in stock here. I am going to check it out thou this weekend.
Another thing... when you mix Silica with other nutrients make sure you add Silica first. It doesnt play nice with other nutes and can leave you with a nasty lock out. Matter of fact there are a few nutes like that. Calcium should be added second, and your Micro added third. I tend to take it to another level. I will flush my system in the afternoon, refill it with RO then add the Silica so it can homogenize over night. I'll add the calcium the next day and give it an hour, same as with the Micro. The people that use Silica as a pH UP (in hydro) may be raising their pH, but they could be doing serious damage to their mixture, by locking out the metals.

One last thing... fulvic acid. Its the goods. Closely related to humic acid with a longer shelf life, it helps chelate the elements in your soil (or hydro) making them much more bioavailable. Its very mild (it isnt really an acid as it is usually neutral). If you have a sad plant this crap will cheer it the hell up. Botanicare has Fulvex, which is good. Fulpower from Bioag is much better. But since you're in soil, you could use the granulated variety. Its not normally expensive.
Hello, You're right, the cannabis being supplied is so overpriced and not affordable for common people. This is the reason many of the patients suffering can not get it for their treatment and some wise people cultivate it in their homes. And honestly the self-cultivated cannabis is the best. So healthy so natural. I would recommend you to take proper precautions for your growth and care as well. This is the best forum to take any advice and you will get to learn from people's experience. Everyone here is so supportive and encouraging. Its all researched base. Search for your relevant threads and drop your queries. I have learned a lot from this forum. And now I feel like family here. Keep your plants in a good environment, feed properly and soon you will enjoy the results. So anxious to share a virtually fresh and healthy joint with you. Lol. All the best for your growth.
Glad you found us Amy. Theres a great lady here named @SweetSue that specializes in extracts, concentrates, tinctures etc. If you're interested in the medical side. Ive met her.. she's the real deal.

I belong to a few forums, this one really is the best of whats out there. Roll It Up is full of brilliant people, but its a shark tank. If you choose a thread its already being torn apart by people who KNOW their opinion is gospel, and want to tell you all about it, or its about to be shreaded by the aforementioned. Grass City is cool, but you won't find the quality of knowledge we have here. Everyone is seriously good folks here. You're absolutely right. 420 is the goods!
Well. I have made an executive decision. After thinking it through and looking at the weather forecast, I have decided it is flower time. I tripped these girls to 12/12 this morning. Time to become ladies. Poppa needs some smoke. :)


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