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Head if your going to use this as your journal you can ask a mod to move it to the journals in progress section at the same time if you want to change the title they can do it for you. Just go to the bottom of your first post and click on the report tab and ask if they can do that for you I'm sure they will accommodate you.
I grow 4 plants at a time only because that's what I'm allowed to. so I want to make sure I have enough medicine to do keep me in stock till the next crop comes down. That's why I top and lst for a bigger harvest. Got 2lbs 12 oz last crop.
That is an awsome yield. Im
Head if your going to use this as your journal you can ask a mod to move it to the journals in progress section at the same time if you want to change the title they can do it for you. Just go to the bottom of your first post and click on the report tab and ask if they can do that for you I'm sure they will accommodate you.
Ok cool. I was wondering how to do that. I will ask. Thank you @oldsmokey
Well not a lot to report today. Long weekend over sonback to work. I did give the littlest ones a foilar feeding of super thrive. And I actually managed to snap a pic just as the light came on. (Before the golden glow of the 1000W HPS) Would you look at that green? :)


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Looking good :thumb: what size is your grow space?
Thanks. Right now the space is 6feet by 10feet. I've got the 1000Watt HPS, with a parabolic shade. Running to oscillating fans at the moment. There is a 10inch exhaust fan mounted in the ceiling. Vents directly to the roof through a 8inch stainless steel stove pipe.
I would love to divide it into a veg and flower section. However on my last grow my second ballast burnt out and has yet to be replaced. But hey. All things in good time right?
As far as feeding goes. For this grow we are using good old General Hydroponics. Grow, Bloom, and Micro. Mainly because I already had some left over, and have to stay on the cheap during these trying times. But also, to qoute someone that tried to teach me a lot about this stuff many years ago, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also aquired a little bottle of super thrive. I have been experimenting with that a little and foilar feedings once a week.
I was just giving the girls their nightly 1/4 turn. I noticed these. I just topped these branches this weekend. The Afghan Skunk responded very nicely. The side shoots were only nubs just days ago. The guy who helped me on here has left because of a name dispute. But if your ever back thanks dude. Good call


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So I am wondering if anyone does any spraying with baking soda or diluted hydrogen peroxide. Just as an added prevention to powder mold. My humidity is low right now, hovering around 32 to 37 percent. I have had problems in the past but likely because there where too many plants in the space. I just remember the feeling of finding it before and then realizing I could have helped to prevent it.
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