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With humidity that low, so long as leaves are not laying on one another trapping moisture, you should have no issues with PM
Awsome. I will hold off on that for now then. I deff have lots of room.
What are you putting outside? My neighbourhood I would be too paranoid about getting ripped off.
I am going to put out 4 maybe 5 GDP. Have not decided yet. I have all elderly neighbours. And pretty quite area. I have spent some time worrying about this. I am going to put them out, and hope for the best. I will plant them in the ground. That way if they want it, they will at least have to work for it.
I decided to move this girl (Afghan Skunk) to the center. I had originally placed the weakest of the GDP clones there. She is now standing at pretty much a foot tall, and a luscious green. The question now, is do I top the sites on this bushy Skunk? Or just be happy to see so many of them?


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I try to do the whole plant at the same time. Let. It grow back in and tie them back to let the smaller middle growth grow in. Then I will top a third time any branches that are getting taller than the rest. The idea is to try and keep the canapy even. Right where you are holding is a good place to top. Also I find a faster recovery when I top opposed to fimming.
I try to do the whole plant at the same time. Let. It grow back in and tie them back to let the smaller middle growth grow in. Then I will top a third time any branches that are getting taller than the rest. The idea is to try and keep the canapy even. Right where you are holding is a good place to top. Also I find a faster recovery when I top opposed to fimming.
Thanks @oldsmokey I will do some more evening out after work.
@Canadadoes i started reading the quadlining thread. I am going to attempt one or two of these next grow forsure. Thinking theae girls are too big for that now.
For the record... quadlining is just Low Stress Training, it was LST for decades before Asisino, and will be far after. He decided to name it quadlining to claim it. If you call it that anywhere but here no one will know what you're talking about. Not throwing stones, just setting the record straight. It just bugs me that someone would do that.
I have some babies destined for outside in a couple weeks. Do people quad outside i wonder.
You can, but plants outside don't have light issues like indoors. One thing that I've seen is they plant the plant on its side, so all the branches grow the same direction.
Someone convinced me to top a few of the branches and see how she responded.
You can seriously lessen your yield if you do it too many times. I only top once, basically because I scrog. Not so easy with a Christmas tree.
As far as feeding goes. For this grow we are using good old General Hydroponics. Grow, Bloom, and Micro. Mainly because I already had some left over, and have to stay on the cheap during these trying times. But also, to qoute someone that tried to teach me a lot about this stuff many years ago, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also aquired a little bottle of super thrive. I have been experimenting with that a little and foilar feedings once a week.
I use the trio. Ive tried other types of nutrients. But I like GH. Its cheap and easy.
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