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Lol you will get used to it. I normally like to run my lights during the day so the plants have the same schedule as me. But this time because I am doing a summer grow I will be running the lights during the night. so it'll be weird for me to when I get to that point.
Man is it ever weird having the lights off for so long. I keep going to check and being like oh yeah. Come on 8:30
Just make doubley sure you aren't introducing outside light to your darkened grow area. You can seriously hamper or even stop the flowering process.

I like to take pictures of my plants in the dark with a flash. It really shows off the buds. When doing this I make sure its immediately after the lights turn off. Some examples...

This makes the buds look bigger, kind of an optical illusion. BUT! Don't do it in the middle of the darkness of your photoperiod. Hope this helps
I fi
Yes. My room in the basement. There no chance of light in there. I am going to get a green bulb for in there thou. So i can work when lights out.
I figured you knew all that, just wanted to be nosey. Ive thought about a green bulb, but i have my reservations... just personal ones that may be nothing.
The way I look at it if I get my work done in there when the lights are on I shouldn't have any reason to go in there. If for some reason I do have to go in there I have a green light app on my phone and that works good enough.
I'm with you. I know the room well enough so I can move around in the dark, but its not like I'm gonna defoliate at midnight or anything.

I have a green screen on my meter that I could turn way up, but like I was saying. Im kinda giving the green light the fuzzy eyeball.
I saw it in a Jorge Cervantes high times video many moons ago. Might want to pest control or something at lights out. I have never had a green light, just poked around with a head lamp before. Gonna get one to try to think thou. For the sake of science. But I will research the crap out of it first.
I'm very curious to see what you find.
First night of flower is over. Got some reflective sheet on the floor to help brighten the lower levels up. Slight leaf drooping this evening. That will line up with a feeding tomorrow.


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First night of flower is over. Got some reflective sheet on the floor to help brighten the lower levels up. Slight leaf drooping this evening. That will line up with a feeding tomorrow.
Looks good man. Glad to see tlyou didn't let them get all huge before flower. I have 1 plant that thinks its Kareem right now. The other 5 are playing nice
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