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The big girl looks pretty good considering the bug damage. the other is looking like shite, she's turning yellow and leaves are dieing. hopefully the cha-ching will help, it has some nitrogen and maybe that's what they need




Hey Chris! :high-five:
OMG are they filling out nicely! Gorgeous! Even if the lil one doesn’t give much, the other beauties look like they are going to give generously!
Great job! :thumb::woohoo:
Did ya ever have one of those moments when ya realize that ur a dumm-ass. Welp for days I've been complaining about the photos thingy. ha ha ha, it was me not pressing on the grid thingy and bingo bango it's back to what it used to be. 🎶I gotts the bad brain, that's what I got that's what I got 🎶
Watering, argh ! not to toot my own horn but I've gotten really good at watering them during veg. Flowering is a totally different situation. the big plant can dry out in 12 hours even if I drowned her before lights out by the next morning all but the bottom three inches of the container are mostly dry the top four inches is dry. I think I messed up with smaller one by either over or under watering her, or I'm totally blameless an the bugs did her in. although she is still growing just a bit slower than her sister. This pic of the container is from this morning, Yesterday she got a gallon of water a quart every couple of hours till she started to pee a lil bit. This morning she was dry

I had a friend back in the day he carried a little briefcase that the cell phone was in. in the day that was considered tiny, he thought he was the beez neez. an it only cost like $130 a month unless he went over his limit.
I recall seeing something like that in them old action blow em up gangsta boss movies..📞💼.
This girl is fading fast, I just keep telling myself she is Colombian gold. good thing I'm crazy enough to believe me

Dunno if there's any relation however the Alcopolco gold I grew was leafless y the time she was ready. Some strains like to get naked before the chop. 🥰
It was another cold night. the girls looked good l, wished they looked this good in person. I've add a few good luck charms to the grow box, not that I'm stupid-stitious just stupid 🤪


Hey Chris :high-five: Wow, the girls are looking great!:thumb::yahoo::bravo:
I like how you added the pest strips! They should certainly show if the thrips are still there. But your girls look very happy with your wonderful care! :welcome::goodjob::peacetwo:
Had to deal with Dr shite today an the insanity that goes along with it, the insurance co. can find a way to make things as difficult as possible. But I went the whole day without smoking anything and by the time I got home I was having a nasty anxiety attack, but smoked a few roaches and logged on two 420 an miraculous Lee I feel so much better now. I love this place 😘
This girl is fading fast, I just keep telling myself she is Colombian gold. good thing I'm crazy enough to believe me


Geesh! She looks to me like she is still shooting out white pistols everywhere! So many plants look like this and they still go a few more weeks. She’s shooting out purple on her upper leaves, so she looks like she is aging… but look at all those white pistols, she is filling out for sure. Gonna make daddy some fatties! So is your other big gal. Nice plants, Chris. :high-five:
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