B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Tent

Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

cant wait for the pics mate, will be good to see how things are moving along.

@giga, its a great idea, its more than i would need though but for anyone with a big grow it would work out great, it dont sound to complicated either, its more than i can get my head round, so the inlet would provide warm sugar water or just sugar water if the process is all ready making co2, i just dont know enough about yeast to know how long it lives for, would more yeast needed to be added, i know if the alcohol content is to high then the yeast die, but will it continue to produce co2 if the alc content is controlled, and thats what i think your getting at, by detecting the amount of alcohol you could then add more sugar water to bring the content back down by pushing water out the over flow. im sure if someone could dial this in then you could have some sort of timer on the inlet so its set to allow more solution in every couple of days,
it might actually be a good idea, im not sure even if the amount of alcohol needs monitoring, it probably would at first as you would need to know when the yeast is at its best but if you worked out how long it took for the alcohol to get to high then you could set a timer on the inlet and when it was getting high add the sugar solution, i know yeast lives for a long time, but would the adding of the sugar solution lower the yeast content as it went out the over flow, or would the yeast keep going and make as much co2 as it can,

if it can keep producing as long as the alc content didnt get to high then having an over flow and inlet would control the amount of alcohol building up in the tank, if this was then set to a timer and say you let a litre of sugar liquid in every 2 days or so then it might work, but how long can sugar water be kept without fungus or mold issues.

@giga, its a great idea, if i knew more about yeast then id be able to get my head round it a bit more, but im sure their will be some good answers about that idea,
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

So I have been reading about all of you making these homemade CO2 / prison wine makers. I have been making moonshine (hence my screen name) for about the last 10 years and the fermentation process is exactly the same. The only difference is I use 5 gal brewing buckets with vapor locks. I use a sugar-water mixture and a yeast that can withstand up to 22% alcohol. Before I got my grow room up and running, I was using a closet to veg and had the idea to put one of my buckets in there. This idea backfired on me (I actually tested this twice to make sure it was the mash bucket that screwed everything up). I know now that the babies couldn't really use the co2 at that stage and also the room had no ventilation. The results were a crazy strain of fungus (or bacteria, not really sure) that resembled powdery mildew that lived in the top inch or so of soil. It wasn't picky about what kind of plant was growing in the pot as I had numerous houseplants in the closet as well that got equally inhabited.

Now that I am reading about everyone else doing this on a smaller scale, I am willing to try it again. This time around I think I will use an all natural distiller's yeast instead of my regular chemical Turbo yeast. I have ventilation now so I think it will solve the fungus problem. I'm thinking that I just need to watch a ppm meter to determine how frequently to flush the tent. I can also just attach a tube to the top of the vapor lock (beer brewers call them blurpers because of the sound that they make) and run the tube into the tent. This will be a fun experiment combining a couple of hobbies of mine!

Yeast prefers a cool, dark area to do its thing. If you have it directly under your light, you can kill it with heat and if its a dark container, it can heat up as well. I would recommend draping some dark fabric over your container to cut the light and cool it down.

I love the idea of continuous co2. Yeast needs amino acids (food, which it gets from sugars) and oxygen in order to reproduce. When the oxygen is taken away from this equation, the yeast will unsuccessfully continue to try to reproduce and will excrete alcohol and co2 as by-products. As you mentioned, an environment with excessive alcohol will in-turn kill the yeast. If you combat that problem by adding fresh sugar water to lessen the alcohol content and add more food, your yeast will dilute and produce less and less co2. The solution to that would be to continuously add new yeast or give oxygen periodically to allow the yeast to reproduce and gain strength. Your idea would be a great science experiment! I don't know how long it would take for the yeast to reproduce by adding oxygen or even if it could with a percentage of alcohol present. If you try this, please share your findings!
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

so would adding an air stone to the tank make any difference or would that just be over kill for the yeast, on my air pumps on my fish tanks i can adjust the amount of air coming out, so if we had a supply of oxygen via an air pump then would this make the yeast carry on doings its job,

when my 2ltr yeast bottle slowed down id open the lid fully and squeeze the bottle to force any co2 out and allow air to be pulled in when the bottle got it shape back, then i put the lid on and gave it a shake, instantly the bottle would build up with pressure and the yeast would work away for another day or 2, after that id need to add more sugar, but i removed it after a week when it totally stopped working, the alc must of got to high and killed the yeast, but giving it a good shake got it working till the alc got to high, after that i threw it out, but im willing to give it another try, my bottle just vented out the lid and made the room smell of beer, this is what causes the bad bacteria to build up, i was told to have a pipe coming out the lid of the 2ltr bottle and then have this inserted into plain water in a smaller bottle this then vented the co2 into the water and then into the room, this is suppose to stop the smell and any bug problems.
i was also told that not doing that would cause problems as air can get into the sugar solution and make it ideal for bugs so to speak, fungus etc etc, so i made sure that the lid of the 2ltr pop bottle would only vent when it was under some pressure, for instance when you slowly open a fizzy pop bottle you can hear the air coming out and the bottle is still under pressure, so i found a sort of sweet spot where the bottle would only vent out the co2 but it would not allow any air in as it had to have enough pressure built up to push the co2 out,
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

so would adding an air stone to the tank make any difference or would that just be over kill for the yeast, on my air pumps on my fish tanks i can adjust the amount of air coming out, so if we had a supply of oxygen via an air pump then would this make the yeast carry on doings its job,

Just say no to oxygen!! CO2 + alcohol = zero oxygen

The reason why you want to run a tube to a second bottle of water is to allow the co2 to escape without allowing oxygen in. This is essentially creating a vapor lock. The tube comes out of the lid of your 2 ltr into the bottom of your plain water bottle so it bubbles out through the water (one way valve, if you will). I hope this makes sense.
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

Look up magnetic stir plates and stir bars (same principal as a mag drive pump). I use them for my yeast cultures for my homebrewing. It swirls the solution, knocking the micro CO2 bubbles out of suspension. The swirling also mixes in any ambient oxygen and makes more oxygenated solution available to the yeast, which are swirling around in a vortex of perfection (for a yeast cell).
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

whats wrong with the air stone again? you could increase or decrease the airflow to regulat the co2 ppm of your out flow (more air will of course increase flow pressure).

and live yeast breeds no?

yeast sinks and the overflow is high, im pretty sure given the right temprature (tank is probably in your grow room to absorb air warmth) and a constant supply of food there should in theory be enough breeding stocks and clean solution to breed forever...to much yeast will go into the overflow .

the alcohol sensor is optional, you could flush manually, but a alcohol based sensor automates the proccess and ensure the minimum wasted sweet water and heat (from fast swapping liquid).
im pretty sure between o2 bubbler and dialing in custom alcohol trigers, you can choose your own ppm based on your grow room.

i wish i could set up a test, but im poor, plain as...next year should be different =).
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

So everything that I just described is "fermentation" where you cut out the oxygen if you are after alcohol. Google just taught me about "respiration" where oxygen is present. I'm sorry if I spread misinformation, you can create co2 with oxygen. I have never played with yeast in an effort to just get co2.
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

im a yeasty kinda doode, lol i have been using many forms for many reasons (bread,beer,wine,mead,sippin whisky,co2) i have a culture of san fran sourdough i keep in the frige for up to a year it lies dormant and i revive it when i go on a bread (home made sourdough bread,pancakes,waffles muffins etc is da bomb) if i keep up with it its easy to revive if i let it go for say 7-8 months it takes a couple weeks to get it super active, but so far it always comes back, im wondering if it may be a little tougher than say red star bread yeast, perhaps i'll try it, i do need some co2 in all 3 tents, so 2 more gens why not try different yeast strains? and perhaps said o2 supplementation via a small aquarium pump i have 3 i got for hydro im not doing atm, , ne wayz i have some pics to post here in a few min, back in a min:thumb:
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

videos hmmm well yeah im just trying to figure out what to make it about and what i'll talk about, im in the middle of a move and i am sure i will come up with something soon, but if you guys just want a regular redundant video version to the photo update i can do that, or if you have an idea for one you'd like bidstyle im happy to oblige:thumb:pretty much any thing for my 420fam
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

maybe a how to move your secret garden video:)
Re: B.I.D. 3.0 Video Grow - BPN - JDL600 - Coco - GLR - 400WMH - Multi-Strain Tent Pa

you could humor us and embelish a bit, or you could show how making Hooch improves plant groth:laughtwo:
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