Autos Under A Mars Hydro FC 4800: Soilless & FN Fertilizer, By Farside05

Sweet!!! They’re looking denser and denser!

I thought the Banners looked a little fatter yesterday too. Either they are swelling or I'm just starting to put things in perspective and look at them for what they are vs the super fat Trop Cookies.

So I came home this AM with the intention of upcanning the baby Blue Glues. Decided instead to power wash the fabric pots to get some of the crust off them from several grows. Rather than immediately fill them and get dirt stuck to the outside of the container, I hung them over the railing of the deck to dry. Found out the hard way that I have a wasp nest under part of the railing I was using. Took one to the stomach. Luckily it hurts less when they hit you in a fat roll. I'm out of wasp spray so I'll add that to the list for next time I go to the store. Either later today or tomorrow AM I'll finally get to that transplant. I don't see where it's harming them by state ng in their Solo cup homes an extra day or two.
Morning farside. See u got the 4800 light . Mars sent me the (E) series light to try out. So far i like it

Samsung diodes get most of the love, but don't sleep on those Bridgelux diodes in the E series either. I have a home made strip build using Bridgelux 3500k chips. It's grown some great bud.
Samsung diodes get most of the love, but don't sleep on those Bridgelux diodes in the E series either. I have a home made strip build using Bridgelux 3500k chips. It's grown some great bud.
Bro that all Greek to me. . but yes the bridgelux are in the unit . I remember seeing that. Change . Dam good lights ether way. Been awhile since I remember all that kinda stuff. But it's Kool to relearn. I just light the whiteness of the light.
So instead the rest of them got even bigger. :)

I like my way better. Makes it seem like there would be even more weed had I not messed up. :rofl:
Subbing in. Silent observation except the loud laughter at the humour and jokes.

Super informative ,and between the pics and humour, thoroughly entertaining.
Learning and laughing go hand in hand. Cheers mate.

Thanks. Also check out the "Growing Without Bloom Nutes thread. I got a new crop just starting in that thread.
Day 74

The back right has some crazy foxtailing.

Originally I was just gonna grow another round of the Tropicana Cookies Purple after these come down. Scrap that. I just ordered four more auto strains from @Expert Seedbank . Coming soon:

OGesus (this is the best name for a stain ever)
New York Diesel
Purple Sunset
Wedding Cake

The boys have voted for the Diesel and Wedding Cake for the next round.
Day 74

The back right has some crazy foxtailing.

Originally I was just gonna grow another round of the Tropicana Cookies Purple after these come down. Scrap that. I just ordered four more auto strains from @Expert Seedbank . Coming soon:

OGesus (this is the best name for a stain ever)
New York Diesel
Purple Sunset
Wedding Cake

The boys have voted for the Diesel and Wedding Cake for the next round.
I’ve changed my opinion on buds that foxtail as those are. Used to be I would already be bummed if I saw that. Now I know better having just harvested two plants that had significant foxtails much like those. You know what? It’s amazing. The foxtails themselves are super ultra dense and add weight, and they get so frosty it’s insane. Then I do a bit of research on foxtails and find that some growers even make them foxtail on purpose to get higher yields! So while I don’t exactly hope for them, if they’re like yours I have no problem with them whatsoever.
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