Auto Grow

Well good day all.having a few issues with trained bagseed lady again.leafs cupping again.leafs were still cupping this morn when i switched lights back on after been off for 12 hours.the more reading i do the more it drags me back to heat.but my canopy is cool with good air flow and i can put my hand above my plant for 1 minute and dont even feel warm on my i am not 100 percent sure what the problem is the cupping leafs;)
So to tackle the heat even tho i dont think its that.tent doors are gona be kept open for a few days with a big swinging fan blowing nice breeze into the is a pic of what i mean;)
And also in the info i been reading about this could be down to magnese deficiency.have notice 1 of the older leafs on the plant looking like just given the plant a dose of epsom salt this morning.just gota wait a few days now see if any change;) happy growing every1
If I would have to guess I'd say it's root bound and you should of done a normal transplant. What size pot is it in? I remember you saying you just cut the bottom of the pot off and in theory that would cause the roots to grow more down but naturally roots expand in all directions. so maybe you got a little root bound in the top root ball still not sure how you can rectify that....
I did cut bottom of pot off yes and sat into more light mix.i a bigger deeper pot but raised half way out of the new pot so there is enough room under there for new i cnt see it been that;) thanks tho mate;)
Not sure your following what I'm saying.... Since you only opened up area for the roots to expand on the bottom the top portion of the roots is still being confined and not expanding the way they should and the roots won't grow up they grow out and down but never up so all the space where the pot is submerged is also just wasted space probably would of made more sense to of just did a transfer sure it would of given it mild stress but you wouldn't be having the issues you are now this would of worked if say you had a fabric pot or even a smart pot because then the roots would of expanded the way they do naturally. Check your inbox I'll link you an article that I found helpful with all my transplanting.
If you think it's a deficiency just get some alg-a-mic and possibly root juice if you want to keep it bio. :Namaste:
No mate its not rootbound i know for a fact.the way i transplanted was the best and effective way without stress.if i had more veg time to do then i would of potted in a diffrent pot.but cause i was flipping to 12/12. In flower the cannabis plant doesnt really grow any more roots as it does all that in veg to prepare for flower;)
Well repotted bagseed will snaps some pics in morning.she was not rootbound so at least i know im not crazy;) ha ha.roots had made good pace through the strech but had plenty of room left down that rules that signs of stress which is good i supose.did give epsom salt to her this morning see if any change.and just gave plant some plant reviteliser should see her through not time will tell.happy growing every1;)
Good day all its sunday here in the uk bagseed update day.i dropped my phone down the sh1tter so in for repair hence why i been so quiet.not down to my own choice.currently using my wifes phone to update ha ha.had to be she is 4 weeks of flower today.i tried my best to sort those cupping leafs but nothing has worked.but plant looks very healthy thats the anoying im just gna push through flower with her ad i normally would and hope for the best lol.have a great day every1 happy growing;)
I dont test ph mate never have the feed i use is ph perfect;)

Don't test PH either, give only rainwater and nutes are neutral, had no probs.

Your girls doing great,the leaves of the sativa have a nice thin shape, not bushy and shes stretching very well.

Good evening all its monday here in the uk and the autos are doing great.42 days old today. 6 weeks. all at a height at just over 3 and a half foot tall and have bushed out perfectly.still all drinking a litre and a half of water each per day.and they had there first flowering feed on friday just gone;)all still in great health and flowering are some pics;):)
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