Auto Grow

Quick note.plant on far left is auto acid.plant in middle is autoultimate.and the right is think different automatic.these auto s will be getting there second feed of the week today which is dutch pro bloom feed 2.5ml of a and b. also be getting there first splash of explode. dutch pro.0.5ml tnite aswell.make those buds kick right off;) that's all for now peace;)
Dutch pro is not a bad feed I had full line up dutcn pro but kept getting problems in veg with there veg binned it and went back to ad nutes pH perfect veg feed and continued with the dutch pro bloom feed and explode is good sh1t.i
Have pulled 4 ounce dry weight autos so cnt b bad;)just had to tie autoultimate to a side her top leafs are feeling the force of the 600 hps as she is the plant in the middle. Light is max height so can only tie down to protect the ladies if need be. But all flowering well a tent full of buds sites.happy growing every;)
And a close up of flower production.;)each pic is a pic of each plant happy growing every1 have a great day:)
If u look at the top pic.this plant is think different automatic.her canopy looks far more superior than her sisters many bud sites and all the way around the top canopy and a lot more sites up high on this plant.promising ;) but they all look well and in perfect health;)
Exactly what entered my head .monster buds is my aim.time will tell.but this height restriction is not good.that's why I normally top all my autos this is the first time ever I have not topped or trained autos need more room lol;)
Just had to bend and slightly break the main top cola on autoultimate and tie it down.get it away from the light see how she recovers.I'm sure she will be fine by the end of the day;) happy growing every1
Thanks alot nutty mate and thanks med farmer;)I can not wait to see how big those buds are going to get.plant health is all good so a happy gardener:)
Well borrowed misses phone again to grab some quality pics of the ladies 44 days old today. to appreciate the size of these auto specimens;) first up here is auto acid;)
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