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first time grower needing advice once again

I have a question regarding plants getting rootbound . I had 4 plants all photo they are about 50 days into veg grown in soil and 2 turned out to be male and i had to remove them .

Now my question is when i removed the 2 males i saw that they had massive root systems filling the entire pots which are also massive .... when do you consider a plant root bound and what symptoms can i expect to see?

I am going to switch them to flower in a few days just worried how this will effect them

Here is a pic of the 2 girls


Thank you for any advice
They will appear droopy for the most part, if you're a little root bound going into flower you can increase watering and feeding to compensate. Snid always said he prefers being a little root bound at flower that way you can push them harder.

Planning to flower soon going to ease into a bloom feed 10 days before flower.
Did 2 N feedings and over dosed on second one so planning to go very light on the bloom
Any tips for going into flower ? Any help is good
I like to run grow nutes during stretch until pistils show then i switch to bloom nutes. Some transition nutes more slowly. I want bigger colas so thats why i do grow nutes during stretch.

Need some help. These are Pineapple Express but they look odd compared to what I've seen online. There's white spots appearing and also they're quite light green.

This is the other one at a week and 2 days.

I asked and asked and asked bud, nobody will commit to an answer. Trial and error time. Do what your gut tells you.
I would leave them, they're not harming anything. The only real reason that you would trim off leaves as if they are in the way of a potential Bud sight underneath them or if they are sitting on the soil and not allowing air flow and circulation amongst the stems.
Thats what I did pennywise. I picked one plant to do extreme defole on and I got 2.5 oz dry from her but unfortunately the one that I did not defole grew balls so I had no finished product to compare her to
That's what I'll do then! I've got 2 identical Afghan going right now. I'll do some heavy defoliation to one of them around week 3, and I won't do anything extreme to the other. We'll see which has a better outcome✊

I could do with fining this one out so more light can get to the bud sprouts will this be alright or will it use more energy to fix it self? Vast n fast auto



It's got nodes popping up everywhere

Also this green crack I got has exploded and I think this could do with scrog net to hold up the buds whatcha tink
I could do with fining this one out so more light can get to the bud sprouts will this be alright or will it use more energy to fix it self? Vast n fast auto



It's got nodes popping up everywhere

Also this green crack I got has exploded and I think this could do with scrog net to hold up the buds whatcha tink
Nice Dude! Those nodes are way closer together than mine! Howd you do thatm What size is your LED and how close is it to the canopy?
I like to run grow nutes during stretch until pistils show then i switch to bloom nutes. Some transition nutes more slowly. I want bigger colas so thats why i do grow nutes during stretch.

I was thinking of doing the first nute dosage of bloom this Friday than give them 10 or so days to get through the nutes followed by 36 hour period of darkness before changing the photoperiod.
Someone told me to do the 36 hour of darkness cuz it's good for preparing the plants for the switch is this a good idea ?

Heres where I am and briefly how I got here. Used miracle gro moisture control soil, mistake, its loaded with enough nutes for 6 months 24-8-16. By sheer luck this allowed me to add only water till almost flower time. I never heard of flushing but was doin it alot and probly washin out some of their nutes. Topped em a tad late. Left the leaves till it got so crowded I had to defoil didnt go nuts with that. If it felt humid I vented, same with heat. Just changed the timer to 12/12 shut myself in and delt with any light. Paid attention here. Consulted utube videos.
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