Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Strains

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Both Candi and Britney needed watering today. We tried to wait until later in the day so that they aren't being always fed 6 hours early on Saturday and Sunday.

  • Brit continues on full strength DNF Bloom A+B and half strength calmag+ at 844ppm and 5.7 PH
  • Candi got flushed with straight bubbled tap waterat 161ppm and 5.8 PH, deciding her future the next time she's dry.

Family pics:

Tall NL (80 days, 11.6 lbs down from 13.4 yesterday):

Britney! (72 days, 9.6 lbs before watering, 15.6 after):

Candi (80 days, 11.4 lbs before watering, 21.2 after):

Together for watering:

Back in the tent:

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Following last weekend's loss of Droopy (CKS Northern Lights auto) and Trudy (CKS Candy Cane auto) to this weekend's curing jars, we decided that Candi and Britney should finish out their days each with their own light.

This meant Rev (CKS Revolver auto) and the last remaining CKS Northern Lights (I regret referring to her as "Tall NL", she was never very tall, just our tallest) had to stretch their feet and take a trip over to the top of the veg tent in smaller pieces.

First up was Rev, and since Droops and Trudy got a tribute, I have to do the rest.

Rev started as an afterthought, along with her sister Britney. We'd ordered seeds online on the Friday before the weekend we set this all up on Halloween night. Then we bought the Candy Cane and Northern Lights locally and made them the first four, then planted the two air pots when the other seeds arrived.

She was slow to germinate, the only one that took more than three days to sprout after germination and remained a good week or so behind her sister Britney, right up until the accident of course, where britney was put back at least two weeks. At that point became the "best" one we had in an air pot, or so we thought at the time.

Anyway, enough of the prologue.

One Week old:

Two Weeks:

Three Weeks:

(Wow, they were ALL soo droopy in early december, this was before we learned how to water)

Four Weeks:

(Right around the time we LSTed her the first time)

After a couple dozen increasing bends of the top to loosen up her stem, we bend her over and strap her down below the rest of the upward growth:

Five Weeks:

Rev is stretching her tops up in a nice little ring. She got soaked with the same nutes as Trudy:

It was during this week that we first noticed the twin tops developing:

Six Weeks:

Seven Weeks:

Her twin tops:

Eight Weeks:

Nine Weeks:

And Finally, Tonight's Pictures:

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Rev's Harvest, continued

Without her big fan leaves:

Tons of small nugs going into the grade A extracts/cooking pile:

Random nug shots, one of the last times I'll take the twin tops pics :( :

Her skeleton:

And roots:

Got a little carried away shooting pics in the drying space, sorry folks:

We didn't get a wet weight as hung in the tent. We know that the scale read 6.4 lbs before harvesting and 4.4 lbs with just her skeleton left. So about two pounds of plant material, stems and popcorn included, before drying.

What we can say for sure is WOW, the NYC Diesel ancestry sure comes out at harvest time. Biz had to step away from her a few times, and my eyes were definitely watering. She's powerful!

Eating a popcorn bud was spicy, Biz says peppery.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Harvests continued

Biz grabbed a couple pics of Rev's roots after we extracted most of it from the medium:

We decided to go ahead with the staged harvest, so Tall NL lost her top:

Hanging in the tent:

Remaining bits:

We'll leave the bottom for another couple days, maybe up to a week even, we'll see.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Again Candi and Britney needed watering, every day for both of them now.

  • Candi got flushed with straight bubbled tap water at 150ppm and 5.7 PH, her runoff is 885ppm, so she's got a ton of nutes still left in the soil, she can use that for the next couple of days and we'll make a final call on her.
  • Britney got continues on full strength DNF Bloom A+B and half strength calmag+ at 820ppm and 5.8 PH

Family pics:

Candi (81 days, 14.0 lbs before watering, 21.6 after (up .4 since yesterday's watering)) She went 21.2 to 14.0 in a day, that's the largest drop in weight we'd ever seen in a day:

Britney (73 days, 8.4 lbs before watering, 15.8 after(up .2 since yesterday)) While still marvelling at how much water Candi used, this girl went 15.6 to 8.4, exactly the same as Candi. Candi is in a 3g round plastic nursey pot, but this poor girl is in a 1.5g airpot. She was bone dry. I'm betting we're going to have to add a morning half feeding in the next day or two. Don't want her suffering under-watering this late into flowering:

What's left of "tall" NL (9.6 lbs, down from 11.6 yesterday) so she's still going through a bit under a liter of water a day. Hmmm...

Back in the tent:

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Hey there. Enjoying your journal. You're doing a hell of a job.

I started out with DNF back in the day (haven't grown for years). It was a good place to start but I quickly found out there was much better nutes out there for a comparable price. The difference was noticeable right away when I used a 3 part proprietary mix from another local shop. I'm sure you'll get to shopping around as you carry on with this most awesome of hobbies. Or go organic ;) Cheers !
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Hey there. Enjoying your journal. You're doing a hell of a job.

I started out with DNF back in the day (haven't grown for years). It was a good place to start but I quickly found out there was much better nutes out there for a comparable price. The difference was noticeable right away when I used a 3 part proprietary mix from another local shop. I'm sure you'll get to shopping around as you carry on with this most awesome of hobbies. Or go organic ;) Cheers !

Man, I'm so glad you decided to comment. First thank for the kudos! We were brand new three months ago and we're just beyond happy with how well it eventually went.

I've yet to find anyone else using DNF, so that alone was enough to get me excited. We knew DNF was bottom end, but figured we'd set a baseline to compare against. Of course it won't be completely accurate as there were other issues besides the quality of the nutes. My issue is I get sucked into looking into the most expensive, then bauk at the price and ended up starting our second grow on DNF as well. I'm going to take your advice and look at the lower price range products again.

Thanks Cleetus!
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

It's been a little while since i checked in on your journal and i see i have some catch up reading to do but from where i last left off to this page all i can say is Wow! The girls look amazing. Great job!
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

I'm a bit obsessive with posting my daily journal entry, I don't think I've missed many besides a couple nights over Christmas. I'm not even sure my own co-grower, Jaybiz, is anywhere near up to date. I think he gave up along with most.

"Uggh, this guy and his journal, again! Unsubscribe!"

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

I am become death, destroyer of LEDs.

First it was my Spider x4 back on the 24th of November:

and two months later, almost to the day, I lost one of my Mars II 900s to a very similar problem.

Moved the remaining Mars II 900 to cover the three reasonably well, took pics and sent them off to Mars support (expect to hear back later tonight or by morning I'd guess) and will look into wiring on a new outlet later tonight if I feel up to it. Pulled another massive cold or flu out of the crowd, two in three weeks dammit.

Here's what I know for sure:

  1. This is not a problem with a specific vendor, I see this type of stuff with IT equipment all the time.
  2. This is not a significant fire hazard, as the devices fail safe (off) and the likelihood of burning down my house is greater from a charging cell phone/tablet.
  3. Better to have two 900 than one 1800, not only for ease of positioning in the normal working state, but also so a single failure isn't as impactful.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Damn arteekay!!! Well, there's a problem somewhere. Two panels melting out like that suggests to me a wiring problem in the house. That's not your take on this? Good luck with customer service. Be safe.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Damn arteekay!!! Well, there's a problem somewhere. Two panels melting out like that suggests to me a wiring problem in the house. That's not your take on this? Good luck with customer service. Be safe.

Agreed but it's odd that it took 2 months to do it.... You'd think if it were a wiring problem it'd have happened right away now over time. Sorry to hear RTK I'm waiting to hear how Mars reacts as I have 2 of their panels also
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

I would probably not worry to much about a bad wiring job. Bare in mind I'm saying that from a statistical analysis point of view rather then electrical knowledge. Just because it happened twice while unlikely to happen to any individual person is likely in general to happen to someone. It's hard for our minds to understand probability especially when we can't actually calculate the odds of it happening. Just my two cents :lot-o-toke:
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Damn arteekay!!! Well, there's a problem somewhere. Two panels melting out like that suggests to me a wiring problem in the house. That's not your take on this? Good luck with customer service. Be safe.

The problem is manyfold, a few corners cut here and there increase the failure rate a few percentage points, and our desperate need for the next best new and improved model doesn't help of course, but it's the world we all accepted and tend to love more than hate. Forgive my CKS Candy Cane induced tangents...

I'm a huge nerd, a half dozen tablets, a few laptops, a server or two and home theatre pcs running kodi/xbmc, etc. and they all have a below average failure rate.

I think I'm just unlucky with the cheap wiring in these units.

Agreed but it's odd that it took 2 months to do it.... You'd think if it were a wiring problem it'd have happened right away now over time. Sorry to hear RTK I'm waiting to hear how Mars reacts as I have 2 of their panels also

I did have them daisy chained. I was told in December by their sales rep that their cords can carry up to 1000w and it was a supported configuration. Once I get it back up and running it won't be daisy chained again. I don't even have a really good reason why I did it other than I could. The extension cord they both originally were plugged into is rated to 3600w, so why would I introduce a higher load on the wiring in the first light? Dumb even if supported by the warranty.

Anyway. I've just received confirmation that Mars will be shipping me a new socket and cord. I don't really need to use their cord of course, but figured they may as well give me another one.

I was a little disappointed that I had to point out I didn't just need the cord. They had the picture where the socket is clearly charred with melted plastic yet didn't mention it in their first reply. I fear others may have just accepted the cord and attempted to reuse the burned part within the light. ERG!

I would probably not worry to much about a bad wiring job. Bare in mind I'm saying that from a statistical analysis point of view rather then electrical knowledge. Just because it happened twice while unlikely to happen to any individual person is likely in general to happen to someone. It's hard for our minds to understand probability especially when we can't actually calculate the odds of it happening. Just my two cents :lot-o-toke:

And how unlikely will it be if i burn out another one around the 25th of March, three in 6 months evenly spaced every two months?

I'm not that lucky.

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

What a difference losing the second light made in this tent. Temps that were at about 84-86 (shooting for 85 by choice under LEDs) is now 74, and humidity that we wanted and were getting to around 40% is now 53%.

So they didn't just lose half their light, their environment changed so that they are now basically experiencing a wet Autumn. Transpiration is down as well, as estimated from approximate water usage by weight change day over day. Candi sucked through 7 pounds yesterday, and 5 today. Britney did 7 yesterday and 4 today.

There's a bright side for sure. We didn't have to do anything with them today. Didn't predict a night off for a couple more weeks. :)

The remaining tops from the "tall" Northern Lights' staged harvest are basically done at this point, maybe a liter or less in water in the pot and most of it in likely in super humid air. We're still going to leave her for another day or two just to really stress her out.

Since we have enough in cure and already drying to carry us through the harvest of the second grow, we're not really that fussed about it. We'll lose a bit of the potential of Candi and Brit, but... meh, no big deal.

We're so far beyond where we originally envisioned three short months ago that we're now completely different people that we would have been otherwise! :rofl:

Jaybiz has already become a weed-snob, took all of five days. :)

Family pics:

Candi (82 days, 17.6 lbs down from 21.2 yesterday):

Brit (74 days, 11.8 lbs down from 15.8 yesterday:

What remains of Tall NL (82 days, 8.8 lbs down from 9.6 yesterday):

Back in the tent:
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