Hey Antics, looking forward to some pics. Got a couple of Questions for ya, generally speaking if one wanted to grown only 4 girls at a time in veg for up to 8 weeks, approx. what kinda dimensions for a room/cabinet would you suggest? and how many times do you normally transplant for the entire duration of the girls life?
I try to transplant only once, as I've found that the larger the soil/medium mass is, the easier it can break apart, and when it breaks apart, it can also break roots as well. I haven't done enough transplanting with coco to compare, but soil seems to stay together best when moist, but not wet. It should look, and feel moist, and be fully watered, but not dripping, and shouldn't drip even if you squeezed a ball of the soil, if that helps. At least that's what always worked for me.
Coco may be a different animal entirely, so far transplanting from a small 3" pot (7.5cm) was pretty easy, and didn't fall apart, but now with starting a Veg cabinet with some bigger pots, I'll see how well the larger pots will transplant, or if they'll fall apart on me.
With a Veg and Flower area running, I'll have to see what works best; starting in 3" pots, moving to 1gal, then to final pots, OR maybe just starting them in the 1gal, then moving them to the final pots.
But basically, I prefer to go from the small seedling pot into the final pot, but I'll have to change things now, and will learn more as I go.
Now the cabinet question is pretty loaded with variables. 8 weeks is pretty long for most standard cabinets, with 4 plants inside. Do you have a cabinet in mind? Or will this be a custom build?
It would help knowing the type of lighting you plan to use as well, that'll let us know how much height we have available to grow the plants in. The different types of lighting all have different strengths and weaknesses, CFL, LED, and HID, and training the plant differently each way can help take advantage of the lighting available.
Let me know what the basic plan is for things and I'll give you an idea what I'd do with it all. Like the number of bulbs, led panels, hid, the wattages, etc...